"Pure, Unadulterated Fascism": Mehdi Hasan speaks out on Democracy Now on the GOP's Legacy: Trump, Fox, Jan. 6, & 20th Anniversary of The Iraq War

And once again, the Left needs a vocabulary schooling....

What did the "fascists," the German National SOCIALIST Party, do....

Gun control/confiscation
state sponsored DNA discrimination
hate hoaxes/false flag attacks
demonization of groups targeted for extermination
use of biased/controlled media to lie
requiring "papers" to move freely
state spying on everyone illegally
election fraud

Mr. Hasan is a supporter of ALL of the above, and has the nerve to call someone OPPOSED to all of that a "fascist."

What is next, a SUB calling Reagan and Gingrich "libtards" - we've seen that here...
Democracy Now! is of moonbats, by moonbats, for moonbats.

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