Property is Liberty, and Regulation Is Theft

You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

All of the following she has revealed -

she's an immigrant. she's well off in NYC. she doesn't have a job.

...and she's obsessed with bitching about the poor.
she was adopted from Asia as a child
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

All of the following she has revealed -

she's an immigrant. she's well off in NYC. she doesn't have a job.

...and she's obsessed with bitching about the poor.
she was adopted from Asia as a child
Screwed up by missionaries...One day collecting water buffalo dung, the next day cleaning American dung on toilets....So begins the journey to intelligence beyond the average Einstein...
The absolutists are causing the GOP great harm.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months.

Gee....a fence-sitter who is deathly afraid of taking a real position on serious issues, with a vapid post in a thread to which he voluntarily subscribed.... unusual that he wasn't able to take position.

Some things never change.
I certainly wouldn't expect you to like that post.

Oh, and I'll invite you once again -- what is this, four, five times now?? -- to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them.

Should I hold my breath?

" to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them."

I've always claimed that you weren't stupid, just cowardly.

This post, of course, places you firmly in both categories.

"....toss out any issues you'd like..."
Just what do you imagine both the title and OP represent??????
Yeah, I never expect straight answers here.

The comment that upset you so was taking a position, and you didn't like the position, so you went with the intellectually dishonest "fence sitter" meme.

Keep playing this game, I'm used to it from you.
The absolutists are causing the GOP great harm.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months.

Gee....a fence-sitter who is deathly afraid of taking a real position on serious issues, with a vapid post in a thread to which he voluntarily subscribed.... unusual that he wasn't able to take position.

Some things never change.
I certainly wouldn't expect you to like that post.

Oh, and I'll invite you once again -- what is this, four, five times now?? -- to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them.

Should I hold my breath?

" to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them."

I've always claimed that you weren't stupid, just cowardly.

This post, of course, places you firmly in both categories.

"....toss out any issues you'd like..."
Just what do you imagine both the title and OP represent??????
Yeah, I never expect straight answers here.

The comment that upset you so was taking a position, and you didn't like the position, so you went with the intellectually dishonest "fence sitter" meme.

Keep playing this game, I'm used to it from you.

Now, focus like a laser:

What's your position?

C'mon can do it.
We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
That is not what you said. You said property owners were forced to sell their property for pennies on the dollar. I asked you for an example.
Fair market value has a legal definition. Property owners losing property to eminent domain have a system by which to argue the "fair market value". No matter how unfair or how much you disagree with the legal proceedings and process, it does not equal your pennies to the dollar claim.
Jury sides with land owner in eminent domain case

Land taken for less than half what it was worth
So the guy took the government to court, won, and got what he considered being fair market value. But your example still does not equate to pennies on the dollar.

How much did he have to spend to get the government to pay?

And 50 cents on the dollar is pennies on the dollar

How many people can't afford to take the government to court

And we haven't even touched on the many abuses of eminent domain such as the government transferring ownership of property to a private party for development at reduced costs
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..
"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

The absolutists are causing the GOP great harm.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months.

Gee....a fence-sitter who is deathly afraid of taking a real position on serious issues, with a vapid post in a thread to which he voluntarily subscribed.... unusual that he wasn't able to take position.

Some things never change.
I certainly wouldn't expect you to like that post.

Oh, and I'll invite you once again -- what is this, four, five times now?? -- to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them.

Should I hold my breath?

" to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them."

I've always claimed that you weren't stupid, just cowardly.

This post, of course, places you firmly in both categories.

"....toss out any issues you'd like..."
Just what do you imagine both the title and OP represent??????
Yeah, I never expect straight answers here.

The comment that upset you so was taking a position, and you didn't like the position, so you went with the intellectually dishonest "fence sitter" meme.

Keep playing this game, I'm used to it from you.

Now, focus like a laser:

What's your position?

C'mon can do it.
Okay, I'll say it again. Focus like a laser.

You'd be helped by backing away from the radio for a few months. And probably all right wing web sites.

You're existing in a hardcore right wing ideological bubble, a conservative echo chamber. It's impossible to take people like that seriously, as narcissistic as they are.

Or stay in it and keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing. Your call. Free country.

Is there anything I can do to make that more clear for you?
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times. A dooms day prediction for the environmentalist movement written in 1992.
First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times.

Rectitude has no time limit.

Why would a right go out of fashion?

Fascists like you might find that the era of 'freedom of speech' is over.

I don't.

Fascists,....sometimes known as Liberals.....made the very same argument about the Constitution, as FDR did, and Wm. Brennan in endorsing the "living Constitution," a way to destroy the Constitution.

Obama appointed an unmerited jurist, Kagan, to the Supreme Court....a woman who believes in government outlawing speech it doesn't agree with.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times.

Rectitude has no time limit.

Why would a right go out of fashion?

Fascists like you might find that the era of 'freedom of speech' is over.

I don't.

Fascists,....sometimes known as Liberals.....made the very same argument about the Constitution, as FDR did, and Wm. Brennan in endorsing the "living Constitution," a way to destroy the Constitution.

