Protest of Federal Judge Speaking at Stanford was Organized by Communist Front Group

This is sickening. The protest was anti-democratic and conducted in a manner intended to undermine the judiciary. And it happened in a top law school! I am not surprised the far left was behind this, as their prime objective numero uno is to destroy our society in order to facilitate a Marxist revolution. If you view it this way then it makes complete sense. We need to do better than this.

‘communist front group’ aka, DNC.
Meanwhile fascists want to teach children to hate others such as gays and transgenders. I can see why you hate education. Educated people are the biggest enemies of you right wing Nazis.
Big commie whopper lie. You want to indoctrinate minors to be LGBT. All commies do is lie.
Liberals in the olden days actually were proponents of free speech. Now they oppose it vigorously.

Modern American so-called “liberals” are a stain on the true meaning of “liberal.”
You are absolutely right. Dems (“liberals”) used to be rather libertarian regarding civil rights and liberties. Today’s Dems are led by authoritarian leftists.
I hoped that after Hitler was defeated that we would be free from the threat of fascism.
Clearly you Nazis still believe in fascism. You are the ones who are attacking our rights.
Fascism is a failed ideology but you Nazis still believe in it.
You Putin lovers seem to love communists.
Changing the subject, I see.

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