Pseudoscience And Conspiracy Theory Are Not Victimless Crimes Against Science

Teachable moment as CrickHam gets all indignant about abuse of the scientific method..

That's your response to an article advocating greater awareness of the scientific method?

Wow.... you should show that to your graduate advisor and see what they think.

Check the chart of the scientific method in the OP and explain to everyone why the GWarming circus STOPPED at "Formulate Hypotheses" and skipped over the next block to what they thought was "Alter Historical Data and Perceptions"


The next step is develop testable predictions, which they have done in spades. Are there any other stupid comments you care to make?

Testable and repeatable by whom? all of science or just s select number of hand selected people who wont out the scam? Keep on hiding the math, methods and altering the data to suit your pseudoscience.. It shows who is no longer credible..
Teachable moment as CrickHam gets all indignant about abuse of the scientific method..

That's your response to an article advocating greater awareness of the scientific method?

Wow.... you should show that to your graduate advisor and see what they think.

Check the chart of the scientific method in the OP and explain to everyone why the GWarming circus STOPPED at "Formulate Hypotheses" and skipped over the next block to what they thought was "Alter Historical Data and Perceptions"


The next step is develop testable predictions, which they have done in spades. Are there any other stupid comments you care to make?

Testable and repeatable by whom? all of science or just s select number of hand selected people who wont out the scam? Keep on hiding the math, methods and altering the data to suit your pseudoscience.. It shows who is no longer credible..

Certainly not by you. Obviously, you failed grammar school. The science is beyond your reckoning.
The greening of the planet - Matt Ridley

Did you know that the Earth is getting greener, quite literally? Satellites are now confirming that the amount of green vegetation on the planet has been increasing for three decades. This will be news to those accustomed to alarming tales about deforestation, overdevelopment and ecosystem destruction.

This possibility was first suspected in 1985 by Charles Keeling, the scientist whose meticulous record of the content of the air atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii first alerted the world to the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mr. Keeling's famous curve showed not only a year-by-year increase in carbon dioxide levels but a season-by-season oscillation in the concentration.

Deserts greening from rising CO2 Watts Up With That

Teachable moment as CrickHam gets all indignant about abuse of the scientific method..

That's your response to an article advocating greater awareness of the scientific method?

Wow.... you should show that to your graduate advisor and see what they think.

Check the chart of the scientific method in the OP and explain to everyone why the GWarming circus STOPPED at "Formulate Hypotheses" and skipped over the next block to what they thought was "Alter Historical Data and Perceptions"


The next step is develop testable predictions, which they have done in spades. Are there any other stupid comments you care to make?

Testable and repeatable by whom? all of science or just s select number of hand selected people who wont out the scam? Keep on hiding the math, methods and altering the data to suit your pseudoscience.. It shows who is no longer credible..

Certainly not by you. Obviously, you failed grammar school. The science is beyond your reckoning.

Ah Yes, The Michael Mann School of Deception. I see your a graduate.. And when all else fails, use Alyinsky tactics to deflect your ignorance and indefensible position.

Go to minute 13 and watch.............Leading up to his decision for plant growth in africa...........he stated..........that he and his nations top scientist decided to KILL 40,000 save the deforestation of the region...............

After KILLING these animals and failing to fix the problem he was DETERMINED to SOLVE THE PROBLEM................AT MINUTE 13 he addresses the SOLUTION to getting more GREEN GROWTH in ARID DESERTS of Africa............EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what they had thought before..............causing them to SLAUGHTER ELEPHANTS............

In essence.................his plan is to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.............increased animal herds.............with increased vegetation and plant growth LITERALLY TURNING DESERT INTO CROP PRODUCING LAND..............which increases the food supply.

It's interesting..............and before you slam the door on this WARMING should understand that this guy is on your side of the equation...................

The greening of the planet - Matt Ridley

Did you know that the Earth is getting greener, quite literally? Satellites are now confirming that the amount of green vegetation on the planet has been increasing for three decades. This will be news to those accustomed to alarming tales about deforestation, overdevelopment and ecosystem destruction.

This possibility was first suspected in 1985 by Charles Keeling, the scientist whose meticulous record of the content of the air atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii first alerted the world to the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mr. Keeling's famous curve showed not only a year-by-year increase in carbon dioxide levels but a season-by-season oscillation in the concentration.

