Proud to support Antifa

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.


I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Antifa and blm are the klan, which by the way, was composed of democrats. Strange how things never change.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Proud to be a commie....We already knew that.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

You do understand, I hope, that simply because they make the claim to fight fascism, that they are not really doing that at all.

They ARE facists.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

ANTIFA is the closest thing to fascists that we have. They far out number nazis and real fascists who are miniscule and irrelevant and a threat to no one. MArching in the street was never the path to a fascist state the nazis had to gain control through legal technicalities they never won enough popular support to win.

ANTIFAS are violent pigs who use fascist tactics to spread their own ideology which is communism.

Communism is far more evil and popular than fascism which is an archaic and largely ignored pile of crap.

It is the shame of any neation or person to excuse, dfend of toloerate such disgudsting pigs as antifa.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Why are we not surprised.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

It's Klantifa, and of course you "support" them.


I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Thanks for the message so easily rec'd. You're a punk who needed to fill up space on this board hoping to fill up space in your under-utilized head. Your post has no other meaning than you trying to justify your love for ANTIFA, of which there are no reasons beyond you're twisted.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Tommy you are a medical miracle actually alive but with no brain.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Gay pride!

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

But I thought Antifa did not really exist?

How do you support something that does not exist?

As for the origins of the KKK, how much time do you have?

BTW, I don't blame you for hating the National Socialists. Everyone does.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Of course you support the ANTIFA terrorists. Nobody that reads the stupid hate mongering Left Wing garbage you post on this forum would think otherwise.
ANTIFA take the same spin that bullies do. Bullies say they are against bullying and use that as a justification to bully anyone they simply call a bully. ANTIFA uses fascist tactics to commit violence on anyone they feel is opposed to them by simply calling them “fascist”.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

ANTIFA is a group of well funded Nazis who claim they fight if claiming they're fighting Nazis inoculates them from their criminal behavior.
They spread hate and fascism...that's their only push people around.
They're nothing but a bunch of worthless meth-heads who get their jollies causing riots.
Nothing about them spreads Democracy. All they spread is intimidation.
The only reason they aren't converted into steaming gut-piles is because they have the sense to not pull their rubbish in towns that are willing to fight back like mine.

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