Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

I drive too dumbass,,,,,,AVG'd 9mpg last run...…..ooooops
You are OTR. I am not.

My old truck (the last pre-2008 straight truck) got 8.5-9MPG. None of the newer trucks have topped 8, most get mid 7's. Not one single tractor tops 6. And, of course, there are the random warning lights, the shutdowns, the diluted oil, and the staggering repair bills.
No I am local..…..2018 Frtliner Cascadia...….9 mpg city driving
Just the facts....we have about 70 city drivers and almost everyday they post your performance for all to see and compare...and see where they need to improve......bunch of different metrics they use...…...been there 12 yrs on my 6th new vehicle, seniority has its perks
There is "horse" and there is "shit", which part don't you understand?
What is that ..your co motto...
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
That doesn't make any sense. One is an error, and the other is intentional. I think you might have fallen on your face, there.

The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
That doesn't make any sense. One is an error, and the other is intentional. I think you might have fallen on your face, there.

The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
Come on, cons, defend this.

Pruitt quietly approved "super polluting" freight trucks upon departure

One of Scott Pruitt's final acts as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency was effectively creating a loophole "that will allow a major increase in the manufacturing of a diesel freight truck that produces as much as 55 times the air pollution as trucks that have modern emissions controls," reports the New York Times.

Impact level: The New York Times explains that "[o]ne year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines." The move was opposed by several health groupssuch as the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense Fund, United Parcel Service, and Volvo Group.

Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
That doesn't make any sense. One is an error, and the other is intentional. I think you might have fallen on your face, there.

The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.
Whatever. It certainly couldn't be worse than this Obabble Obamanation:

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia
That doesn't make any sense. One is an error, and the other is intentional. I think you might have fallen on your face, there.

The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.

I'd rather have people who know how an industry actually functions provide oversight than for big government do gooder utopian bureaucrats deciding to violate the laws of physics and economics.
That doesn't make any sense. One is an error, and the other is intentional. I think you might have fallen on your face, there.

The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.

I'd rather have people who know how an industry actually functions provide oversight than for big government do gooder utopian bureaucrats deciding to violate the laws of physics and economics.
Nothing is violated. We have the right to protect ourselves through the tools available. This may include pricing a net negative business practice out of existence. You don't need to tell me that experts are needed. I handed you that argument conversationally because it is an important part of regulation. You do need to accept that there can be conflict of interest and that its too convenient for big energy to plant someone and help them out at the detriment of other stakeholders. I'm pretty sure the big banks, big chemical, big pharma, big ag, big tech do it all the time. Maybe that's one of the ways the working class is being disenfranchised. The pro corporate and centralized wealth government isn't working for them.

Maybe people should try putting citizens first in their money grubbing world view. It's not just moral, its economical and utilitarian. Large scale public health impacts carry large scale price tags and other impediments to a healthy labor pool. We'd be dumber than rocks to continue allowing damage be done thinking it can be fixed at 100x the price down the road. The rest of the advanced western world seems to acknowledge that.
The cover up was intentional, bub. Obabble caused a great deal of environmental damage and tried to hide it.
Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.

I'd rather have people who know how an industry actually functions provide oversight than for big government do gooder utopian bureaucrats deciding to violate the laws of physics and economics.
Nothing is violated. We have the right to protect ourselves through the tools available. This may include pricing a net negative business practice out of existence. You don't need to tell me that experts are needed. I handed you that argument conversationally because it is an important part of regulation. You do need to accept that there can be conflict of interest and that its too convenient for big energy to plant someone and help them out at the detriment of other stakeholders. I'm pretty sure the big banks, big chemical, big pharma, big ag, big tech do it all the time. Maybe that's one of the ways the working class is being disenfranchised. The pro corporate and centralized wealth government isn't working for them.

Maybe people should try putting citizens first in their money grubbing world view. It's not just moral, its economical and utilitarian. Large scale public health impacts carry large scale price tags and other impediments to a healthy labor pool. We'd be dumber than rocks to continue allowing damage be done thinking it can be fixed at 100x the price down the road. The rest of the advanced western world seems to acknowledge that.

^^^ Oh blah blah blah progressive pablum big government nonsense blah blah blah ^^^

Capitalism and free markets do far more to make people healthier and more prosperous than a bunch of government bureaucrats will ever accomplish.
trump isn't visiting London because of protests and the balloon.

Dude, this is MUST OP for you // and as for our internationally embarrassing Orange Führer fails to understand?

These protests AND Baby Trump will follow his pathetic, racist orange ass! :D

Let Trump visit protests go ahead, UK activists urge police

Is that a blank check for trump's planted big energy goons enacting their corporate goals from within the EPA? Do you see the problem, the conflict of interest with trump doing that? The EPA doesn't serve the big energy profit margin.

