Parkland gun control activist David Hogg lashes out at infowars

The poor little bedwetter is going to have a tantrum because he ran across an adult he could not control. David Hogg has not been hurt, he is fine and looking for attention.

Wow, you people are very disappointing..The NRA starts it by discrediting and you all run with it making fools of yourself.

The poor little bedwetter is going to have a tantrum because he ran across an adult he could not control. David Hogg has not been hurt, he is fine and looking for attention.

Wow, you people are very disappointing..The NRA starts it by discrediting and you all run with it making fools of yourself.


Funny and agree. Of course this is not the first time Tippsycatlolver has proved she is a fool.
InfoWars is for the Poorly Educated.

As CNN and Huffpo is for the easily duped
You must practically live there

Hardly you old shit stain. But it's obvious you do, one of the most ill informed, crass and perverted freaks on this forum.

Let your snot nosed brat Hogg debate Jones, the tyke will get shellacked. He's a clueless little shit

Better yet..have him debate Shapiro.
The lack of empathy and attacks from the right for these victims is astonishing. These kids are angry about what happened. Now you don't have to agree with their views on guns, but there is something called tact and decorum.

Infowars is a right wing conspiracy website. It's garbage and always will be garbage. Alex Jones is a nut.

As much as I dislike fox news, at least the majority of their reporting is based on actual facts. Infowars is often based on fiction.

Let's not forget the Infowars readers are the ones who started pizzagate and harassment of parents of Sandyhook victims.

The left scooped up victims and is using them as a front. THAT'S disgusting.
Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........

The lack of empathy and attacks from the right for these victims is astonishing. These kids are angry about what happened. Now you don't have to agree with their views on guns, but there is something called tact and decorum.

Infowars is a right wing conspiracy website. It's garbage and always will be garbage. Alex Jones is a nut.

As much as I dislike fox news, at least the majority of their reporting is based on actual facts. Infowars is often based on fiction.

Let's not forget the Infowars readers are the ones who started pizzagate and harassment of parents of Sandyhook victims.

The left scooped up victims and is using them as a front. THAT'S disgusting.

Then attack those who you feel like are taking advantage of them. Leave the victims out of the attacks.
Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........
Shouldn;t Hogg be learning the value of having a job.
This kid is going to go thru life thinking he is so entitled
Soo like Alex Jones strikes out at a CHILD yet again?

You SUCK Dude and kindly move his and your screed to Conspiracy Theories.

Get it - Got it - GOOD

Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........

I am sick and tired of Russian trolls posting links to Info Wars and other fake news sites.

How dare you continue to spread your lies and conspiracy theories. And you attack this decent boy who is lucky to be alive.

You have no shame. No morals. And you insult our intelligence everybtime you post and pretend to be an American.
Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........
Shouldn;t Hogg be learning the value of having a job.
This kid is going to go thru life thinking he is so entitled

He’s a white boy. According to the cons here that gives him the right to be entitled.
Kris Pronto a BENGHAZI HERO was there when Killary tried to have them killed......


Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........

I am sick and tired of Russian trolls posting links to Info Wars and other fake news sites.

How dare you continue to spread your lies and conspiracy theories. And you attack this decent boy who is lucky to be alive.

You have no shame. No morals. And you insult our intelligence everybtime you post and pretend to be an American.

Well stop being dumb enough to believe the RUSSIAN BS LIES, that's your problem not mine.

We're rather sick of you TROLLS who are taking down America.
Soo like Alex Jones strikes out at a CHILD yet again?

You SUCK Dude and kindly move his and your screed to Conspiracy Theories.

Get it - Got it - GOOD


If the "child" wants to get out there and put his foot in the road, he gets it run over like any adult that does the same thing. No hiding behind childhood. If the child didn't want to take on an adult, the child should have shut up.
Soo like Alex Jones strikes out at a CHILD yet again?

You SUCK Dude and kindly move his and your screed to Conspiracy Theories.

Get it - Got it - GOOD


It must suck to be born so stupid.

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