Atheist Anti-Science - The Multiverse

Conflating atheism and science is like mixing bleach and ammonia in the toilet of your mind.
My mind does not have a toilet. Atheists constantly feign scientific and intellectual supremacy, like you and so many other Leftists do. I challenge the anti-science of atheists constantly. You on the other hand, make childish non-comparisons and think yourself cute. Grow up and act like an adult.
My mind does not have a toilet. Atheists constantly feign scientific and intellectual supremacy, like you and so many other Leftists do. I challenge the anti-science of atheists constantly. You on the other hand, make childish non-comparisons and think yourself cute. Grow up and act like an adult.
Didn't mean to infer your mind has a toilet. Apologies. Thought it was obvious that I see your mind as a toilet. You keep attacking people with labels and conflating things. Then you appear to reference religious shit as if you're holier than thou.

You have masked (poorly) your trolling spam intentions in this thread.
From the people that brought us the Moon landings and Human contributions to Climate Change being real things:

Cygnus X-1​

So you don't believe in the moon landings and climate change?
You have a lot of good company on both, but probably still not in the majority.
Due to your numerous inane replies, I had you on IGNORE and had to click a link to read what you said to make someone else make fun of your ignorance. I'm almost sorry I clicked the link now. You are a complete waste of time.
The Anthropic Principle is strictly scientific. Only YOU thumped the Bible. If you have anything of a scientific and common sense nature to contribute, by all means do so. But I deal in science and you clearly do not.

If you are claiming to deal in science, you misspoke when you criticized 'a' theists.

It's only fair that I say that your didn't say that you deal 'only' in science.

I consider your behaviour to be childish on account of you turning to personal attacks that appear to be motivated by me discounting Christian beliefs, that I consider to be nonsense.

We can start over again if you like/
How can atheists delude themselves that there is an infinite number of universes to try to circumvent the Anthropic Principle which is a scientific analysis of the statistical insuperability of physical constants necessary for THE ONLY universe possible, ours?
The link to Sabine's explanation is worth your time. But she offers the same argument against the god too.

That's as controversial to me as it will be to you.

But 'I' wouldn't ever attempt to discredit her, based on her understanding that no god exists. I'll just say that there's another learned and valued opinion on the multiverse.

If you're a Christian, do you have the final answer?
What is your problem with grasping things? Do you even know what you are responding to?
Not completely, due to your wording of your doubt on the moon landings and climate change. You've attempted to raise the questions, but haven't offered your opinions.
From the people that brought us the Moon landings and Human contributions to Climate Change being real things:

Cygnus X-1​

Donald H please look at the link with the comment. Then stop replying to my posts here. Too weird.
You do not understand the Anthropic Principle.
If any of several dozen physical constants were smaller or larger by a very tiny fraction, some billionth of trillionths, our universe would not have formed. If any other "multiverse" had different constants, it would not have formed either. Atheists turn science and statistics upside down in their desperation to be "right." They never will be.; They face either eternal darkness or eternal misery - not a good selection to face.
It is never a good thing for religion to intervene on science. For example:

In February-March 1616, the Catholic Church issued a prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth's motion. This led later (1633) to the Inquisition trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) as a suspected heretic, which generated a controversy that continues to our day.
Didn't mean to infer your mind has a toilet. Apologies. Thought it was obvious that I see your mind as a toilet. You keep attacking people with labels and conflating things. Then you appear to reference religious shit as if you're holier than thou.

You have masked (poorly) your trolling spam intentions in this thread.

You don't like to learn, do you? I enjoy teaching and do it all the time even if some ignorati, such as you, misconstrue it and smear me. I brought up science, NOT religion. I referenced the anti-science nonsense of atheists to help others see through their destructive lies. This is what you call " religious shit."

I have nothing to mask or hide. You ignore the message and try to slay the messenger. This is what atheists do all the time when they thump the Bible as the first ones to bring it up, just as you did.

Ciao brutto
You just earned a place on my Ignore List
If you don't like what I write, why don't you add me to your Ignore List, or do you prefer stalking and harassing, like so many others who hate learning.
It is never a good thing for religion to intervene on science. For example:

In February-March 1616, the Catholic Church issued a prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth's motion. This led later (1633) to the Inquisition trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) as a suspected heretic, which generated a controversy that continues to our day.

You're right up to date, aren't you Mike? 1616, only 408 years ago. It's fine for science to overrule and negate religion but not the converse to you and millions of others like you.
In fact many brilliant scientists have done just that and will always continue to do so, for the simple reason that they are not mutually exclusive as you seem to think.

I wrote a book, Science of the Bible. You should read it. Perhaps it will change your mind.
Atheists don't debate.

They simply feign moral and intellectual superiority. Atheists marry less, have fewer children, are less happy, and commit suicide more. Atheists abandon their nihilistic religion more than anyone else, according to a Pew research study, and for obviously good reasons!

"Every thinking man is an atheist," wrote Ernest Hemingway. Years later he put his shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. His father, also an atheist, killed himself as well.

Incidentally, the Unabomber was an atheist and had a well-worn book in his rathole cabin, viz., Earth in the Balance, by Al Ecohypocrite Gore.

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