Property is Liberty, and Regulation Is Theft

Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot


.....or apparatchik?

There does seem to be an overlap......
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off

That's how you lost your home?

Sorry no unlike you I pay my bills on time

But I did have some fucknut from the DOT tell me that if I wanted to put a sign up on my property that I would have to pay rent to the state for a sign on my own property if they deemed it to be too close to the road
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
That is not what you said. You said property owners were forced to sell their property for pennies on the dollar. I asked you for an example.
Fair market value has a legal definition. Property owners losing property to eminent domain have a system by which to argue the "fair market value". No matter how unfair or how much you disagree with the legal proceedings and process, it does not equal your pennies to the dollar claim.
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

Due process if it's done legally.

Can you tell us what is being stolen if the government requires you to have an approved sewer system on your residential or business property?

That has nothing to do with taking someone's home but if the property already has an adequate private septic system then there is no reason to force anyone to pay for public sewage
When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
That is not what you said. You said property owners were forced to sell their property for pennies on the dollar. I asked you for an example.
Fair market value has a legal definition. Property owners losing property to eminent domain have a system by which to argue the "fair market value". No matter how unfair or how much you disagree with the legal proceedings and process, it does not equal your pennies to the dollar claim.

Sure it can.

There can be no fair market value if the owner of a home would never sell it. So if the government tell you it's worth 100K and you wouldn't sell it for a million then the 100K is pennies on the dollar

If you have a mortgage for 300K and the government says your house is only worth 150K they will take from you at half what you paid and leave you to deal with the bank who will call in your loan because you no longer have the property to secure it
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.

When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off

That's how you lost your home?

Sorry no unlike you I pay my bills on time

But I did have some fucknut from the DOT tell me that if I wanted to put a sign up on my property that I would have to pay rent to the state for a sign on my own property if they deemed it to be too close to the road

Hmmm......seems to be similar adventure in healthcare.

Almost 90% of folks with healthcare insurance were more than satisfied with same when the Liar-in-Chief forced them to pay increased premiums for new policies.....

The examples of tyranny keep mounting.
When the government can take the land you own or the house you live in at any time what do you call it?

I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
That is not what you said. You said property owners were forced to sell their property for pennies on the dollar. I asked you for an example.
Fair market value has a legal definition. Property owners losing property to eminent domain have a system by which to argue the "fair market value". No matter how unfair or how much you disagree with the legal proceedings and process, it does not equal your pennies to the dollar claim.
Jury sides with land owner in eminent domain case

Land taken for less than half what it was worth
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
The absolutists are causing the GOP great harm.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months.

Gee....a fence-sitter who is deathly afraid of taking a real position on serious issues, with a vapid post in a thread to which he voluntarily subscribed.... unusual that he wasn't able to take position.

Some things never change.
I certainly wouldn't expect you to like that post.

Oh, and I'll invite you once again -- what is this, four, five times now?? -- to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them.

Should I hold my breath?
I call it democracy. The People, right or wrong, gave the government that power.

We'll see of you feel that way when the government tells you it's taking your home and paying you pennies on the dollar for it leaving you with a huge mortgage balance to pay off
When and where did that happen? Pennies on the dollar instead of fair market value after a legal process and a public hearing? Maybe you have an example of the government getting private property for pennies on the dollar.

When the owner of a home has no intention of selling it then there is no fair market value
When there can be no competition among potential buyers there is no fair market value

If the owner has future plans for the property that will greatly increase it's value then there is no air market value

If an owner has a mortgage and the value of his property drops then he is being forced to sell at a loss

If you think it doesn't happen then you are an idiot
That is not what you said. You said property owners were forced to sell their property for pennies on the dollar. I asked you for an example.
Fair market value has a legal definition. Property owners losing property to eminent domain have a system by which to argue the "fair market value". No matter how unfair or how much you disagree with the legal proceedings and process, it does not equal your pennies to the dollar claim.
Jury sides with land owner in eminent domain case

Land taken for less than half what it was worth
So the guy took the government to court, won, and got what he considered being fair market value. But your example still does not equate to pennies on the dollar.
The absolutists are causing the GOP great harm.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months.

