PULLING AWAY!!!! New National Poll: Donald Trump 37%, Bush and Carson 9%


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!

September 1, 2015 New National Poll: Donald Trump 37%, Bush and Carson 9%… (full poll data pdf)by sundance Full Poll Data pdf below graphic (including the questions asked): ( POLL DATA )

New National Poll: Donald Trump 37%, Bush and Carson 9%... (full poll data pdf)

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Poll: Trump now easily beating Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker head to head nationally

So says PPP, the same outfit responsible for that poll a few weeks back showing Trump losing head-to-head match-ups against Rubio and Walker in North Carolina. Either NC is an outlier or the mood has changed nationally because Republicans across America now prefer him to either of those candidates — and not narrowly either. He leads Rubio by eight when voters are forced to choose between them and Walker by 14. As for Jeb Bush, gadzooks:


Jeb’s got another month to turn things around before the donor class heads for the lifeboats, I think. There is one candidate tested who still tops Trump head to head: That’d be Ben Carson, the race’s nice-guy outsider, who leads Trump by six, 49/43. How come? Quite possibly because of evangelical support. Evangelicals prefer Trump to Bush, Rubio, and even Scott Walker by comfortable margins. Against Carson, though, Trump trails 49/41 among that group versus 48/44 among non-evangelicals. That’s a bad sign for Trumpmania in Iowa if Carson has legs.

Here’s an … interesting poll result.

Poll: Trump now easily beating Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker head to head nationally - Hot Air
Poll: Trump now easily beating Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker head to head nationally

So says PPP, the same outfit responsible for that poll a few weeks back showing Trump losing head-to-head match-ups against Rubio and Walker in North Carolina. Either NC is an outlier or the mood has changed nationally because Republicans across America now prefer him to either of those candidates — and not narrowly either. He leads Rubio by eight when voters are forced to choose between them and Walker by 14. As for Jeb Bush, gadzooks:


Jeb’s got another month to turn things around before the donor class heads for the lifeboats, I think. There is one candidate tested who still tops Trump head to head: That’d be Ben Carson, the race’s nice-guy outsider, who leads Trump by six, 49/43. How come? Quite possibly because of evangelical support. Evangelicals prefer Trump to Bush, Rubio, and even Scott Walker by comfortable margins. Against Carson, though, Trump trails 49/41 among that group versus 48/44 among non-evangelicals. That’s a bad sign for Trumpmania in Iowa if Carson has legs.

Here’s an … interesting poll result.

Poll: Trump now easily beating Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker head to head nationally - Hot Air
Great news, for the Dems...
Almost everyone I talk to about this election says they like Trump. That includes Democrats as well as Republicans.
Since he entered the GOP contest, most pundits and GOP insiders have treated Trump as a sometimes humorous -- sometimes infuriating -- distraction from the real race for the Republican nomination.

Now they are beginning to wake up to the fact that Trump is not going away. He is, in fact, a real contender for the nomination. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that a significant portion of his voters will "come to their senses" and withdraw their support from Trump.

In a Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll released August 25, Trump held a commanding lead in the first in the nation New Hampshire primary with 35% of the vote. The establishment candidates, Bush (7%), Walker (7%) and Rubio (6%) don't even come close. In fact Trump has a lead of 15% on the three of them combined.

A Monmouth University poll showed Trump with a commanding lead of 30% in South Carolina as well.

Trump is not a political clown. He is a very talented right wing populist demagogue. And he has brought into full relief many of the radical policies of the entire GOP field - especially when it comes to immigration.

Trump has seven critical advantages in his campaign for the GOP nomination:

Why Trump Could Win the GOP Nomination

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