Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

10.10 might be more economical. It is a balancing game...Of course, 10.10 per hour + a cap on ceo pay to encourage higher pay to the employees might be better.

$10.10 would be good for the worker but not the Monopoly. If we hit $15 hour the Monopolies in America will stand strong and laugh at their manufactured bias discussions.

KINGS/QUEENS hated competition too. The 1% will control half of the WORLDS wealth by 2016. The poor will always fight for them because they think they are poor because the rich are under control and can't pay them a living wage. When in fact, it's the exact opposite.

Getting practice for that unemployment line, yep sounds like a win to me.
The job loss from raising the minimum wage depends on how high and how over what period of time it is gradually raised.

These dipsticks are demanding it be raise by more than double overnight, but you missed the point, if some dumb assed burger flipper walked out on me, he would be unemployed. If there weren't people ready to take those jobs they would pay more, it's that simple.
People have to take those jobs because there isn't much to off that's higher. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

Getting practice for that unemployment line, yep sounds like a win to me.
The job loss from raising the minimum wage depends on how high and how over what period of time it is gradually raised.

These dipsticks are demanding it be raise by more than double overnight, but you missed the point, if some dumb assed burger flipper walked out on me, he would be unemployed. If there weren't people ready to take those jobs they would pay more, it's that simple.
People have to take those jobs because there isn't much to off that's higher. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

You keep saying that but the vast majority haven't done what it takes to qualify for better jobs.

Getting practice for that unemployment line, yep sounds like a win to me.
The job loss from raising the minimum wage depends on how high and how over what period of time it is gradually raised.

These dipsticks are demanding it be raise by more than double overnight, but you missed the point, if some dumb assed burger flipper walked out on me, he would be unemployed. If there weren't people ready to take those jobs they would pay more, it's that simple.
People have to take those jobs because there isn't much to off that's higher. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

You keep saying that but the vast majority haven't done what it takes to qualify for better jobs.
Oh right let's send them all to school. What the fuck is going to pay for that? Definitely not them. They are dirt poor. Even if they all did go to school we are still talking about a much smaller availability of these higher wage positions. Just try and think won't you?
15 bucks an hour to toss a burger? PAHLEASE.
Have you ever worked fast food. Those people bust their ass and deal with asshole customers. You can call the position inferior if you want, but it's non stop productivity for these restaurant and they get paid jack shit.
Bullshit. They get a job and they get stuck there...maybe they have kids maybe they have student loan debt maybe they are helping family who knows no one WANTS to work in these places and NO ONE should be paid shit wages.You are missing the whole thing that the CEO of McDonalds and all other fast food joints WORKS FOR THOSE JOINTS AS WELL! Do you see them making min wage? Or even less than a livable wage? I sure in the hell don't.
What has any of this to do with the obligation of government?

If their skills and abilities and personalities and energy and circumstances allow them to command a higher salary, then, that's great.

If their skills and abilities and personalities and energy and circumstances do not allow them to command a higher salary, why must you and I pay them a Living Wage?

Why are you demanding that I peel open my wallet to give them more of my money?

And, once you've answered the 'Why', how about taking a crack at the 'How'...

What Constitutional authority allows you to do so?
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15 bucks an hour to toss a burger? PAHLEASE.
Have you ever worked fast food. Those people bust their ass and deal with asshole customers. You can call the position inferior if you want, but it's non stop productivity for these restaurant and they get paid jack shit.
And why is it that they get paid jack shit?

Is it because a trained chimp can do most of those jobs?

Is it because trained chimps are a dime-a-dozen?
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And why is it that they get paid jack shit?

They get paid jack shit so you can eat cheap ass hamburgers.
Well that and so that the management and executives can take home a nice fat pay check.
Is that hard for you to understand?
And why is it that they get paid jack shit?

They get paid jack shit so you can eat cheap ass hamburgers.
Well that and so that the management and executives can take home a nice fat pay check.
Is that hard for you to understand?
But I want cheap hamburgers.

And those managers and executives want to take home fat paychecks.

And those companies don't want to pay a $15 minimum wage.

