Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
EPA Sitting On Warnings About Cancer-Causing Chemical: Report
The health assessment that apparently was completed months ago concerns formaldehyde.

HuffPo nonsense. Considering how Ideologically Driven the research was during the Obabble Reign of Socialist Propaganda and Incompetence, it is perfectly reasonable for the Trump Admin to wish to do a proper review before releasing any information.

And here's a wee clue: A great many things we use every day can cause cancer if one is exposed to amounts that are orders of magnitude greater than the common use would entail. The Left spins such nonsense to extra financial blackmail from companies that provide such products. The U.S. would be better off preventing such blackmail in the first place.
Clearly, you have no grandkids and your at deaths door.....carry on
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.
And yet you defend Algore's massive carbon footprint.

Don't care about either.
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
EPA Sitting On Warnings About Cancer-Causing Chemical: Report
The health assessment that apparently was completed months ago concerns formaldehyde.

HuffPo nonsense. Considering how Ideologically Driven the research was during the Obabble Reign of Socialist Propaganda and Incompetence, it is perfectly reasonable for the Trump Admin to wish to do a proper review before releasing any information.

And here's a wee clue: A great many things we use every day can cause cancer if one is exposed to amounts that are orders of magnitude greater than the common use would entail. The Left spins such nonsense to extra financial blackmail from companies that provide such products. The U.S. would be better off preventing such blackmail in the first place.
Clearly, you have no grandkids and your at deaths door.....carry on
Clearly you know nothing of the industry
Trucking Industry Split Over EPA Move to Ease Emissions Rules
The EPA estimates that approximately 10,000 glider kits are produced annually. The industry sold about 250,000 new long-haul big rigs in the U.S. last year.

“Gliders represent a small percentage of trucks on the road each year, so I wonder why they [EPA and truck manufacturers] chose to pick on this industry,” said Dustin Petersen, one of the owners of Harrison Truck Centers.

The Waterloo, Iowa, glider manufacturer is one of the companies that asked the EPA to ease the rule. Harrison Truck Centers has seven locations in Iowa and Minnesota and produces 700 to 800 gliders per year.

Petersen said enactment of the current regulations would be “devastating” to his company.

There also are environmental benefits from recycling existing equipment and engines and restoring them to new specifications, Petersen said. “We have spent a lot of money in research and development and production to come up with a clean and green solution for a niche group of people who purchase our trucks,” he said.

The glider industry grew from truckers wanting to save money by equipping a wrecked or worn-out truck with a new cab and chassis, using a rebuilt engine.

“You take your existing componentry and move it over to a new chassis, and the overall cost is significantly less than buying a new truck. This becomes a huge incentive for small-business truckers,” said Joe Rajkovacz, spokesman for the Western States Trucking Association.

But others say the industry’s use of engines that don’t require new EPA technology aimed at reducing emissions has created a loophole.

“Some truckers are choosing to use older engine technology that doesn’t have the same emissions content that new vehicles have,” said Kenny Vieth, president of ACT Research. “I think the people most disappointed by this would be competing truckers who are playing by the rules and who aren’t trying to cheat the system.”
Actually no the truckers playing by the rules engines probably get better mileage....not due to the emissions but simply more modern engine.

Horseshit. The emission diesels, in addition to having all sorts of serious problems, burn MORE fuel. (They dump raw fuel into the exhaust to burn out the filters.)
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Lol....this is in CURRENT EVENTS??:abgg2q.jpg:

Some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands to think this is really something people care this is some huge public controversy!:aug08_031::aug08_031:

It is fascinating....what progressives think is a political self insertion of the bumpy cucumber.:ack-1::funnyface::funnyface:. Like the whole ICE issue or Russian collusion. Nobody cares about this stuff except the hysterical loopers on the left that obsess on CNN...a politically insignificamt number of people even on a community message board.

Diesel truck cares!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fu:
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
EPA Sitting On Warnings About Cancer-Causing Chemical: Report
The health assessment that apparently was completed months ago concerns formaldehyde.

HuffPo nonsense. Considering how Ideologically Driven the research was during the Obabble Reign of Socialist Propaganda and Incompetence, it is perfectly reasonable for the Trump Admin to wish to do a proper review before releasing any information.

