Psychiatry as a political will submit....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Apparently, it wasn't enough to punish Dinesh D'Souza with all socialist regimes eventually end doing, they are now using psychiatry as a weapon.......

The Political Persecution of Dinesh D Souza

Breitbart News reported in September 2014: “In addition to his five-year probation sentencing and eight months of confinement in a community confinement center — or restitution center, which will likely be completed in San Diego, California where D’Souza resides — Judge Berman ordered D’Souza to undergo ‘therapeutic counseling.’”

The idea that Dinesh would have to undergo psychological counseling is Maoist. It’s what Mao Zedong did to intellectuals and political dissidents in China.

And as could have been predicted by anyone who is aware of how totalitarians have used psychology as a weapon, the psychological counseling hasn’t gone well. On Monday, Judge Berman “read aloud a report from a court-appointed psychologist who called D’Souza ‘arrogant’ and ‘intolerant of others’ feelings.’” This was in the context of Berman emphasizing that D’Souza had “to do eight hours each week for the entire five years he’s on probation and not just the eight months he was confined to a halfway house.”

The republicans play politics, they win some they lose some they wait for the next election.....democrats/statists, fight complete and total political war against their enemies and take no prisoners, they will use the law and anything else they have to to destroy their political enemies...

He reimbursed some friends for their donations......and yet a felon with 7 felonies, an illegal alien who was deported 5 times.....didn't go thru the hassles D'souza is going through.....

In my 2010 book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America, I gave the details of illegal contributions to the 2008 Obama campaign – from Hamas-controlled Gaza, no less. No one so much as batted an eye. But the idea that Dinesh D’Souza would have to undergo psychological examination for breaking the rules to support conservatives – that’s a new Stalinist mode of American politics.
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Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.
Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.
ya we need to act like the serial rapist bill clinton

Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.
The guy needs to examined for the sake of science, it's not everyday an actual plutocrat has to serve any time for any thing. It's not like they can give him a conscience but someone needs to explain right and wrong to him.
Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.
The guy needs to examined for the sake of science, it's not everyday an actual plutocrat has to serve any time for any thing. It's not like they can give him a conscience but someone needs to explain right and wrong to him.
I was thinking that Lindsay Lohan could impart some knowledge while they are cleaning up along the freeways.
Apparently, it wasn't enough to punish Dinesh D'Souza with all socialist regimes eventually end doing, they are now using psychiatry as a weapon.......

The Political Persecution of Dinesh D Souza

Breitbart News reported in September 2014: “In addition to his five-year probation sentencing and eight months of confinement in a community confinement center — or restitution center, which will likely be completed in San Diego, California where D’Souza resides — Judge Berman ordered D’Souza to undergo ‘therapeutic counseling.’”

The idea that Dinesh would have to undergo psychological counseling is Maoist. It’s what Mao Zedong did to intellectuals and political dissidents in China.

And as could have been predicted by anyone who is aware of how totalitarians have used psychology as a weapon, the psychological counseling hasn’t gone well. On Monday, Judge Berman “read aloud a report from a court-appointed psychologist who called D’Souza ‘arrogant’ and ‘intolerant of others’ feelings.’” This was in the context of Berman emphasizing that D’Souza had “to do eight hours each week for the entire five years he’s on probation and not just the eight months he was confined to a halfway house.”

The republicans play politics, they win some they lose some they wait for the next election.....democrats/statists, fight complete and total political war against their enemies and take no prisoners, they will use the law and anything else they have to to destroy their political enemies...

He reimbursed some friends for their donations......and yet a felon with 7 felonies, an illegal alien who was deported 5 times.....didn't go thru the hassles D'souza is going through.....

In my 2010 book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America, I gave the details of illegal contributions to the 2008 Obama campaign – from Hamas-controlled Gaza, no less. No one so much as batted an eye. But the idea that Dinesh D’Souza would have to undergo psychological examination for breaking the rules to support conservatives – that’s a new Stalinist mode of American politics.

And this coming from the liberals who REFUSE the notion of gays and transgender going through counseling?

Truly bizarre.

If "arrogance" is a crime, then what about Obama?
Even where human nature, created by God, respects free will,
Obama seeks to override human nature itself, and create a federal health care system
that FORCES people to pay into it and manage their private choices that way.
IE playing God.

if Obama (also Pelosi and even Judge Roberts) are in complete "denial"
as to what constitutes a Political BELIEF (ie right to marriage, right to health care, etc.)
can't that be identified as a form of mental delusion or false justification/compensation
that impairs the "impartiality" of their JUDGEMENT?

Why not put their perception of reality into question if you are going to start
picking people's thinking apart, and say they have disorders or denial going on.

Gee whiz!

I'd love to pick apart these people's thinking and brains,
and see who is enlightened, aware, and spiritually free to be transparent and open to collaboration,
and who is stuck in denial and projection, and sabotaging relationships as a defense mechanism
This is really scary stuff.... but then ...I'm not surprised

The past KGB must hold their breath in awe, of this present Communist American Administration.
Arrogant and intolerant of others feelings.

Consider: He's a minority. He's articulate. He cleans up nice.

And there you have it; ALL the qualifications to be The Democrat Party's nominee but for the grim reality that he's not one of them.

Maybe a draft........
Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.

You don't think that the idea of psychological counseling in this instance is absolutely insane?

He pleaded guilty to essentially fulfilling money where he was not legally allowed to - what the fuck does that have to do with counseling?
Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.

You don't think that the idea of psychological counseling in this instance is absolutely insane?

He pleaded guilty to essentially fulfilling money where he was not legally allowed to - what the fuck does that have to do with counseling?

Yes really, If you are convicted of a felony and you make presumptions about the court you will likely find trouble no matter who you are. Felons are not treated like regular people under the law and that is a very good reason to avoid conviction at all costs. If his arrogance was that pervasive that everyone notices, well you can expect to be in line for some behavior modification.
Boo Hoo Hoo, even a high school dropout knows you have to try to sound remorseful once you're in the court system. If D'souza is that arrogant and cannot appeal to people that can make things easier for him, maybe he needs some counseling.

You don't think that the idea of psychological counseling in this instance is absolutely insane?

He pleaded guilty to essentially fulfilling money where he was not legally allowed to - what the fuck does that have to do with counseling?

Yes really, If you are convicted of a felony and you make presumptions about the court you will likely find trouble no matter who you are. Felons are not treated like regular people under the law and that is a very good reason to avoid conviction at all costs. If his arrogance was that pervasive that everyone notices, well you can expect to be in line for some behavior modification.
Perhaps you find such acceptable. I do not.

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