Obama appointed an unmerited jurist, Kagan, to the Supreme Court....a woman who believes in government outlawing speech it doesn't agree with.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

More rubbish from Jonah Goldberg.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times.

Rectitude has no time limit.

Why would a right go out of fashion?

Fascists like you might find that the era of 'freedom of speech' is over.

I don't.

Fascists,....sometimes known as Liberals.....made the very same argument about the Constitution, as FDR did, and Wm. Brennan in endorsing the "living Constitution," a way to destroy the Constitution.

Obama appointed an unmerited jurist, Kagan, to the Supreme Court....a woman who believes in government outlawing speech it doesn't agree with.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

Goldberg is an asshole spawned by what became one of the most hated women in America. He is a low rent propagandist commentator of ill repute.
a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.


You can't protect the environment if you can't pass laws against industries dumping toxic waste into our rivers, property rights notwithstanding.
If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times.

Rectitude has no time limit.

Why would a right go out of fashion?

Fascists like you might find that the era of 'freedom of speech' is over.

I don't.

Fascists,....sometimes known as Liberals.....made the very same argument about the Constitution, as FDR did, and Wm. Brennan in endorsing the "living Constitution," a way to destroy the Constitution.

Obama appointed an unmerited jurist, Kagan, to the Supreme Court....a woman who believes in government outlawing speech it doesn't agree with.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

Goldberg is an asshole spawned by what became one of the most hated women in America. He is a low rent propagandist commentator of ill repute.

And thus he makes PC's list of brainiacs.
One thing liberal is the (erroneous) use of the term fascist.

If the shoe fits, you'd best wear it.

You might take notes on the following quiz....

Here is a little quiz that will show just how wrong you are:

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies, classical liberals...i.e., conservatism.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

lol, they want to be compensated for losing their 'rights' to pollute?

That would sound like RW parody if we didn't know the RW'ers so well.
One thing liberal is the (erroneous) use of the term fascist.

If the shoe fits, you'd best wear it.

You might take notes on the following quiz....

Here is a little quiz that will show just how wrong you are:

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies, classical liberals...i.e., conservatism.

Conservatism does no such thing. Conservatism has fought individual rights every step of the way.
If your claim is that demanding the rights to property you own is 'extremism,' are definitely in the running for the "Unintentional Humor" award for today.

Speak up.
The extremism is the fact that you think that people that live in their community don't get involved in land laws..or land use..You also have the inability to decipher that what you are complaining about is done by the will of the people in a community or for a community to stay static or being used to spoil the land...
Yes the tree huggers are annoying and take the idea of protecting nature seriously..People that buy the land to exploit the resources are the opposite side...Yet the processes of the system in the USA is that you can use that land as long as the community allows you to do as such..
It is a system which is not going to make all people happy.. People that exploit the land are some of the worse abusers of taking away property from other land owners to use as they desire..
Nature lovers are only trying to conserve....Yet they infringe on the rights of commercial; land owners...
It is left up to the power of the groups representing their interest and the winners are sometimes the imminent domain people, and sometimes the community as a whole...Whether it is an issue of denial of rights, well that swings both ways.....No system is perfect, nor will it ever the courts decide...that is the whey American society works..

A lot of effort there!

Good for you! I'm gonna have to destroy it.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19—Angry about regulations that control the use of their land, mining and timber companies, developers, farmers and other rural landowners have organized a movement that represents the strongest challenge to date to the nation's principal environmental laws.

In the most successful tactic they have discovered so far, the [private property] movement's lawyers have been filing lawsuits for the last two years in a little-known Federal court in Washington, the United States Claims Court.

Arguing that the rapid increase of environmental regulations in the last 20 years has restricted their right to use their own property,
the landowners say such restrictions are tantamount to a "taking" of land. They argue that just like landowners whose property is seized for roads, bridges, parks or other public purposes, they are entitled to just compensation as provided by the Fifth Amendment. Backing in Congress

"Congress never envisioned that the Endangered Species Act would be used by the preservationists to eliminate jobs and people's homes, and push people around the way it has," ....

"The Government issues more and more regulations, and we're losing local control over our land."

.... environmental leaders say the lawsuits could cripple the Government's ability to enforce its basic environmental laws by making them too expensive to enforce." ENVIRONMENT LAWS FACE A STIFF TEST FROM LANDOWNERS

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Here the admission by this Eco-Nazi:

a. "We can't protect our nation's environment if we are going to give in to private property rights."
Warren T. Brookes, "War on Property Rights," Washington Times.

Any day now this article will have an impact and be relevant. Just give it a little more time. It only needs another few months to be a quarter century old and behind times.

Rectitude has no time limit.

Why would a right go out of fashion?

Fascists like you might find that the era of 'freedom of speech' is over.

I don't.

Fascists,....sometimes known as Liberals.....made the very same argument about the Constitution, as FDR did, and Wm. Brennan in endorsing the "living Constitution," a way to destroy the Constitution.

Obama appointed an unmerited jurist, Kagan, to the Supreme Court....a woman who believes in government outlawing speech it doesn't agree with.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

Goldberg is an asshole spawned by what became one of the most hated women in America. He is a low rent propagandist commentator of ill repute.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.

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