Proposed USMB Meetup Next Spring...

trolling for familiar names... whom I may or may not have already dragged into this thread… :)






[MENTION=11674]Sunni Man[/MENTION]










[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION]







[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION]
[MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20594]Mr Clean[/MENTION]

Oh, boo hoo! Nobody loves me! :eusa_boohoo:

Thanks for including me, Bayoubill, but I can't come because I have fibromyalgia, and it's a harsh and cruel master. My husband's dementia is growing worse, and what little energy I have after fighting pain has to go into being the drill sergeant for everything from brushing his teeth in the morning to who knows what all! :lol:

I hope all of you get together and have a totally wonderful time. This has to be the best internet forum in the world! :huddle:
We could set up a tent city in your yard..porta-potties...valet parking...loud speakers and all! Make your neighbors real proud of you! ;)

I can't even imagine.....there are a few I would enjoy meeting up with but other than that...I'd sleep with a gun under my pillow. I'm afraid there are some very strange hombres who frequent usmb, and who REALLY hate me.

be assured that me 'n others would help keep you safe... :)
Oh, now! All this talk of fear and Rambo...The real weirdos won't even show up. The pseudo-tough might show up but would lose all the bravado afforded them by anonymity and invisibility. I am betting too that after the event, we'll tone down the rhetoric and be halfway nice to everybody. (Damn! That just may ruin the thrill of USMB for some folks! :lol: )

Thanks for including me, Bayoubill, but I can't come because I have fibromyalgia, and it's a harsh and cruel master. My husband's dementia is growing worse, and what little energy I have after fighting pain has to go into being the drill sergeant for everything from brushing his teeth in the morning to who knows what all! :lol:

I hope all of you get together and have a totally wonderful time. This has to be the best internet forum in the world! :huddle:

I figure we can Skype it for the folks who can't attend...

or, heck... mebbe we could have the meetup in your home town... :)
I suppose that would be better than meetin' in her yard!

Won't the liberals and conservatives kill each other?

How many do you think would be that brave if they are not alone behind their computers?
Exactly! We'd prolly be buyin' each other beers and stuff!

Won't the liberals and conservatives kill each other?

How many do you think would be that brave if they are not alone behind their computers?

People who behave badly online probably would not attend in person.


I wonder if any of our troll sox will show? And if they do, how will we recognize them?
They'll all claim to be @cereal_killer...

By the way...who's in charge of the designer name tags?
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^^ Wants to send out the invitations...

...really wants to be the treasurer.
:lol: :popcorn:

It's ok. Just come anyway and crash it.

That's what I'm gonna do.

Hey! I take rejection very well! I've become immune to it! :lol: Water off a duck's back and all that!

You've been a member a long time I bet a lot of people here would like to meet you :)
As long as nobody's packin' heat, I'm willin' to meet! I've been an abrasive asshole since I signed up!...mellowed out some in the past couple of years...but still an asshole!:lol:
Hey! I take rejection very well! I've become immune to it! :lol: Water off a duck's back and all that!

You've been a member a long time I bet a lot of people here would like to meet you :)
As long as nobody's packin' heat, I'm willin' to meet! I've been an abrasive asshole since I signed up!...mellowed out some in the past couple of years...but still an asshole!:lol:

I try to be nice to everybody, but it doesn't mean I like everyone or want to meet them all.

Still, some people here have really been compassionate in PM's while I dealt with alot of death this year.

Those people I wouldn't mind giving a hug in person.

You've been a member a long time I bet a lot of people here would like to meet you :)
As long as nobody's packin' heat, I'm willin' to meet! I've been an abrasive asshole since I signed up!...mellowed out some in the past couple of years...but still an asshole!:lol:

I try to be nice to everybody, but it doesn't mean I like everyone or want to meet them all.

Still, some people here have really been compassionate in PM's while I dealt with alot of death this year.

Those people I wouldn't mind giving a hug in person.

I would give you a rep hug, but you keep rejecting me! :mad:
As long as nobody's packin' heat, I'm willin' to meet! I've been an abrasive asshole since I signed up!...mellowed out some in the past couple of years...but still an asshole!:lol:

I try to be nice to everybody, but it doesn't mean I like everyone or want to meet them all.

Still, some people here have really been compassionate in PM's while I dealt with alot of death this year.

Those people I wouldn't mind giving a hug in person.

I would give you a rep hug, but you keep rejecting me! :mad:

I like my online appreciation out in the open, you can give me a thanks if something I post ever evokes it ;)
I try to be nice to everybody, but it doesn't mean I like everyone or want to meet them all.

Still, some people here have really been compassionate in PM's while I dealt with alot of death this year.

Those people I wouldn't mind giving a hug in person.

I would give you a rep hug, but you keep rejecting me! :mad:

I like my online appreciation out in the open, you can give me a thanks if something I post ever evokes it ;)
Been there...done that...Crocodiles rock! Evidently, you like Sir Elton John.

how 'bout you...? wanna come...? :)

'Sup Bill -- I just now caught wind of this thread by chance ... Pogo votes for Sleaziana as it's an easy old stomping ground, and further suggest we target April (last weekend) to coincide with Jazz Fest and FIL which is my go-to event.

As a second choice I'd go to Mr. H's. Cool guy.
Vegas is out of the question. You have to pay me to go to Lost Wages. A lot.
I like my online appreciation out in the open, you can give me a thanks if something I post ever evokes it ;)
Been there...done that...Crocodiles rock! Evidently, you like Sir Elton John.

I'm not a superfan, I was just in an Elton mood tonight :)

I like all kinds of music.

What about you.

All music! No rap!

Rock (no heavy metal)
Whale songs
Steel Drum Bands
Spanish Guitars
Chamber Music

Music is the universal language of man and beast. I like most everything but RAP crap!

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