Protesters are gathering outside of Jeff Bezos' penthouse to call attention to working conditions



So you believe that people's salaries should be based on their personal needs as opposed to what they can do for their employer?

Wouldn't that make it too difficult for people with large needs to even get a foot in the door of most employers?
Nobody should apply there...then that would fix the conditions. Otherwise go overseas. Although good luck finding hard workers there.

So you believe that people's salaries should be based on their personal needs as opposed to what they can do for their employer?

Wouldn't that make it too difficult for people with large needs to even get a foot in the door of most employers?
Nah. Just know people should be made a wage they can live off of. Their CEO bosses get welfare but the worker has welfare yanked from underneath them.

So you believe that people's salaries should be based on their personal needs as opposed to what they can do for their employer?

Wouldn't that make it too difficult for people with large needs to even get a foot in the door of most employers?
Nah. Just know people should be made a wage they can live off of. Their CEO bosses get welfare but the worker has welfare yanked from underneath them.

Some people need more money to live than others.

So you believe that people's salaries should be based on their personal needs as opposed to what they can do for their employer?

Wouldn't that make it too difficult for people with large needs to even get a foot in the door of most employers?

The idea is a full time job where the company is making billions a year and paying no taxes should not have to be subsidized by the taxpayers.
Envy vs Greed- which is the most productive? Does envy produce anything other than more envy, or hatred? Begets begets. Some things can't be denied.
Laws, regardless of the intent, always confiscate from producers of wealth. Begets begets.
Most laws favor one over another. Laws are supposed to punish for a crime committed. Making being successful a crime begs the question; what is being unsuccessful? Obvious answer according to the envious: Envious.
Decry capitalism and promote socialism or communism which is more fair, right? That way only the more equal are promoted.
Capitalism offers opportunity to promote ones own ideas and "capitalize" on them. If not for "greed" the computer you're using wouldn't exist- no, Al Gore did not invent the internet- BUT, he capitalized on a stupid idea- anthropological globull warming/cooling- why? Greed. He exploits envy and demands laws for non-criminal activity.
SMH- the lack of self awareness is amazing.
I was talking with a buddy today, a democrat who despises Trump, (and I'm not an admirer of Republicans OR Democrats) but he made a great assessment about people today: he stated he believed he was being conservative when he claimed 60% of the people driving down the road are ignorant about today's situation(s)- I have to agree, he was being "conservative".
Just look at the posters in this forum- partisans left or right. Period. ANY evidence that doesn't support their belief is ignored- very few even read linked evidence- instead they attack the messenger. That is ignorance personified.
Envy vs Greed- which is the most productive? Does envy produce anything other than more envy, or hatred? Begets begets. Some things can't be denied.
Laws, regardless of the intent, always confiscate from producers of wealth. Begets begets.
Most laws favor one over another. Laws are supposed to punish for a crime committed. Making being successful a crime begs the question; what is being unsuccessful? Obvious answer according to the envious: Envious.
Decry capitalism and promote socialism or communism which is more fair, right? That way only the more equal are promoted.
Capitalism offers opportunity to promote ones own ideas and "capitalize" on them. If not for "greed" the computer you're using wouldn't exist- no, Al Gore did not invent the internet- BUT, he capitalized on a stupid idea- anthropological globull warming/cooling- why? Greed. He exploits envy and demands laws for non-criminal activity.
SMH- the lack of self awareness is amazing.
I was talking with a buddy today, a democrat who despises Trump, (and I'm not an admirer of Republicans OR Democrats) but he made a great assessment about people today: he stated he believed he was being conservative when he claimed 60% of the people driving down the road are ignorant about today's situation(s)- I have to agree, he was being "conservative".
Just look at the posters in this forum- partisans left or right. Period. ANY evidence that doesn't support their belief is ignored- very few even read linked evidence- instead they attack the messenger. That is ignorance personified.

When the taxpayers provide Amazon this kind of money, they should not also be on the hook for subsidizing their employee's.

Amazon's biggest customer may soon be the government - CNN

Much of the "wealth" that is Amazon is NOT earned by creating things. It's created by the Fed pumping billions upon billions into the markets inflating Amazon's worth. Billions for Amazon seems to be OK but a few more dollars for employee's seems to be seen as evil by some.
When the taxpayers provide Amazon this kind of money, they should not also be on the hook for subsidizing their employee's.

