Protests highly likely for surge in COVID in LA county.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
Finally they are being forced to admit the protests are producing a spike in COVID cases. Estimates are we will see the death toll rise in a couple weeks.

“L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd“.

I live in Los Angeles.

I could not believe what I saw on TV three weeks ago.

Thousands of silly youths protesting against a non-existent "injustice."

I could believe, however, the looters. No surprise there, of course.
Nope. Masks and outside gathering less likely transmission. New York has huge protests and has not seen an increase.

Next attempt to deflect from the failure of the president to lead us out of the pandemic.
Am I a bad person for thinking this is a positive report?
Well apparently the democrats weren’t content with killing off just seniors and Native Americans since they weren’t dying fast enough? Looks like they will be getting the kind of numbers they always wanted. Too bad they are also their voters.
Nope. Masks and outside gathering less likely transmission. New York has huge protests and has not seen an increase.

Next attempt to deflect from the failure of the president to lead us out of the pandemic.
Except the protesters are testing positive in Houston too...

Finally they are being forced to admit the protests are producing a spike in COVID cases. Estimates are we will see the death toll rise in a couple weeks.

“L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd“.

I like how you selectively edited the part of the article that supports your position. However, you forgot the last part of the sentence on that paragraph which also states that part of the cause was because of restaurants and private gatherings which had also started. Here is the full paragraph with the last part of the sentence you edited out.....................

L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd, as well as clusters of social gatherings at restaurants and private parties.
Outdoors Protest, Riots & Looting with Mask actually Slowed the Spread of Covid-19
Finally they are being forced to admit the protests are producing a spike in COVID cases. Estimates are we will see the death toll rise in a couple weeks.

“L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd“.

I think the protests are the reasons for all the spikes in COVID
Finally they are being forced to admit the protests are producing a spike in COVID cases. Estimates are we will see the death toll rise in a couple weeks.

“L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd“.

I think the protests are the reasons for all the spikes in COVID

Blue Gin's article not only says that the protests are a possible cause, but also restaurants opening, as well as private gatherings that had been authorized.

Post 7 has the full paragraph, and not the edited stuff that Blue Gin put up. It's a combination of all those things, not just one.

Yeah, I sucks when people actually read the links and find out it doesn't quite say what the OP said it did.
Finally they are being forced to admit the protests are producing a spike in COVID cases. Estimates are we will see the death toll rise in a couple weeks.

“L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has said that although it is impossible to track the origin of spread in a public setting, it is “highly likely” that the overall increase is related to mass protests that erupted over the death of George Floyd“.

I think the protests are the reasons for all the spikes in COVID
Yep. The media just doesn’t want to report it.
Nope. Masks and outside gathering less likely transmission. New York has huge protests and has not seen an increase.

Next attempt to deflect from the failure of the president to lead us out of the pandemic.

Actually you have a good point. There is little correlation between states having draconian lockdown rules and practices and lower COVID rates. The Dakotas have had relatively few deaths, even though they weren't locked down to nearly the degree of NJ or NY.
Daytime outdoor protest allows sunlight to radiate into skin producing vitamin D3 that helps your lungs fight off coronavirus! Blacks need much more sunlight than whites.
Daytime outdoor protest allows sunlight to radiate into skin producing vitamin D3 that helps your lungs fight off coronavirus! Blacks need much more sunlight than whites.
Plus they are a high risk group anyway.
Finally a public official admits what should be obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain !!

The left has worked tirelessly to try and convince the rest of us that THEIR sardine packed protests were safe and would not spread the virus !

But hey, I may have been born yesterday, but it wasn't last night, and when I see pictures like this and you realize it's during a worldwide pandemic, you don't need a rocket surgeon degree to figure out a likely disaster will likely ensue.

Protesters are going to have to look in the mirror and ask themselves if it was worth it, as they watch loved ones die, and as they try and cash unemployment checks.


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