pubs voted down paycheck fairness

Paycheck Fairness Act Fails Senate Vote

The law was passed - what ? - fifty years ago but the pubs still won't vote for equal pay for women.

But, they will LIE when they say there is no War On Women.

It's almost astounding what apocrypha you libs will believe.

Women with the same job and resume get the same pay.

It is the Liberal agenda to divide groups which push this nonsense.

And...anyone with a brain...that leaves you out...would see the flaw in your tale of woe:

If women got 76% of what men make for the same job....or whatever number you make up, ...then an employer would be nuts not to hire all women and save 24% of his overhead.

Get it?

Go on to your next 'the sky is falling' story....
Paycheck Fairness Act Fails Senate Vote

The law was passed - what ? - fifty years ago but the pubs still won't vote for equal pay for women.

But, they will LIE when they say there is no War On Women.

No big surprise.

It's a way to strangle the Lilly Ledbetter law.

How the heck can you even know you aren't getting equal pay if there's absolutely no way to discover what people in your pay grade are making?
Paycheck Fairness Act Fails Senate Vote

The law was passed - what ? - fifty years ago but the pubs still won't vote for equal pay for women.

But, they will LIE when they say there is no War On Women.
That's not so.

The thinking is that there are already laws in place for equality.

Women have to earn their way just like men do, and passing a law to sidestep competence makes for a very bad law that will not pass muster before the Supreme Court.

To make a long story short, I hear there's a sale on crow and you'll be eating some if you keep passing laws the Supreme Court shows are unconstitutional.

Get a life, Mr. Luddly. :rolleyes:
Paycheck Fairness Act Fails Senate Vote

The law was passed - what ? - fifty years ago but the pubs still won't vote for equal pay for women.

But, they will LIE when they say there is no War On Women.

No big surprise.

It's a way to strangle the Lilly Ledbetter law.

How the heck can you even know you aren't getting equal pay if there's absolutely no way to discover what people in your pay grade are making?
Discrimination based on sex is already against the law.

Passing a silly law during silly season simply doesn't add up.

Women can already sue the powers that be if they are not getting equal pay for equal work. It's their right, and the law is on their side if they are truly receiving discriminatory pay for doing the same tasks as well as their male counterparts.
Smarmy little worm Rand Paul just makes my skin crawl and I'm, not at all surprised at what he says about women getting equal pay ... That women are nothing more than a loaf of bread.

Rand Paul Compares Paycheck Fairness To Soviet Politburo

"Three hundred million people get to vote everyday on what you should be paid or what the price of goods are," Paul told reporters on Capitol Hill. "In the Soviet Union, the Politburo decided the price of bread, and they either had no bread or too much bread. So setting prices or wages by the government is always a bad idea."

Then, an outright lie and then tries to make it about one's ability to do a job.

"Everybody gets to vote, and it's voluntary. Everybody votes, and the marketplace decides what wages are. No one person does," Paul said. "The minute you set up a fairness czar to determine what wages are, you give away freedom. When you give that power to someone to make decisions, they may well discriminate in favor of whoever they want to discriminate in favor of. The market just makes decisions on your ability to do your job."

The R's still have the ability to make me gasp in shock and disbelief. Even so, its still shocking that they're now going to try to say that women can't do a job as well as a man.

How many times do we have to fight the same battles. And, what's next? Will they try to take the right to vote away from blacks and women? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Its cool that Obama pays women less though. That must be ignored.

No, it must be recognized, as should the fact his runner up for the Democratic nomination in 2008 wasn't picked as his VP choice. I understand that GHWB, WJC, GWB, and then HRC as VP seemed a bit like dynasties, but..................................
Since The Paycheck Fairness Act was proposed by a democrat it is not likely to be fair just because it has fair in the title.
Smarmy little worm Rand Paul just makes my skin crawl and I'm, not at all surprised at what he says about women getting equal pay ... That women are nothing more than a loaf of bread.

Rand Paul Compares Paycheck Fairness To Soviet Politburo

"Three hundred million people get to vote everyday on what you should be paid or what the price of goods are," Paul told reporters on Capitol Hill. "In the Soviet Union, the Politburo decided the price of bread, and they either had no bread or too much bread. So setting prices or wages by the government is always a bad idea."

Then, an outright lie and then tries to make it about one's ability to do a job.

"Everybody gets to vote, and it's voluntary. Everybody votes, and the marketplace decides what wages are. No one person does," Paul said. "The minute you set up a fairness czar to determine what wages are, you give away freedom. When you give that power to someone to make decisions, they may well discriminate in favor of whoever they want to discriminate in favor of. The market just makes decisions on your ability to do your job."

The R's still have the ability to make me gasp in shock and disbelief. Even so, its still shocking that they're now going to try to say that women can't do a job as well as a man.

How many times do we have to fight the same battles. And, what's next? Will they try to take the right to vote away from blacks and women? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

It is about the ability to do a job. That is why my boss is a woman and makes a lot more than I do.
Smarmy little worm Rand Paul just makes my skin crawl and I'm, not at all surprised at what he says about women getting equal pay ... That women are nothing more than a loaf of bread.

Rand Paul Compares Paycheck Fairness To Soviet Politburo

"Three hundred million people get to vote everyday on what you should be paid or what the price of goods are," Paul told reporters on Capitol Hill. "In the Soviet Union, the Politburo decided the price of bread, and they either had no bread or too much bread. So setting prices or wages by the government is always a bad idea."

Then, an outright lie and then tries to make it about one's ability to do a job.

"Everybody gets to vote, and it's voluntary. Everybody votes, and the marketplace decides what wages are. No one person does," Paul said. "The minute you set up a fairness czar to determine what wages are, you give away freedom. When you give that power to someone to make decisions, they may well discriminate in favor of whoever they want to discriminate in favor of. The market just makes decisions on your ability to do your job."

The R's still have the ability to make me gasp in shock and disbelief. Even so, its still shocking that they're now going to try to say that women can't do a job as well as a man.

How many times do we have to fight the same battles. And, what's next? Will they try to take the right to vote away from blacks and women? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
What doesn't surprise me is the way you keep lying about what conservatives say.
It's all theatrics.

In a few weeks the House will pass the exact same bill, with a republican majority, and the Senate won't pick it up.

This back&forth shit is getting old
Does it occur to anyone that it is insane for a country that is more than 200 years old to have a full-time legislature?

This draft legislation is yet more proof.
Smarmy little worm Rand Paul just makes my skin crawl and I'm, not at all surprised at what he says about women getting equal pay ... That women are nothing more than a loaf of bread.

you make many peoples skin crawl yourself sure your a little wormy fuck yourself....

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