Deserts greening from rising CO2 Watts Up With That


Beth Newingham of the University of Idaho, Moscow, recently published the result of a 10-year experiment involving a greenhouse set up in the Mojave desert of Nevada. She found "no sustained increase in biomass" when extra CO2 was pumped into the greenhouse. "You cannot assume that all these deserts respond the same," she says. "Enough water needs to be present for the plants to respond at all."
The greening of the planet - Matt Ridley

Did you know that the Earth is getting greener, quite literally? Satellites are now confirming that the amount of green vegetation on the planet has been increasing for three decades. This will be news to those accustomed to alarming tales about deforestation, overdevelopment and ecosystem destruction.

This possibility was first suspected in 1985 by Charles Keeling, the scientist whose meticulous record of the content of the air atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii first alerted the world to the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mr. Keeling's famous curve showed not only a year-by-year increase in carbon dioxide levels but a season-by-season oscillation in the concentration.

Deserts greening from rising CO2 Watts Up With That


Beth Newingham of the University of Idaho, Moscow, recently published the result of a 10-year experiment involving a greenhouse set up in the Mojave desert of Nevada. She found "no sustained increase in biomass" when extra CO2 was pumped into the greenhouse. "You cannot assume that all these deserts respond the same," she says. "Enough water needs to be present for the plants to respond at all."
Of course not.............If you have no rain you can't produce anything.......................which is why they are deserts..............

Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert Bloom - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
Located along the Jordanian border, the Arava Desert gets about an inch of rain a year. And believe it or not, local farmers use that to their advantage.

"From here to Europe the distance is so short. It's a natural market for Israel," Badihi told CBN News. "We are here ahead of everybody because of the weather."

Despite the conditions, 500 farming families here produce 60 percent of Israel's fresh vegetable exports and 10 percent of its cut flower market.

"We grow summer crops during the winter time," said Mayan Kitron, director of flower research at the Arava R & D Center at Moshav Hatzeva.

The center helps find alternative crops to improve the farmers harvests in the Arava.
At minute 4.27 they prove with experiments in REAL WORLD TERMS that increased CO2 levels.............increased plant growth.............

Where is that formula in your Science..................The world needs real SOLUTIONS to FOOD AND WATER FOR 10 BILLION PEOPLE..............not BS...............

Your side continues to say we are the problem......................

I disagree..............................

Epic Drought Spurs California to Build Largest Desalination Plant in Western Hemisphere


When the Carlsbad Desalination Project is completed this fall, it will be the largest desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere. Photo credit: Carlsbad Desalination Project

ENVIRONUTS in CALIFORNIA fought tooth and nail to stop this from being built.............It's been in planning and COURT for over a DECADE..................

Only when water starts getting they go OK NOW WE NEED IT.

A V-8 MOMENT..............Example of your NARROW MINDLESSNESS.................

The left wing zealots attempt at demonetization of the skeptical position is failing.. Crick is living proof of this as he is so disingenuous that he cant even bring himself to consider what it is the OP's paper is about or its intended use.

The words Demon and Denier, among other slights tell the tale.

Apparently, you don't understand what the OP is about, so don't go accusing someone else of being disingenuous about their understanding.
None of the denier followers can get past repeating the same superficial nonsense, that's as much as they know.
I see you follow the hypocritical oath! LOL

I have used this method of troubleshooting for a very long time..............very similar to the OP's process except for one very important thing........................

The equipment I use this method on is REALITY NOT A THEORY.............
Well, perhaps if you ever bother to learn what theory means in science, you would cease posting such nonsense.
I'm still waiting for your definition of theory since you haven't presented any facts to support your claim! Funny.

I have used this method of troubleshooting for a very long time..............very similar to the OP's process except for one very important thing........................

The equipment I use this method on is REALITY NOT A THEORY.............

Your problem solving wheel is used starting in kindergarten to teach children how to solve every day problems. And that is great for what it is worth. But it is not the scientific method.

This is the scientific method:



It's basically identical to your graph.....................unless you live under a rock.
An old one!
Let's see: they admit there's no warming and they're "Hiding the decline", they alter data, they have no predictions apart from blaming every top story on the Weather Channel on AGW and they outright told us it's not about the science but its about redistributing wealth.

Why does AGW get any funding at all?
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