And here's a wee clue: A great many things we use every day can cause cancer if one is exposed to amounts that are orders of magnitude greater than the common use would entail. The Left spins such nonsense to extra financial blackmail from companies that provide such products. The U.S. would be better off preventing such blackmail in the first place.
Clearly, you have no grandkids and your at deaths door.....carry on

Clearly your last two remaining brain cells have lost their synapse.
Trucking Industry Split Over EPA Move to Ease Emissions Rules
The EPA estimates that approximately 10,000 glider kits are produced annually. The industry sold about 250,000 new long-haul big rigs in the U.S. last year.

“Gliders represent a small percentage of trucks on the road each year, so I wonder why they [EPA and truck manufacturers] chose to pick on this industry,” said Dustin Petersen, one of the owners of Harrison Truck Centers.

The Waterloo, Iowa, glider manufacturer is one of the companies that asked the EPA to ease the rule. Harrison Truck Centers has seven locations in Iowa and Minnesota and produces 700 to 800 gliders per year.

Petersen said enactment of the current regulations would be “devastating” to his company.

There also are environmental benefits from recycling existing equipment and engines and restoring them to new specifications, Petersen said. “We have spent a lot of money in research and development and production to come up with a clean and green solution for a niche group of people who purchase our trucks,” he said.

The glider industry grew from truckers wanting to save money by equipping a wrecked or worn-out truck with a new cab and chassis, using a rebuilt engine.

“You take your existing componentry and move it over to a new chassis, and the overall cost is significantly less than buying a new truck. This becomes a huge incentive for small-business truckers,” said Joe Rajkovacz, spokesman for the Western States Trucking Association.

But others say the industry’s use of engines that don’t require new EPA technology aimed at reducing emissions has created a loophole.

“Some truckers are choosing to use older engine technology that doesn’t have the same emissions content that new vehicles have,” said Kenny Vieth, president of ACT Research. “I think the people most disappointed by this would be competing truckers who are playing by the rules and who aren’t trying to cheat the system.”
Actually no the truckers playing by the rules engines probably get better mileage....not due to the emissions but simply more modern engine.

Horseshit. The emission diesels, in addition to having all sorts of serious problems, burn MORE fuel. (They dump raw fuel into the exhaust to burn out the filters.)
you know nothing either...…..every 10th of mile fleet mpg improvement for co I work for = million dollars...that was announced couple yrs ago...since them we are considerably larger. ...they put very high bar on driver fuel management. TRCs are mostly new with each model getting better mileage
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
Who doesn't love the smell of diesel fuel anyway?!! People love that shit! Too, Americans hate electric vehicles so....
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops

Dang s0n... and I thought the mileage on my Coyote Mustang was bad:ack-1:. Filled up today....$53 bucks. Might last me to mid-week :2up:
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving
Message to the OP....people see a truck and figure bad gas mileage and lots of pollution. Also figure the shit its carrying has to get where its going....not going to get there by magic ( although some progressives might think so ).

Everyone and their brother thinks that.:bye1::bye1::fingerscrossed:
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving

SiCk :up:

Be safe out there dude!!
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving
Just the facts....we have about 70 city drivers and almost everyday they post your performance for all to see and compare...and see where they need to improve......bunch of different metrics they use...…...been there 12 yrs on my 6th new vehicle, seniority has its perks
The st00pid mutherfuckers probably dont even realize that as we speak, thousands of diesel locomotives all across the country sit idling in enormous freight yards, sometimes for hours, waiting for their next big "bomb" haul. Stop and start not an option, especially in cold weather. Go to any freight yard and take a gander.....when I've gone to a freight yard and dozens of these sweet EMD and GE locomotives idling, I always think of the meathead climate crusaders as nd laugh my ass off!
Horse shit. One more time: I drive these crapboxes for a living. Since the 2008 and 2010 trucks arrived, each and every truck on each and every route burns MORE fuel. There are no exceptions. (One tractor has a 200,000 mile average of about 4.5MPG.) And, of course, there are the massive emission system problems. (Like the one that stranded me in Boston a couple weeks ago, due to a failed fuse on the DEF system.)

Diesel power has jumped the shark.
I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving
Just the facts....we have about 70 city drivers and almost everyday they post your performance for all to see and compare...and see where they need to improve......bunch of different metrics they use...…...been there 12 yrs on my 6th new vehicle, seniority has its perks
There is "horse" and there is "shit", which part don't you understand?

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