Protestors demand ABC fires Jimmy Kimmel


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Protesters Pound ABC Studios, Call for Jimmy Kimmel's Firing

Jimmy Kimmel is in hot water!

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters targeted ABC Studios in Burbank, Houston, and Phoenix to protest the Oct. 16 segment of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where one of the late night host's tiniest guests suggested that we should "kill everyone in China."

The comment was made by a young boy during an unscripted segment called "Kids' Table," after Kimmel asked a roundtable of children how the United States should repay its $1.3 trillion debt to China. Both ABC and Kimmel have since apologized for the comment, and are no longer airing "Kids' Table."

I never would have thought the Chinese were such thin-skinned pussies.

You learn something new everyday I suppose.
Protesters Pound ABC Studios, Call for Jimmy Kimmel's Firing

Jimmy Kimmel is in hot water!

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters targeted ABC Studios in Burbank, Houston, and Phoenix to protest the Oct. 16 segment of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where one of the late night host's tiniest guests suggested that we should "kill everyone in China."

The comment was made by a young boy during an unscripted segment called "Kids' Table," after Kimmel asked a roundtable of children how the United States should repay its $1.3 trillion debt to China. Both ABC and Kimmel have since apologized for the comment, and are no longer airing "Kids' Table."

I never would have thought the Chinese were such thin-skinned pussies.

You learn something new everyday I suppose.

Our public discourse, from serious topics to humor, from dating interactions to basic communications is now defined by the people who are the easiest to offend.

You can now piss off 0.00001% of the poplulation and be held accountable as if you pissed off 80%.
"Thin-skinned"? ???

I don't think too many Americans would appreciate the same thing if the situation were reversed. That being said, if it was an unscripted comment by a little kid who didn't know better, and Kimmel as well as ABC have made it clear the comments do not reflect their views, then that should be the end of it.
Protesters Pound ABC Studios, Call for Jimmy Kimmel's Firing

Jimmy Kimmel is in hot water!

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters targeted ABC Studios in Burbank, Houston, and Phoenix to protest the Oct. 16 segment of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where one of the late night host's tiniest guests suggested that we should "kill everyone in China."

The comment was made by a young boy during an unscripted segment called "Kids' Table," after Kimmel asked a roundtable of children how the United States should repay its $1.3 trillion debt to China. Both ABC and Kimmel have since apologized for the comment, and are no longer airing "Kids' Table."

I never would have thought the Chinese were such thin-skinned pussies.

You learn something new everyday I suppose.

Didn't the Chinese Gov't run news media just reveal plans like just a few days ago detailing how a nuclear strike would impact the West Coast of the United States?

This is maybe 1,000x worse than some stupid thing a kid said on a late night comedy show.

Come on folks.
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And I never thought left wing sluts demanding free birth control would be so thin skinned either demanding Limbaugh be fired.

Too freaking funny.
I can see the Chinese conservative headlines now "U.S. Wants To Wipe China Off The Map".

except there are no conservatives in China.
Go educate yourself first and do not make your idiocy public :lol:

38.1% Of Chinese Are Conservative Compared To Just 8% Liberal

Confucius say, use googre, no rook rike idiot. :thup:

you idiot, their description of "conservatism" has nothing to do with what is American political movement :cuckoo:

go educate yourself.
not by wikipedia.

and at least READ the article you provided - in the socialist countries "conservative" means the ones who behold those socialist views as a tradition and not otherwise :lol:

same was the issue in the Soviet Union when it was starting to fall apart under Gorbachev - the traditional communists were "conservatives" as is the issue now in China
from your own link:

If the Chinese population is divided into three camps according to political beliefs, 38.1 percent would fall into the “left,” a term traditionally referring to citizens with socialist or communist leanings, which in China’s case also means those more "patriotic" and "conservative" (opposite the U.S. definition of left), according to the study.

By contrast, only 8 percent lean more to the "right," which in Chinese terms supports a more democratic, "liberal" government. The rest, 51.5 percent, fall into the middle, leaning neither left nor right.

it is recommended to read what you provide as a link, before you prove to be an idiot ;)
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In my opinion, the Chinese community overreacted to the genocide comment on Jimmy Kimmel's show. Kimmel didn't condone the proposal, he just tactfully said "that's interesting" and laughed at the absurdness of the young boy's words. However, to claim that the Chinese protestors were hypocritical because of their country's official media broadcasts is simply wrong. The Chinese people do not control the state media, especially not Chinese-Americans living across an ocean. A minority in the Chinese government does, so the state media cannot in any way even provide an accurate snapshot of what Chinese feelings are. And I believe that although it was misdirected, Chinese anger at perceived racism was understandable, given that there is affirmative action against Chinese-Americans in college applications and Americans making remarks such as "better dead than red".

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