Psychotic Gun Control Freak David Hogg Inks Book Deal About Surviving Parkland Shooting

I wasn't at the school either. Where's my million dollars?
Looks like he along with his sister are going to capitalize and become millionaires over his dead schoolmates. Pathetic!

Parkland survivors David Hogg and Lauren Hogg to publish book '#NeverAgain'

How do you get through life being such a gullible boob?
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

David Hogg not at school during shooting? That's fake news
Parkland Shooting Survivor David Hogg is a Crisis Actor-Fiction!
"#NeverAgain will be published on June 5"


Written by Casper the Friendly Ghost Writer.
I heard he also dodged sniper bullets once, while getting off a plane in Bosnia.
You gotta love it when Hogg boy can capitalize on the deaths of so many others. Ka-ching! I guess he won't be worried so much about his inability to find a university that will accept him, although Fresno U (California State University-Fresno) would most likely welcome him with open arms, and an open scholarship pocketbook.
It will completely bomb.

What can possibly go wrong with a book written by a sniveling 17-year old likely beaten up every other day for arms thinner than my wrists whose only claim to fame is that he was conveniently home playing hooky jerking off while his buddies were being shot up at school by one of his friends as the police stood outside counting the gunshots and smoking cigarettes waiting for the go-ahead to let the perp walk right by them?

I'm sure the Left will stage book sit-ins where they will all wait in line patiently drooling for a signed copy of the ghost-written book covering all the insights of a kid who's never done a thing tell the nation all about his views and insights into laws his school has never taught him on firearms he's never seen, held or fired on solutions to a problem that's been created by the very institution that holds him prisoner every day in a defenseless gun zone that 10,000 experts high and low have not ever been able to agree upon as to the solution but never became a problem until liberals took control of the schools and outlawed guns, knives, penknives, popguns, slingshots, BB guns, sharp objects, pop tarts, drawings, playing games, love of country, pledge of allegiance, and all expressions of faith and free speech?
Because he wasn't there, how can the guy have anything for a book let alone enough?

God bless you and the real survivors always!!!


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