Parkland gun control activist David Hogg lashes out at infowars

someone's crushing hard on alex


You? I thought it seemed like you had far too much sugar in your tank.

Hogg is all mouth with no intellect to back it up....he'd get crushed like you loons on here do

You wouldn’t recognize intellect if it jumped up and bit you. You have to have some to recognize it.

Oh it's you again....I recognize intellect. Probably why I consider you a clueless moronic twit.

This kid is just being used by people like you, nobody with an ounce of sense is taking the brat to heart. But keep thinking he's going to get guns banned....ain't happening anytime soon

We know that mentality level there's no hope for they can't figure that out and never will. Like Clinton said " Weak minds are easy to manipulate".

Why look how many dumbasses still think Russia did it, Russia has bots . this is just what controlled MSM wants these morons to believe and they do lmfao.
someone's crushing hard on alex


You? I thought it seemed like you had far too much sugar in your tank.

Hogg is all mouth with no intellect to back it up....he'd get crushed like you loons on here do

You wouldn’t recognize intellect if it jumped up and bit you. You have to have some to recognize it.

Oh it's you again....I recognize intellect. Probably why I consider you a clueless moronic twit.

This kid is just being used by people like you, nobody with an ounce of sense is taking the brat to heart. But keep thinking he's going to get guns banned....ain't happening anytime soon

We know that mentality level there's no hope for they can't figure that out and never will. Like Clinton said " Weak minds are easy to manipulate".

Why look how many dumbasses still think Russia did it, Russia has bots . this is just what controlled MSM wants these morons to believe and they do lmfao.

I spend more time rolling my eyes at some of these moron's posts than anything on here. There is NOTHING as stupid and easily duped than a moron from the left
Oh and when you don't agree with them or fit their fantasy word of bs lies" you are a Russian Bot...... I mean how fkn stupid do you have to be to believe this bs. Why in the fk would Russians be fighting for American freedom by putting out information that is there to try and help people see the information War games being played on them which is being used to destroy the Nation. But guess thats why they are idiots easily lead by the nose, believe anything gov. entities tell them and rely on the Feds like good little pets.
how normal people react to infowars and the people who follow them

"We got the photos to prove it"
Alex hires only the best people! :laugh2:

someone's crushing hard on alex


You? I thought it seemed like you had far too much sugar in your tank.

Hogg is all mouth with no intellect to back it up....he'd get crushed like you loons on here do

You wouldn’t recognize intellect if it jumped up and bit you. You have to have some to recognize it.

Oh it's you again....I recognize intellect. Probably why I consider you a clueless moronic twit.

This kid is just being used by people like you, nobody with an ounce of sense is taking the brat to heart. But keep thinking he's going to get guns banned....ain't happening anytime soon

We know that mentality level there's no hope for they can't figure that out and never will. Like Clinton said " Weak minds are easy to manipulate".

Why look how many dumbasses still think Russia did it, Russia has bots . this is just what controlled MSM wants these morons to believe and they do lmfao.

I spend more time rolling my eyes at some of these moron's posts than anything on here. There is NOTHING as stupid and easily duped than a moron from the left

Except Republican voters from the right.
You? I thought it seemed like you had far too much sugar in your tank.

Hogg is all mouth with no intellect to back it up....he'd get crushed like you loons on here do

You wouldn’t recognize intellect if it jumped up and bit you. You have to have some to recognize it.

Oh it's you again....I recognize intellect. Probably why I consider you a clueless moronic twit.

This kid is just being used by people like you, nobody with an ounce of sense is taking the brat to heart. But keep thinking he's going to get guns banned....ain't happening anytime soon

We know that mentality level there's no hope for they can't figure that out and never will. Like Clinton said " Weak minds are easy to manipulate".

Why look how many dumbasses still think Russia did it, Russia has bots . this is just what controlled MSM wants these morons to believe and they do lmfao.

I spend more time rolling my eyes at some of these moron's posts than anything on here. There is NOTHING as stupid and easily duped than a moron from the left

Except Republican voters from the right.

I'm not a republican, I'm a conservative. Learn the difference and then try again you befuddled fruit loop
17 dead kids is a small price to pay for unlimited assault weapons. Now shut that kid and his wet ears up! :mad:
17 dead kids is a small price to pay for Obama's Promise Program to keep actual crimes of the record of black yutes.
Truth hurts, I said that the shooting happened because of liberalism. Obama's program let this happen. If it wasn't for that the shooter wouldn't of been able to buy the gun.

I don't think there is anything more creepy than obama telling the traumatized shooting victims "we've been waiting for you!" like wtf????

It's right up there with him talking about "acceptable die off" when talking about his vision for the world...which, in case you were wondering, includes government control of food and "acceptable die off" caused by starvation, in America.
17 dead kids is a small price to pay for unlimited assault weapons. Now shut that kid and his wet ears up! :mad:
17 dead kids is a small price to pay for Obama's Promise Program to keep actual crimes of the record of black yutes.
Truth hurts, I said that the shooting happened because of liberalism. Obama's program let this happen. If it wasn't for that the shooter wouldn't of been able to buy the gun.

I don't think there is anything more creepy than obama telling the traumatized shooting victims "we've been waiting for you!" like wtf????

It's right up there with him talking about "acceptable die off" when talking about his vision for the world...which, in case you were wondering, includes government control of food and "acceptable die off" caused by starvation, in America.
If he was really worried about it, he would've done something when he could.
someone's crushing hard on alex


You? I thought it seemed like you had far too much sugar in your tank.

Hogg is all mouth with no intellect to back it up....he'd get crushed like you loons on here do

You wouldn’t recognize intellect if it jumped up and bit you. You have to have some to recognize it.

Oh it's you again....I recognize intellect. Probably why I consider you a clueless moronic twit.

This kid is just being used by people like you, nobody with an ounce of sense is taking the brat to heart. But keep thinking he's going to get guns banned....ain't happening anytime soon

We know that mentality level there's no hope for they can't figure that out and never will. Like Clinton said " Weak minds are easy to manipulate".

Why look how many dumbasses still think Russia did it, Russia has bots . this is just what controlled MSM wants these morons to believe and they do lmfao.

I spend more time rolling my eyes at some of these moron's posts than anything on here. There is NOTHING as stupid and easily duped than a moron from the left
how normal people react to infowars and the people who follow them

"We got the photos to prove it"
Alex hires only the best people! :laugh2:


He was doing that because that's how idiots on the left act.........I watched him the day he did that.
Actually his kid was there and he was being silly making them laugh dumbass.
how normal people react to infowars and the people who follow them

"We got the photos to prove it"
Alex hires only the best people! :laugh2:


He was doing that because that's how idiots on the left act.........I watched him the day he did that.
Actually his kid was there and he was being silly making them laugh dumbass.

Pfft haven't you learned anything yet MW, once the left decides enough people watch/pay attention to you, you are no longer allowed to have a "normal life" - they'll lie about everything you say, attack your family, destroy your kids, anything to get you to shut the fuck up. It's what fascists do...
Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........
You're as dumb as anyone else who gives him the limelight. You hate his message but you post about him daily... congrats CNN
how normal people react to infowars and the people who follow them

"We got the photos to prove it"
Alex hires only the best people! :laugh2:


He was doing that because that's how idiots on the left act.........I watched him the day he did that.
Actually his kid was there and he was being silly making them laugh dumbass.

Well then you enjoy that won't ya? :rolleyes-41:

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