Proposal - eliminate taxes on business, charge them fee for service instead


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Proposal - eliminate taxes on business, charge them fee for service instead.

They will pay no taxes.

Instead they will pay fee for use.

They want to use frontage on a public road? They pay the owner of that road (be it government or private) a fee for the use of it. The permits can be auctioned to the highest bidder.

They want to transport stuff on the roads? Fee per mile.

They want police protection for their property - they pay per dollar worth of the property being protected.

If they hire anyone who has received part of their education on the public dollar - they will have to pay for that as well.

How does that sound to yoose guys? NO TAXES. You gotta love that. And since you're all rugged individualists is doubtful you'll need any of the above services to succeed.
The whole point is to give away all that stuff for free to them as a reward to for "creating jobs" even if they did not actually create shit, corporate socialism is AOK in the conservative mind.
Worst idea i seen in my entire life.... "Pay personal taxes so you can pay fee's for the things we buy with your tax money."

We'll never see these fee's being abused either, like charging "friends" less than people politicians don't want in the area. No bribery from companies to keep competition out or anything like that would ever occur.

And to think if we just stopped the pointless wars the Dems are doing and cut down on the massive dependency welfare spending we could simply cut the taxes and leave it at that… But no, lets find a new scammy way to raise taxes but not call it raising taxes.
The whole point is to give away all that stuff for free to them as a reward to for "creating jobs" even if they did not actually create shit, corporate socialism is AOK in the conservative mind.

Wow... the worst idea followed by one of the stupidest posts... Maybe you Dems might wana cut down on all your military spending you do on multiple wars? Then Roads might not be an issue.
The whole point is to give away all that stuff for free to them as a reward to for "creating jobs" even if they did not actually create shit, corporate socialism is AOK in the conservative mind.

Wow... the worst idea followed by one of the stupidest posts... Maybe you Dems might wana cut down on all your military spending you do on multiple wars? Then Roads might not be an issue.

Lol and you call my comments stupid, are you actually saying that Democrats are the reason for uncontrollable escalation of military spending and unnecessary wars? Even military spending is a form of corporate socialism and all the republicans and half the democrats would sooner cut off their arm than make any meaningful cuts, now cuts in things that do not blow people to bits is another story.....
That might be the dumbest idea ever.
Certain items are known as "public goods" because apportioning costs are too difficult. How do you put a dollar value on the security our armed forces confers? How about on having a stable currency? Who pays for standards of weights and measures?
The whole point is to give away all that stuff for free to them as a reward to for "creating jobs" even if they did not actually create shit, corporate socialism is AOK in the conservative mind.

Wow... the worst idea followed by one of the stupidest posts... Maybe you Dems might wana cut down on all your military spending you do on multiple wars? Then Roads might not be an issue.

Lol and you call my comments stupid, are you actually saying that Democrats are the reason for uncontrollable escalation of military spending and unnecessary wars? Even military spending is a form of corporate socialism and all the republicans and half the democrats would sooner cut off their arm than make any meaningful cuts, now cuts in things that do not blow people to bits is another story.....

Lets see... Dems took over the House and Senate just over 6 years ago and then had Obama as President for two years of that while as of now only have the Senate AND THE FUCKING PRESIDENCY... So yes, I'd say if you are even politically intelligent even on a microscopic level you could come to no other conclusion.

Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Libya spending are all on Obama's watch... The expansion of Afghanistan and only ending Iraq on the Bush time line AND getting kicked out by the Iraq government are all on Obama’s hands… we still spend money in Iraq, THANK OBAMA!

You Obama-bots hate the world is the problem. You see killing as A+
Wow... the worst idea followed by one of the stupidest posts... Maybe you Dems might wana cut down on all your military spending you do on multiple wars? Then Roads might not be an issue.

Lol and you call my comments stupid, are you actually saying that Democrats are the reason for uncontrollable escalation of military spending and unnecessary wars? Even military spending is a form of corporate socialism and all the republicans and half the democrats would sooner cut off their arm than make any meaningful cuts, now cuts in things that do not blow people to bits is another story.....

Lets see... Dems took over the House and Senate just over 6 years ago and then had Obama as President for two years of that while as of now only have the Senate AND THE FUCKING PRESIDENCY... So yes, I'd say if you are even politically intelligent even on a microscopic level you could come to no other conclusion.

Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Libya spending are all on Obama's watch... The expansion of Afghanistan and only ending Iraq on the Bush time line AND getting kicked out by the Iraq government are all on Obama’s hands… we still spend money in Iraq, THANK OBAMA!

You Obama-bots hate the world is the problem. You see killing as A+
Good God what a pile of horseshit.
Lol and you call my comments stupid, are you actually saying that Democrats are the reason for uncontrollable escalation of military spending and unnecessary wars? Even military spending is a form of corporate socialism and all the republicans and half the democrats would sooner cut off their arm than make any meaningful cuts, now cuts in things that do not blow people to bits is another story.....

Lets see... Dems took over the House and Senate just over 6 years ago and then had Obama as President for two years of that while as of now only have the Senate AND THE FUCKING PRESIDENCY... So yes, I'd say if you are even politically intelligent even on a microscopic level you could come to no other conclusion.

Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Libya spending are all on Obama's watch... The expansion of Afghanistan and only ending Iraq on the Bush time line AND getting kicked out by the Iraq government are all on Obama’s hands… we still spend money in Iraq, THANK OBAMA!

You Obama-bots hate the world is the problem. You see killing as A+
Good God what a pile of horseshit.

Oh, I'm sorry... Maybe you can point out where I went wrong there?

Or wait, you meant it’s horseshit that Dems have officially become the biggest war party in US history… Yeah I agree with that.
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Proposal - eliminate taxes on business, charge them fee for service instead.

1) Income is like water, it flows to low spots. If you don't tax businesses, smart people's personal income will become business income.

2) A direct fee for roads, fire, police is not very efficient.
Proposal - eliminate taxes on business, charge them fee for service instead.

They will pay no taxes.

Instead they will pay fee for use.

They want police protection for their property - they pay per dollar worth of the property being protected.
How about police protection for their families? If a fellow is too cheap to purchase police protection for his family, would that mean that the police don't have to investigate if one of his children is killed?

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