Amazon's biggest customer may soon be the government - CNN

Much of the "wealth" that is Amazon is NOT earned by creating things. It's created by the Fed pumping billions upon billions into the markets inflating Amazon's worth. Billions for Amazon seems to be OK but a few more dollars for employee's seems to be seen as evil by some.
Amazon didn't write the rules/laws. I doubt they had a hand in them actually. They were written long before Bezos.
They were written, primarily, to prevent whatever- see the thing with rules and laws that many refuse to see is, there are people who are paid to find loop holes, some people come by it naturally, some look for ways and many emulate those- you can't stop or punish enough to prevent success.
Envy vs Greed- which is the most productive? Does envy produce anything other than more envy, or hatred? Begets begets. Some things can't be denied.
Laws, regardless of the intent, always confiscate from producers of wealth. Begets begets.
Most laws favor one over another. Laws are supposed to punish for a crime committed. Making being successful a crime begs the question; what is being unsuccessful? Obvious answer according to the envious: Envious.
Decry capitalism and promote socialism or communism which is more fair, right? That way only the more equal are promoted.
Capitalism offers opportunity to promote ones own ideas and "capitalize" on them. If not for "greed" the computer you're using wouldn't exist- no, Al Gore did not invent the internet- BUT, he capitalized on a stupid idea- anthropological globull warming/cooling- why? Greed. He exploits envy and demands laws for non-criminal activity.
SMH- the lack of self awareness is amazing.
I was talking with a buddy today, a democrat who despises Trump, (and I'm not an admirer of Republicans OR Democrats) but he made a great assessment about people today: he stated he believed he was being conservative when he claimed 60% of the people driving down the road are ignorant about today's situation(s)- I have to agree, he was being "conservative".
Just look at the posters in this forum- partisans left or right. Period. ANY evidence that doesn't support their belief is ignored- very few even read linked evidence- instead they attack the messenger. That is ignorance personified.

When the taxpayers provide Amazon this kind of money, they should not also be on the hook for subsidizing their employee's.

Amazon's biggest customer may soon be the government - CNN

Much of the "wealth" that is Amazon is NOT earned by creating things. It's created by the Fed pumping billions upon billions into the markets inflating Amazon's worth. Billions for Amazon seems to be OK but a few more dollars for employee's seems to be seen as evil by some.

Amazon actually pays substantially more than the minimum wage around here, how much should they be paid in your view?

The average American , even those with low incomes, do a lot better now than they did in the 1960's. How many poverty stricken individuals had to get by with no A/C, black and white TV, party line phones and no electric clothes dryers.
I read an article this morning about the founder of Ollie's- he died yesterday(?)- quites the success story.

Ollie's Bargain Outlet - Wikipedia

Last time I was in Ollie's , a few months ago, the manager came up to me unsolicited at the register and told me a smart guy like me shouldn't be shopping at Ollie's, I should be working there and told me about the job fair. That's the Trump economy, really making employers to make "cold calls" to keep the places staffed.
"Amazon causes family separation"? What does that mean? How bad can working conditions be?
"Amazon causes family separation"? What does that mean? How bad can working conditions be?

If you go to work for Amazon, you can't bring your wife and children with you, just like the old coal mines prohibited miners from bringing their babies into the mines with them.
When the taxpayers provide Amazon this kind of money, they should not also be on the hook for subsidizing their employee's.

Amazon's biggest customer may soon be the government - CNN

Much of the "wealth" that is Amazon is NOT earned by creating things. It's created by the Fed pumping billions upon billions into the markets inflating Amazon's worth. Billions for Amazon seems to be OK but a few more dollars for employee's seems to be seen as evil by some.
Amazon didn't write the rules/laws. I doubt they had a hand in them actually. They were written long before Bezos.
They were written, primarily, to prevent whatever- see the thing with rules and laws that many refuse to see is, there are people who are paid to find loop holes, some people come by it naturally, some look for ways and many emulate those- you can't stop or punish enough to prevent success.

Some of us want to change the "rules".

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