What has that got to do with you and me - or our government - what business is that of ours?
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Pathetic, shows how far down this country has come. Instead of demanding that their leaders and representatives bring good paying jobs back to America, people are now satisfied to squabble over scraps and left overs.
Sad indeed. 30 years ago a kid could gradate high school get a job at the mill or factory and retire in 30-35 years with a decent pension. Only 1 of my grandparents went to college but ALL 3 had very nice grandfather only had an 8th grade education but when he died he owned 28 acres,several tractors,a bulldozer,a home he built etc.

OK, let me spell this out for you....

An E-1 in the military makes $18,378 per year, while an E-5 with 8 years of service makes $35,067, and they make that after training, while putting their lives on the line in a hostile environment.

And YOU want $31,200 per year for an unskilled job with no real responsibility.

Kind of puts things in perspective and makes you look ridiculous, doesn't it?
No. It doesn't. Thing you are missing is those people ALL work for the government. So easy way to solve this is ALL business go under government control! :) Pretty sad when my wife for example busted her ass to get trained in a job,took the state required test to work that job and yet is only paid 9.50$ an hour. She got 1 raise from 9.00$ to 9.50$ in almost an entire year there....she is being used and fortunately she has now told them to shove the job up their ass. All together she has 2 years experience and has gained other licenses SINCE starting this career. She busts her ass and gets the shaft...Employers aren't doing things the right or fair way and that will come to an end. Period
...Employers aren't doing things the right or fair way and that will come to an end. Period
On whose say-so?

By what authority?

Who is going to end it?

How will they end it?

When may we expect this to happen?


I just demonstrated to you that the government pays an E-5 with 8 years service (who puts his ass on the line) just a little more than you want for flipping burgers, so you think the government should take over your job, too?

Are you bucking for a raise all the way down to 50cents/hr?
I would not mind going French Revolution...they either meet our demands or we use force. Its pretty simple.

Hmm. Where to start.

How'd that French Revolution turn out? Are you really up for spilling all that blood? Tearing a country apart? Bringing a tyrant to power?

As revolutions go, the American revolution was one of the least bloody. Most revolutions throughout history are bloody disasters which don't meet their initial aims. Most revolutions only serve to carry tyrants to power. How'd that Bolshevik Revolution turn out? Would you rather work for a sweetheart like Stalin, Mao, Castro or Pol Pot than your local Golden Arches Dinner Club manager?

But then, the lessons of history are things you learn from books and school. You'll find people who read and have attended some sort of schooling will be loathe to join you in your revolution because they know too well how revolutions turn out. They'll want no part of it. Even if they agree with your position, they'll work to thwart your violent efforts.

I worked fast food and held other minimum wage jobs. Raising yourself out of a low paying job through training is more productive than sitting on the floor in your soiled diapers screaming for someone to come change you.

You've got it in you. You can do it.
Most Non skilled, entry level workers are not worth $15 an hour...
Only 10-20% of them would be.

Thats where meritocracy comes into place. You weed out the employees that are completely worthless, incapable, lazy , and illiterate.
Someone has a sever case of envy and victimhood.
I have a severe case of getting FUCKED while my employer makes MILLIONS off my hard work. I would not mind going French Revolution on ALL assholes who refuse to pay their workers livable wages but whine their million dollar salaries aren't enough and their multimillion dollar bonuses aren't enough but raising the wage of your workers would "bankrupt the company" they either meet our demands or we use force. Its pretty simple.

Unions got higher wages in the auto industry and the auto industry didn't collapse or suffer for it. Higher minimum wage isn't going to put fast food places out of business. So their CEOs make 200 instead of 300 times a line worker, sorry but no sympathy here.

Unions got higher wages in the auto industry and the auto industry didn't collapse or suffer for it.

Umm...our auto industry shrank down to 3 companies, 2 of which collapsed under their unsustainable pension systems. They now have multi-tiered wage structures.

Higher minimum wage isn't going to put fast food places out of business.

It'll put some out of business. It'll reduce the revenue of others.
Both results will end in lower employment of minimum wage workers.
Depends entirely on what your goal is. If you want to redirect the economy towards a focus on higher income employment, then raising the minimum wage would be a tool to achieve that result.

The underlying argument goes that low paid jobs will be eliminated from the economy, and replaced with higher income jobs that raise tax revenue and boost domestic GDP by a short term jump in income - and subsequent increases in domestic spending.

The downside is obviously that some dead end jobs cease to exist, and people are forced to re-enter education to qualify for higher income jobs i.e. technical work for most.

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