Psaki Played The 'Biden Dead Son/Grief' Card In Response To Drone Strike Fiasco Question...

What I am seeing is a complete inability from you to admit that your side does evil. None. Drone strikes hit targets and kill a family and children. When it’s Biden it’s evil. When it’s Trump…it’s excusable. Don’t you kinda think it’s really bad in BOTH cases?
The nation always moves leftward. You are not brought up to proper questioning. A half century ago, Marriages were between a man and a woman. Today a toddler child is having genitals mutilated for sexual change with a marriage or single parenting all in. This is proof of insanity and suicide projections. China has a billion people not in their modern nation that has over 300 million in it.
You don't care what the reasons are for a botched strike? Really, Coyote? It appears like the "reasons" for this drone strike were that the Biden Administration were desperate to look a little less inept for their botched withdrawal that killed 13 US Marines and ordered the strike in an attempt to look less pathetically weak than they were! An attempt that now makes them look even MORE pathetic than they looked before!
Your arguing that drone strikes shouldn't be happening at all is almost as pathetic as Biden's ordering this one TO happen! It's a pathetic attempt to change the discussion from why this one DID happen to whether drone strikes SHOULD be used!
And the optics of this has not even been brought up. As the US leaves women and children to horrible fates that we all know await them with the Taliban, as the US leaves men and women it has worked with and made promises to in the hands of those that will murder them brutally for it, the very last thing that we ensure we accomplish is murdering an innocent family that was one of those allies.

Local populations would be insane to ever work with us in the future and every single one of those victimized over there are going to remember that it was the US that left them. Just like last time.
Following a car for eight hours, and being told there are kids inside, and still MURDER.

Just after the US military launched a Hellfire missile to stop a white Toyota Corolla it believed to be an imminent threat to US troops leading the evacuation at the Kabul airport, the CIA issued an urgent warning: Civilians were likely in the area, including possibly children inside the vehicle, according to three sources familiar with the situation.

It was too late. The warning on August 29 came seconds before the missile hit the car, killing 10 civilians, including seven children.

In the weeks following, the military insisted that it had been a justified strike on a confirmed terrorist target, acknowledging that some civilians might have been killed. But on Friday, after weeks of media coverage casting doubt on the legitimacy of the strike, the military acknowledged no one in the car was affiliated with ISIS-K as originally believed. "It was a mistake," Gen. Frank McKenzie, the top general of US Central Command, said bluntly at the Pentagon.

It's not clear whether the military informed the intelligence community that it had decided to pull the trigger -- if for no other reason than that the situation was rapidly evolving. The military calls such strikes, which commanders in the field were authorized to take without consulting up the chain of command, "dynamic."

Just after the US military launched a Hellfire missile to stop a white Toyota Corolla it believed to be an imminent threat to US troops leading the evacuation at the Kabul airport, the CIA issued an urgent warning: Civilians were likely in the area, including possibly children inside the vehicle, according to three sources familiar with the situation.

It was too late. The warning on August 29 came seconds before the missile hit the car, killing 10 civilians, including seven children.

In the weeks following, the military insisted that it had been a justified strike on a confirmed terrorist target, acknowledging that some civilians might have been killed. But on Friday, after weeks of media coverage casting doubt on the legitimacy of the strike, the military acknowledged no one in the car was affiliated with ISIS-K as originally believed. "It was a mistake," Gen. Frank McKenzie, the top general of US Central Command, said bluntly at the Pentagon.

It's not clear whether the military informed the intelligence community that it had decided to pull the trigger -- if for no other reason than that the situation was rapidly evolving. The military calls such strikes, which commanders in the field were authorized to take without consulting up the chain of command, "dynamic."

You are merely proving my point.
You are merely proving my point.
Not at all. That report says they were notified by the CIA that civilians including children were in the area and inside the car after the missile was on it's way.

Whereas you said they were "told there are kids inside, and still launching...".
Not at all. That report says they were notified by the CIA that civilians including children were in the area and inside the car after the missile was on it's way.

Whereas you said they were "told there are kids inside, and still launching...".

The reports coming out now PROVE that the CIA told them over an hour before the launch.

You are posting Biden regime propaganda
That is the point though, isn't it. This was NOT a military strike. There was no military goal. We had already pulled out. This strike was purely political. Biden was going for a political gain here and instead killed innocent children.

And the ONLY thing you can bring yourself to say, the ONLY thing that seems to matter to you, is that this really is not an issue for Biden because innocents were killed by drone strikes in the war too. He stood on stage personally and hailed the strike as an example of our continued operational capability. Of course this is a big deal for the admin - he made it so.
I will say two things. One, if the goal was to get whomever killed our marines, and prevent further attacks as we were getting out, then yes that qualifies as a military strike.

Is it an issue for Biden? Of course it is. Just like it was for Trump and Obama. But I see a hell of a lot of partisan politics in your anger here.

