Published 1 day ago Marines say they're being 'crushed' over vaccine refusal: 'A political purge'

Biden only wants woke SJW in the USMC
There are regulations that offer those in the military rights that everyone has under the constitution whether they play the ........YOU ARE GOV'T PROPERTY CARD OR NOT.

Our gov't loves to use them as lab rats.......always have done so.......And they justify as obey or we are going to frag you. This is nothing new.......Just different assholes in a different time period.

Those who challenge it......are the ones with Brass Balls.......who risk losing their time in and benefits over it. The ones who challenged Anthrax were thrown out..........even though they won and stopped it.

Later on it was shown the PANIC PORN wasn't even necessary. Never was as it was an aersol round that would take a lot to kill you.........and it ignored CBR gear.

Just our gov't being assholes again like normal.......Then calling those who refuse the BS traitors and shit.........Same shit different PANIC PORN STORY.
Pop quiz............did people refuse the Anthrax shot and did it go to court....and how did it end.?

Boy, you anti-vaxxers really are off the rails.

First f all, false comparison, because not everybody was mandated the anthrax vaccine.

However, everybody was mandated the H1N1 vaccine in 2009-2010. Care to tell me the outcome of any resistance to that?

Oh, and as an FYI that is applicable... in 2004 a Federal Court stated that the anthrax vaccine was not mandatory, unless the President ordered it to be given.

Oct 28, 2004 (CIDRAP News) The Department of Defense (DoD) has suspended its anthrax vaccination program in response to a federal court ruling that military personnel should not have to accept the shots against their will unless the president orders them to do so.

So gee, it seems that the President can order this, as it has a precedent set over 16 years ago in a prior court case.

So thank you for insisting I look up how that case went. As it does pretty clearly state that the President can order a vaccine, be it Anthrax or any other.

Next point I need to look up to destroy the anti-vaxxer arguments?
Who in their right mind wants to serve under Biden anyway?
I think MOST that join the Military join because of :

1). Family Tradition. A Very Strong Group.
2). Support for America. To Serve Your Country.
3). Understand that a traditional job is NOT for them. To Learn a New Skill.

I doubt many decide to join the Military bases on the current POTUS.
Trump: 0 new wars, 0 wars lost
Biden: Unconditionally surrendered Afghanistan
Trump: Zero New Wars........OK.
Obama: What were the wars started by Obama?
Biden: Afghanistan is a broken promise by Trump.

Did trump want to withdraw from Afghanistan?
Why did trump not withdraw from Afghanistan?
Boy, you anti-vaxxers really are off the rails.

First f all, false comparison, because not everybody was mandated the anthrax vaccine.

However, everybody was mandated the H1N1 vaccine in 2009-2010. Care to tell me the outcome of any resistance to that?

Oh, and as an FYI that is applicable... in 2004 a Federal Court stated that the anthrax vaccine was not mandatory, unless the President ordered it to be given.

So gee, it seems that the President can order this, as it has a precedent set over 16 years ago in a prior court case.

So thank you for insisting I look up how that case went. As it does pretty clearly state that the President can order a vaccine, be it Anthrax or any other.

Next point I need to look up to destroy the anti-vaxxer arguments?
Lol traditional vaccines versus mRNA experimental vaccines. Not the same. Yoy win Nothing here
I doubt many decide to join the Military bases on the current POTUS.

If they do, I would say that they likely do not belong in the military.

To put it simply, I have now served under 7 Presidents. The minimum enlistment is normally 4-6 years, and the President only serves for 4 years. So unless you join on the date a President takes office, odds are you are serving under at least two of them. And to be honest, the President really has little directly to do with the military. At most, their setting the budget can influence our training tempo and equipment, but other than that there is damned little difference.

Of course, most do not know that because they never actually served. Which is all to obvious by reading their ignorant posts in here over the years.
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1). Family Tradition. A Very Strong Group.
2). Support for America. To Serve Your Country.
3). Understand that a traditional job is NOT for them. To Learn a New Skill.

For me, it was almost entirely #2.

Both of my grandfathers served, but it was during WWII so that was nothing exceptional there. Both only served for "the duration".

I had two uncles serve during Vietnam. One joined the California National Guard, so he would not get sent to Vietnam. The other one joined the Marines and did go to Vietnam.

My dad actually milked exemptions to avoid the draft, and was mad at me when I joined.

