Psychological Nervous Laugh?

Because she told me, you stupid person.

She’s never had it. She may well get it in the future, but she is not getting the vaccinations.
I never said you were stupid, she may or may not have been tested.

And you had low immune system, so there. How old is your dtr?
I am. They did a good job. My first experience of American health care.
But I only said this to hi light getting sick despite vaccines.

Of course the trolls jumped on top of it, and turned it into something else.

I'm a teacher, and so of course work with a ton of teachers who went and got vaccinated the very day they could. They were busy getting their boosters in Oct/Nov, and every single one I know also got Covid shortly after. Some of them were very ill.

Great vaccines.
You must of had a low immune system.

Maybe the unvaccinated should set up a hospital system just for us, and then one for the vaccinated. I promise you the vaccinated hospitals will soon be filled with blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and cancer. And maybe all kinds of autoimmune diseases. Now if I were you Penny, I would say TOO BAD!!! Those stupid people should have listened to us and did not. Therefore they get no beds at our empty hospitals.

You like, Penny?
Maybe the unvaccinated should set up a hospital system just for us, and then one for the vaccinated. I promise you the vaccinated hospitals will soon be filled with blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and cancer. And maybe all kinds of autoimmune diseases. Now if I were you Penny, I would say TOO BAD!!! Those stupid people should have listened to us and did not. Therefore they get no beds at our empty hospitals.

You like, Penny?
That's really a great idea. It would be a graphic illustration of what we've been saying ever since the jabs started.
She gets lab or twice a year. I'm sure she has the best medical care. Fox is worried about her laughter.

Yeah, I don't care. But hey, nice dodge... Now, would you care to address the essence of my post?

There could be myriad of reasons for her inappropriate laughter. Yes, inappropriate, because regardless of whether it is brought about by psychological or emotional or medical issues or not, it is inappropriate. I think you would agree she is certainly aware of her inappropriate laughter, yes? So riddle me this... why the hell doesn't she apologize for it? A simple, “I know it’s not funny. Sometimes, I laugh when I feel nervous. I apologize,” would suffice and I believe people would respect her for saying so.

Here, I'll help you find it...

Why the fuck doesn't she apologize for her inappropriate nervous laughter?

The possible causes for it are inconsequential. The number of times a year she sees a physician is inconsequential.

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