Gee....a fence-sitter who is deathly afraid of taking a real position on serious issues, with a vapid post in a thread to which he voluntarily subscribed.... unusual that he wasn't able to take position.

Some things never change.
I certainly wouldn't expect you to like that post.

Oh, and I'll invite you once again -- what is this, four, five times now?? -- to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them.

Should I hold my breath?

" to toss out any issues you'd like and I'll provide my specific opinions and ideas on them."

I've always claimed that you weren't stupid, just cowardly.

This post, of course, places you firmly in both categories.

"....toss out any issues you'd like..."
Just what do you imagine both the title and OP represent??????
Everything is 'theft' to the RWnuts. It's hilarious.
We wouldn't think it was "theft" if we kept our own shit that we worked for...

Of course, all of the lazy, shiftless Democrats that we have to support would scream bloody murder if that happened, wouldn't they???

Explain how a government would operate if all taxes were voluntary and the government was prohibited from passing regulatory legislation.
Taxes to defend our nation and pay for necessary infrastructure ARE necessary...

However, taxes to support a bunch of worthless bums (AKA Democrats), really wouldn't be, if those bums would just get off their lazy asses and GET A JOB...

After all, Obungles created TONS of jobs they can have, didn't he???

Or are all of you Democrats LYING about that, too???

So taxes should be voluntary, since you only want to pay the ones you like?

Would you like to abandon democratic government so a rightwing oligarchy could run the country?
So in other words, you are dead set on "proving" the assertion that Democrats should be able to take working peoples' property, against their will, and give it to a bunch of bums where they can afford to lay around and do nothing all day, right???

The loser Democrats need to get a job....

Or if they won't work, get used to being broke...

Was that a yes or a no?
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

I think she's in a rent controlled property too, which makes it even funnier.
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

All of the following she has revealed -

she's an immigrant. she's well off in NYC. she doesn't have a job.

...and she's obsessed with bitching about the poor.
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

All of the following she has revealed -

she's an immigrant. she's well off in NYC. she doesn't have a job.

...and she's obsessed with bitching about the poor.
She must be married to an Army officer....same dislocated ID syndrome..
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
You mean regs like; If you have animals you must fence them in or you can legally lose them if they run free on another persons property? Or Benton county Ark. where the GOP is strongly entrenched and the regs there make you use a dog leash to walk your dogs, even in the rural areas??
You do know that people that own property also desire most of the property regs?

"...people that own property also desire most of the property regs?"

Now for reality:

9. Professor Wallace Kaufman, environmental activist and former president of several environmental groups, admits: "Environmentalists overwhelmingly back regulations and discount the costs. When people object, environmentalists too easily assume that they are driven by greed and callousness....the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation admit no virtue or honor among property rights activists.

Environmentalists like to say that the choice is between self-interest and public-interest, but if I want my roadside to look natural to please my eye, or a wilderness where I can see grizzlies, isn't that also self-interest?"
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 118-119

For Liberals, the hoi polloi of the environmental movement, opponents are never 'wrong,' they are evil, malevolent, of the lowest endeavors.

Mark well what Kaufman says:

"There is no evidence that property rights activists love nature less than other Americans. And they may be fighting for a tradition that is even more basic to the American psyche and system of government. Environmentalists who plan to pit environmental regulations against property rights may lose more than they gain."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 121.

Folks who love their rights to their own property certainly don't yearn for bureaucrats and other leftists telling them what what is best for them.

Stop lying.
I can tell you live in the big city...You have no idea how rural folks live and operate..

First of all, based on the depth of my research, I am an expert on each and every subject I choose to post about.
The spankings I've administered to you and your ilk should apprise you of same.

But....don't just rely on me.....

I just provided an expert who kicked your post over the goalposts.
This guy:
"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, purports that the environmental movement, like any large movement, has become a large machine, a large system of power with its own agenda, which includes controlling versions of the truth. The author identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world."
No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking: Wallace Kaufman: 9780595000999: Books

This is the second time I'm having to say this: stop lying.
Being an expert still does not take the bad taste of extremism away..

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