Protest Anti-semitic Pro-terror Play At Ny Opera House

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This news is highly disturbing! New York City's Metropolitan Opera House is planning to put on this ant-semitic play despite the fact of it's glorifying the actions of a filthy dirty terrorist who committed the cold - blooded murder of a disabled Jewish - American.

The NYC Metropolitan Opera House is condoning terrorism and anti-semitism as acceptable! They have absolutely no conscience to even consider doing such a thing! Please let your friends in NY know what the Met is up to and make sure they send letters and make phone calls to let them know that this is not acceptable! This play must be canceled at once and with a sincere apology to this mans family and our fellow Jewish - Americans! This is absolutely despicable!

Protest Anti-Semitic Pro-Terror Play at NY Opera House United with Israel

September 22, 2014
Join the protest against a play at New York City’s Metropolitan Opera promoting anti-Semitism and defending the murder of an innocent disabled victim! Act now!

Scene from “The Death of Klinghoffer.” (Photo:
A large and important demonstration – at the initiative of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) – is planned in New York City against an anti-Semitic program that humanizes terrorists at the Metropolitan Opera, titled The Death of Klinghoffer.
“The Death of Klinghoffer justifies PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) terrorists’ brutal murder of an innocent, elderly, disabled, wheelchair-bound Jewish-American on the Achille Lauro cruise ship in 1985,” the organizations explain. “The Met’s own form letter openly states that this opera ‘looks for humanity in the terrorists!’ PLO murderers sing, ‘We are men of ideals.’ A passenger even sings that a terrorist is ‘extremely nice.’”
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The things going on in this country! Has everyone completely lost their minds or what?!
But calling them "brave freedom fighters" will help the sale of those fashion keffiyehs in the lobby, right?
But calling them "brave freedom fighters" will help the sale of those fashion keffiyehs in the lobby, right?

I believe it would be best for everyone if they canceled the play. It is definitely crossing the line and will bring a curse down on NYC for certain. This cannot possibly end well. For their own good ( as they seem to not be interested in anyone elses') they should cancel the play.
Sounds like some Muzzie said "Boo!" and the New York Theater establishment fell in line to do their bidding.

Boo? You mean boo hoo! It is the whining and complaining that has been forefront in their strategies. Poor me. People are accusing me of being violent and claim my religion doesn't look like a religion of peace. Make a play that depicts me as the good guy who murders a Jewish American disabled man. A nice terrorist!

How is that? Sound about right? Yes. It is time to show these people the door and bid them farewell. The multi - cultural experiment gets an F. Lets put a play on about Geert Wilders and give NYC a reality check as to what time it is in Europe and what we can expect here in the future. Sounds like a more appropriate play all things considered.
Well, Tom. If you go to a play like that you obviously have no respect for the Jewish people. I would not go to it if they offered me a front row seat for free! In fact, I pray it gets shut down before opening night! That is definitely going on my to do list!
Assuming this is true, this is ridiculous.

Imagine what would happen if the scenario was reversed?
Oh it is true alright, Wake! I am a member of United With Israel and they do not do shoddy work. When they run a story you can be certain they have fact checked it and done their own research! It truly disgusting, isn't it? I do not care who owns it! They should be ashamed of themselves. This is not what tolerance should mean at all! Besides! The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated once it has enough power to take over. People had better wake up!
It seems so.

I apologise, Mike. It must be very painful to see the country you love be so insensitive to the matter of anti - semitism. I am praying this play gets canceled and many people speak out against it.
Assuming this is true, this is ridiculous.

Imagine what would happen if the scenario was reversed?

If it were reversed someone would have a bounty on their head - marked for death. The tolerance they have demanded is not reciprocated, Wake. This is what people must realize. When will this madness end? Geert Wilders was right. Israel is fighting our fight! She truly is. It is time people realize this.
Good! Don't see it. Boycott it! Everyone should boycott this play and tell the MET if they don't cancel it they will never attend another event. EVER!
Do you realize that the MET gets money from our taxpayer dollars and government funds? Oh yes! We are literally funding this anti semitic piece of trash play with our own tax dollars! Look at this article and realize we now have 11 good reasons to cut off funding for the NEA!

Ten Good Reasons to Eliminate Funding for the National Endowment orthe Arts

There are at least ten good reasons to eliminate funding for the NEA:
Reason #1: The Arts Will Have More Than Enough Support without the NEA
The arts were flowering before the NEA came into being in 1965. Indeed, the Endowment was created partly because of the tremendous popular appeal of the arts at the time. Alvin Toffler's The Culture Consumers, published in 1964, surveyed the booming audience for art in the United States, a side benefit of a growing economy and low inflation.2 Toffler's book recalls the arts prior to the creation of the NEA-the era of the great Georges Balanchine and Agnes de Mille ballets, for example, when 26 million viewers would turn to CBS broadcasts of Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic. In fact, nearly all of the major orchestras in the United States existed before 1965, and will continue to exist after NEA subsidies are ended.
In spite of the vast splendor created by American artists prior to 1965, partisans of the NEA claim that the arts in the United States would face almost certain demise should the Endowment be abolished. Yet Endowment funding is just a drop in the bucket compared to giving to the arts by private citizens. For example, in 1996, the Metropolitan Opera of New York received $390,000 from the Endowment, a federal subsidy that totals only 0.29 percent of the Opera's annual income of $133 million-and amounts to less than the ticket revenue for a single sold-out performance.3
The growth of private-sector charitable giving in recent years has rendered NEA funding relatively insignificant to the arts community. Overall giving to the arts last year totaled almost $10 billion4-up from $6.5 billion in 19915-dwarfing the NEA's federal subsidy. This 40 percent increase in private giving occurred during the same period that the NEA budget was reduced by 40 percent from approximately $170 million to $99.5 million.6 Thus, as conservatives had predicted, cutting the federal NEA subsidy coincided with increased private support for the arts and culture

read the other 9 on the link above............
Think about it. Your tax dollars are now funding anti - semitism with the MET permitting this play to be seen! Call your State Representatives, your Senators office, send emails and complain about the MET - then contact the MET and let them know you are demanding the NEA be cut off and that they be boycotted for this nonsense! There is strength in numbers mass email to friends and family and ask them to get involved! Know a New Yorker? Tell them about it and ask them to get involved!

Do not let this story get buried! Today the Jews - tomorrow it's you! Wake up already!

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