Zone1 Proof White Privilege Is Real

Are you the taliban? Are you going to go around and tell women in bikini tops they are showing too much titty? Pass a law against it?

I think you guys are pushing it on what is obscene. And what's good for the goose (straight people) needs to be goof for the gander (gays)

I can find lots of inappropriate attire in the straight community. Remember thongs?

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Why are thongs inappropriate?
When you see a man and woman kiss you go awww. When you see two men kissing you go ewww.

I do it too. But the other day I was watching Ghosts UK and they had a lesbian wedding. I cried when they kissed. I didn't go ewwww or get aroused. Maybe one day being gay won't be ewww and your kids will stop picking on them. And growing up to discriminate against them. That's the hope.

I get it. I still haven't watched Brokeback Mountain.
I’ve watched it but my husband won’t.
The two most privileged people in the entire world are the Obama daughters who are as black as coal.

Try again.
Stop using 1-2 blacks to argue against things like this. Because if I used David Duke and Fuentes to claim all whites are racist YOU would be the first to whine.
In every culture of every "color" the majority tends to have advantages over minorities. "White" has nothing to do with it except for those hoping to perpetuate "race" differences.
BS. South Africa during Apartheid is a prime example that refutes your opinion. The white majority here was made by attempted genocide and exclusion of non white immigrants.
Many............scratch that, most white people have never known privilege

You are insane.
Whites do know privilege and when that term is used, it is not used to mean wealth or affluencce.
White privilege means you can whine about being discriminated against when you are 70 percent of the workforce and 80 percent of the management.
BS. South Africa during Apartheid is a prime example that refutes your opinion. The white majority here was made by attempted genocide and exclusion of non white immigrants.
Proving humans can be depraved is not the same as proving one race is worse than another.
I’ve watched it but my husband won’t.
I think I'm ready. I hear it's a really good movie. But god damn that's gross. Two cowboys fucking in a tent out in the woods? Shit dick? I defend gays but there is nothing attractive to me about men. Even the hot ones. That's how I know I'm not gay. I've never looked at a really good looking guy and said "ok now him I'd like fuck my ass" or "I'd love to fuck his ass" or "I'd love to blow him or visa versa". Just ewww!! So it's kind of hard for me to watch a movie about it.

I believe this is why gays are all over the media. To normalize it. And Ron DiSantis can suck my dick. They want gays to go back in the closet. I don't like them pushing the indecency envelope but you know who's to blame for that? Women. Women's lib. It all started when they started dressing scantily. Do you know what I mean? Conservatives back then said those women were being inappropriate and showing too much skin. Think about how much more skin women show in public today. So you can't treat gays different. Just like marriage. If you can have it, they want it too.

So tell your ladies to cover up and be more modest. Stop being indecent. For example, you can not defend the way this woman is dressed. It's like her balls are hanging out.

So you don't want to address what I said to MizMolly? If you want gays to tone down the way they dress, I want this woman to put her tits away. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You guys haven't shown me trans doing anything illegal. Or anything I haven't see straight people do i public. Are we really going to tell women to coverup their tits? I think not. Nor do I want to. I'm just making a point.

Soon women are going to go around topless and say if men can do it so can they. Will you outlaw that? Perhaps you're a prude. You seem sexually bothered by trannies. Do they arouse your penis? Not mine. I don't care what they do. Kids probably laugh it off.
Here is a rare occasion where a Republican admits it's real

This is why I love this Hunter Biden story. It is a perfect example that white privilege exists and Republicans know it. All their sons are pretty much just as privileged as Hunter.

In the future, please don't say white privilege doesn't exist.
No, Presidentail privilege from our lawless President is the answer there. Only a few people in the whole country could defy two Congressional contempt situations.
You are either stupid or just trying to get people going.
Here is a rare occasion where a Republican admits it's real

This is why I love this Hunter Biden story. It is a perfect example that white privilege exists and Republicans know it. All their sons are pretty much just as privileged as Hunter.

In the future, please don't say white privilege doesn't exist.

It's actually DemoKKKrat privilege.

If this was Donald Trump, Jr. he'd be in prison and the media would be covering the story 24/7, while you cheered.
No, Presidentail privilege from our lawless President is the answer there. Only a few people in the whole country could defy two CongressioInal contempt situations.
You are either stupid or just trying to get people going.
Is Jim Jordan one of them? I count 6

GOP-led committees are recommending that the House find Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena. Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, is being called out for his hypocrisy, because he also defied a congressional subpoena

Florida Democrat Jared Moskowitz tore into Republicans for wanting to hold Biden in contempt. “I’ll make this bipartisan. I’ll vote for the Hunter contempt today,” Moskowitz said. “You can get my vote, but I want you to show the American people that you’re serious.”

Moskowitz then proceeded to enter into the record subpoenas for multiple Republican representatives to testify before the House January 6 investigative committee. As Moskowitz pointed out, Scott Perry, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs, and Kevin McCarthy all refused to appear before the committee.

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