No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.

I'd rather have people who know how an industry actually functions provide oversight than for big government do gooder utopian bureaucrats deciding to violate the laws of physics and economics.
Nothing is violated. We have the right to protect ourselves through the tools available. This may include pricing a net negative business practice out of existence. You don't need to tell me that experts are needed. I handed you that argument conversationally because it is an important part of regulation. You do need to accept that there can be conflict of interest and that its too convenient for big energy to plant someone and help them out at the detriment of other stakeholders. I'm pretty sure the big banks, big chemical, big pharma, big ag, big tech do it all the time. Maybe that's one of the ways the working class is being disenfranchised. The pro corporate and centralized wealth government isn't working for them.

Maybe people should try putting citizens first in their money grubbing world view. It's not just moral, its economical and utilitarian. Large scale public health impacts carry large scale price tags and other impediments to a healthy labor pool. We'd be dumber than rocks to continue allowing damage be done thinking it can be fixed at 100x the price down the road. The rest of the advanced western world seems to acknowledge that.

^^^ Oh blah blah blah progressive pablum big government nonsense blah blah blah ^^^

Capitalism and free markets do far more to make people healthier and more prosperous than a bunch of government bureaucrats will ever accomplish.
I don't disagree. Capitalism needs to be regulated, though, or the unfettered negative externalities hurt stakeholders unjustly. The market, industry, or whole system can be destabilized due to the rot. You don't need to look far for examples.
No. No. And just try living your life without the energy provided by Big Energy Profit-Making Companies.

You also err in assuming that profit margins are EVUL.
It seems you prefer the fox guard the chicken coop.

I made no such assumption about profit. I understand the basics of how business works. However, we the people through our government, purchasing power, and legal system deserve the chance to protect ourselves from business practices that hurt us and our environment even if that dampens their profits. The true cost of operating a business includes damages done to stakeholders. The business should be paying it or the prevention of it, not our society. They should innovative a better way or their viability and existence should diminish like coal. If the profits are only for their owners but the costs and risks are spread amongst our society that's one of the big cons of american capitalism.

I work in the energy sector and have seen the enormity of regulatory oversight mostly coming from the DOE and industry self governance initiatives concerning reliability and some other community aspects of the market. It's a necessary function considering energy is a national security concern and without it the market has done some really stupid and illegal stuff. I'm sure they'd all be happy to roll back some of the rules they don't like or that don't work for them but that's not how this works. We need experts in those government roles so the rules make sense but there is an invisible line on who the expert is actually working for.

I'd rather have people who know how an industry actually functions provide oversight than for big government do gooder utopian bureaucrats deciding to violate the laws of physics and economics.
Nothing is violated. We have the right to protect ourselves through the tools available. This may include pricing a net negative business practice out of existence. You don't need to tell me that experts are needed. I handed you that argument conversationally because it is an important part of regulation. You do need to accept that there can be conflict of interest and that its too convenient for big energy to plant someone and help them out at the detriment of other stakeholders. I'm pretty sure the big banks, big chemical, big pharma, big ag, big tech do it all the time. Maybe that's one of the ways the working class is being disenfranchised. The pro corporate and centralized wealth government isn't working for them.

Maybe people should try putting citizens first in their money grubbing world view. It's not just moral, its economical and utilitarian. Large scale public health impacts carry large scale price tags and other impediments to a healthy labor pool. We'd be dumber than rocks to continue allowing damage be done thinking it can be fixed at 100x the price down the road. The rest of the advanced western world seems to acknowledge that.

^^^ Oh blah blah blah progressive pablum big government nonsense blah blah blah ^^^

Capitalism and free markets do far more to make people healthier and more prosperous than a bunch of government bureaucrats will ever accomplish.
I don't disagree. Capitalism needs to be regulated, though, or the unfettered negative externalities hurt stakeholders unjustly. The market, industry, or whole system can be destabilized due to the rot. You don't need to look far for examples.

No, Capitalism doesn't need to be fettered. The proper rules of law just need to be enforced. As theft and fraud are not Capitalism, what really needs to be done is to convict people who commit Theft and Fraud. The typical agenda of those who wish to "fetter" capitalism is to rent seek.

That's rolling up to the gate tonite at 6 after 11 hrs on the street, 2 tlrs, 18 stops. Fridays Official number posted today was 9.18 mpg Need any pointers let me know. No telling where your career might go if ya know how to get the most out of your equipment.

That's rolling up to the gate tonite at 6 after 11 hrs on the street, 2 tlrs, 18 stops. Fridays Official number posted today was 9.18 mpg Need any pointers let me know. No telling where your career might go if ya know how to get the most out of your equipment.
You're adorable! I didn't realize you were dumb enough to believe the lie-o-meter!

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