As far as number 3, by the time I graduated I was already a computer programmer. But I realized that unlike my mom, I did not want to spend my life as a programmer. So joining the military let me do something very different, hence I went Infantry. I got to travel a great deal (visiting 8 countries), and did a lot of things that most would never dream of. Sitting in the jungle of Panama as a lizard that had likely never seen a human calmly climb onto my hand and watch me as I watched it. Playing with hermit crabs on the beach in Okinawa. Feeling 130+ heat in the Middle East (and needing to wear a jacket when I returned home for 2 week R&R when it was 85 because I felt cold). Having to stop firing at the range in California because some wild bison wandered on, and realizing that Venus fly traps do grow wild in North Carolina.

More than the skills, it was the challenge, travel, and adventure I loved. Plus knowing I was serving with others who like me had made the same decision to do something for more than just themselves.
For me, it was almost entirely #2.

Both of my grandfathers served, but it was during WWII so that was nothing exceptional there. Both only served for "the duration".

I had two uncles serve during Vietnam. One joined the California National Guard, so he would not get sent to Vietnam. The other one joined the Marines and did go to Vietnam.

My dad actually milked exemptions to avoid the draft, and was mad at me when I joined.

As far as number 3, by the time I graduated I was already a computer programmer. But I realized that unlike my mom, I did not want to spend my life as a programmer. So joining the military let me do something very different, hence I went Infantry. I got to travel a great deal (visiting 8 countries), and did a lot of things that most would never dream of. Sitting in the jungle of Panama as a lizard that had likely never seen a human calmly climb onto my hand and watch me as I watched it. Playing with hermit crabs on the beach in Okinawa. Feeling 130+ heat in the Middle East (and needing to wear a jacket when I returned home for 2 week R&R when it was 85 because I felt cold). Having to stop firing at the range in California because some wild bison wandered on, and realizing that Venus fly traps do grow wild in North Carolina.

More than the skills, it was the challenge, travel, and adventure I loved. Plus knowing I was serving with others who like me had made the same decision to do something for more than just themselves.
I like paragraph 5. The one that starts with "As far as ....."

I was an athlete 2nd and a scholar 1st.
In 1980 the draft was done, and an individual made a personal choice:

1). Military
2). College
3). Trade or Trade School
4). Get a job
5). Continue to live with parents.
We are certainly NOT the Country we currently are without the Service you Provide.

Well, I often say it is a "calling". Some are called to medicine, others to the clergy. Some are called to go into law enforcement, or to be a journalist, lawyer, or even mechanic. Me, I wanted to join the military since I was around 6 years old.

And I am 57, so also have a rather unique experience there as I am quite literally "the last of the Baby Boomers". But one thing I do still have, is a rather blunt disdain for those that try to force their politics on the military.
Well, I often say it is a "calling". Some are called to
Each has their 'calling'
I'm happy that you are happy with your choice.
I'm happy with my career choice.
My Son In Law joined the AF, and I'm very proud of him.
So joining the military let me do something very different, hence I went Infantry. I got to travel a great deal (visiting 8 countries), and did a lot of things that most would never dream of. Sitting in the jungle of Panama as a lizard that had likely never seen a human calmly climb onto my hand and watch me as I watched it. Playing with hermit crabs on the beach in Okinawa. Feeling 130+ heat in the Middle East (and needing to wear a jacket when I returned home for 2 week R&R when it was 85 because I felt cold).
I'm 60 and have been to Canada and Mexico.
That's it.
My own daughter has been to Europe. But not me.

I admire that tours you have done, over many years. Congrats.
Welcome Home.
Trump: 0 new wars, 0 wars lost
Biden: Unconditionally surrendered Afghanistan
That was Trump, moron.

December 23 2020
After a week-long deal to reduce violence across Afghanistan, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday that would see U.S. troops start to withdraw, according to a statement issued Friday afternoon by President Donald Trump.

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan.
If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.
I think MOST that join the Military join because of :

1). Family Tradition. A Very Strong Group.
2). Support for America. To Serve Your Country.
3). Understand that a traditional job is NOT for them. To Learn a New Skill.

I doubt many decide to join the Military bases on the current POTUS.
I understand that is the way things used to be

But in this hyper partisan world that has been created, I think this has changed.

At least, from people I have talked to.

The truth of the matter is, the lives of these service men reside in the hands of the President.

Also note the changes in military policy regarding gays and mandating the shot.

This is chasing away opponents of the President within the military, which I think is intentional.

They only want political allies within the military to have all the weapons

Makes sense.
Fox News ^ | 29 Dec, 2021 | Jessica Chasmar

Zero religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine have been granted to date, Marine Corps spokesman says.

U.S. Marines are being "crushed" by President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate as thousands face dismissal for their continued refusal to get the shot, several active-duty Marines told Fox News Digital.
Is the Covid vax the only one required of Marines? I'm guessing they get plenty of others, especially when they deploy. If Covid refusal is a political statement they should make their point and leave the Marines.

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