Two, I’ve opposed drone strikes since the beginning under Obama. You and Westwall seem to have a partisan definition of what evil and what wrong. Drone strikes have killed tons of people, including a lot of children, who were in the wrong place or the victims of poorly selected targets and have angered many who might normally be allies.
The reports coming out now PROVE that the CIA told them over an hour before the launch.

You are posting Biden regime propaganda
What reports, do you have a link from a reputable site?
And the optics of this has not even been brought up. As the US leaves women and children to horrible fates that we all know await them with the Taliban, as the US leaves men and women it has worked with and made promises to in the hands of those that will murder them brutally for it, the very last thing that we ensure we accomplish is murdering an innocent family that was one of those allies.

Local populations would be insane to ever work with us in the future and every single one of those victimized over there are going to remember that it was the US that left them. Just like last time.
Now this I agree with. We fucked them (again) in Syria, now we’ve fucked them (again) in Afghanistan with piss poor planning and a total fuckup. We didn’t even ramp up the visa system to take into account the huge backlog from the prior administration and the anticipated numbers trying to flee as we left.
The nation always moves leftward. You are not brought up to proper questioning. A half century ago, Marriages were between a man and a woman. Today a toddler child is having genitals mutilated for sexual change with a marriage or single parenting all in. This is proof of insanity and suicide projections. China has a billion people not in their modern nation that has over 300 million in it.
What toddler is having genit
Rogue AI I'm still trying to figure out when we signed up for the massive airlift of hundreds of thousands of Afghans into OUR country. How about they get airlifted into the Gulf states that are right next door?
How about we do what is RIGHT for people who put their lives and their families lives on the line to help us instead of dumping them on some other country? This is our mess.
What reports, do you have a link from a reputable site?

This is from the NY Post, they admit it is unclear when the CIA warned the xiden Admin. That fact alone tells you it was more than a few seconds before the launch. And, even if it were only a few seconds, that is more than enough time.

It is quite telling that first the admission was that they were warned AFTER the launch, but were then forced to retract that claim to they were warned just seconds before the launch.

In a Court of Law that is called perjury, and I wonder why they can't tell us how long the warning came before the launch, it is clearly known, thus the logical assumption is it is bad for them to admit how long they knew.

"It’s unclear exactly when the CIA’s alert was issued, said CNN, which cited three anonymous sources who noted there were just seconds to spare before the Hellfire missile hit Zmaray Ahmadi’s Toyota Corolla."

And why the disagree with my accurate statement that beau biden had received a Bronze Star? He did.
This is from the NY Post, they admit it is unclear when the CIA warned the xiden Admin. That fact alone tells you it was more than a few seconds before the launch. And, even if it were only a few seconds, that is more than enough time.

It is quite telling that first the admission was that they were warned AFTER the launch, but were then forced to retract that claim to they were warned just seconds before the launch.

In a Court of Law that is called perjury, and I wonder why they can't tell us how long the warning came before the launch, it is clearly known, thus the logical assumption is it is bad for them to admit how long they knew.

"It’s unclear exactly when the CIA’s alert was issued, said CNN, which cited three anonymous sources who noted there were just seconds to spare before the Hellfire missile hit Zmaray Ahmadi’s Toyota Corolla."

And why the disagree with my accurate statement that beau biden had received a Bronze Star? He did.
I tend to believe it. No one would knowingly order the strike knowing there were children and that includes Biden. The drone operator only saw the kids after he had launched.

Yes Beau got a bronze star, why the need to denigrate it?
I tend to believe it. No one would knowingly order the strike knowing there were children and that includes Biden. The drone operator only saw the kids after he had launched.

Yes Beau got a bronze star, why the need to denigrate it?

Then why can't they tell us how many seconds it was. Three different anonymous sources are not credible.
Then why can't they tell us how many seconds it was. Three different anonymous sources are not credible.
There is nothing there about any warning an hour before. Exactly how many seconds? That is a tiny fraction of time in a fast situation.
I tend to believe it. No one would knowingly order the strike knowing there were children and that includes Biden. The drone operator only saw the kids after he had launched.

Yes Beau got a bronze star, why the need to denigrate it?

By pointing out that good clerk typists get it? Which is also factual? The Bronze Star is not the decoration it was once upon a time.
By pointing out that good clerk typists get it? Which is also factual? The Bronze Star is not the decoration it was once upon a time.
It is still an honor given to a man who served. Why do you need to denigrate it?
There is nothing there about any warning an hour before. Exactly how many seconds? That is a tiny fraction of time in a fast situation.

What we absolutely do know is the CIA was watching the car for eight hours. We KNOW that to be true. So, do you think a bunch of small children can not have to take a pee for eight hours? The entire claim from the xiden admin is bullshit. No one can say how long it was before the warning, but the infamous anonymous sources say it was mere seconds. After telling the whole world that the warning came after the strike had happened.

So, who to believe, KNOWN liars. Or the CIA who reported that the car had children long before the strike was launched.

It's pretty clear that the xiden admin doesn't give a shit about people. If they did they wouldn't be doing this., nor would they be desperately trying to hide this shit from the American people. But they have tried.

Face it Coyote, you support some real bad people.


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