Protesters lay seige to Pelosi's home - hang curlers in protest


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Commentary: We Have Had Enough Lockdown
September 5, 2020 Admin

by Julie Kelly

If 2020 wasn’t twisted enough, the current political imbroglio centers around a verboten visit to a California boutique for a routine blow-out. Americans are lining up either behind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who claims she was “set up” to visit the San Francisco salon, or the salon’s owner, a woman struggling to keep her business alive amid cruel and unscientific edicts issued by her governor months ago.
The incident is the latest in a series of “rules for thee but not for me” gut punches from the ruling class; whether it’s mask-free trips to the park or crowded funerals for anointed heroes or casual meals munched indoors, the government-ordered shutdowns apply to everyone except the sadists running government who order said shutdowns
The proverbial shoe is now on the other foot...or in this case, the curlers have turned...

Thousands should turn up at her property to throw hundreds of thousands of hair curlers at her house. They should cover the lawn, driveway and be all through the bushes and trees.

Thanks, Nancy, knew a prick like you would slip up sooner or later to help reelect Donald. Have a Jenny on us.
Now Pelosi and her minions are attempting to ruin the hair shop owners life....lets send Ice Cream Nancy a message on November 3rd....Trump Pence 2020......
The proverbial shoe is now on the other foot...or in this case, the curlers have turned...

No they are called rioters.

I am INTRIGUED I don't think I have seen a
"CURLER" ---ie the metal torture objects for DECADES----don't people use fancy curling irons?
Were the ladies with the "curlers" causing damage with the "curlers" If they were just walking around singing KUMBAYA ---and hold old fashioned curler gadgets. I would not call it a RIOT
The proverbial shoe is now on the other foot...or in this case, the curlers have turned...

No they are called rioters.
Bwuhahahaha....if these people are 'rioters' the leftists looting, burning, & murdering are indeed 'Democrat Domestic Terrorists'
The proverbial shoe is now on the other foot...or in this case, the curlers have turned...

No they are called rioters.
Why, did they loot it and burn it down????
The proverbial shoe is now on the other foot...or in this case, the curlers have turned...

Too bad they didn't hang that old evil traitorous bitch. It's what she rightly deserves.
Perhaps her version of a "peaceful protest" on her property would drive home the point that she is not a ruler, just supposed to be a servant of the people.

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