Puss President Blames Bush.. Still

What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

probably because really, really stupid people think the damage bush did should have magically disappeared when he left office. :cuckoo:
Once you step into the White House you own every last bit of crap that comes out.

It is all yours.

LOL it's funny how the right didn't beleive that when W was president as they tried to blame clinton for everything negative that happened on W's watch including 9/11. On the MSNBC boards their were righties demading that obama fix all of the W's left over problems way back in November of 2008. Obama hadn't even taken office yet and the hypocrtical right was already trying to hold him accountable for W's mistakes.

This BS thread and the righty posts in it are just another example of how the right is dishonest hypocrtical and holds the left to higher stnadard than they hold their own.
Hopes springs eternal in Barryland.

Afterall, you never have to own up to a mistake as long as you can keep blaming the last guy.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

It's disgusting and unprecedented for the POTHUS to blame the previous administration for everything and anything. I have never seen that happen before not with any previous administration. What a whopping whiner we have as POTHUS.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

probably because really, really stupid people think the damage bush did should have magically disappeared when he left office. :cuckoo:

Ya.. I agree, what's wrong with those people?

Good point Jillian, interesting to have you on my side for a change...:eusa_eh:
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

What are you talking about? The economy, wars, domestic policy, Bush did mismanage all of it.

Obama is still in his first year, he has time to fix at least some of the Bush failures.

You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?
What are you talking about? The economy, wars, domestic policy, Bush did mismanage all of it.

Obama is still in his first year, he has time to fix at least some of the Bush failures.

You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

You can't just up and leave? The best thing to do right now is give Iraq there country back, we do no good over in Iraq or afghanistan (which 30,000 more troops are being sent). We are putting Americans in more danger for another attack like 9/11 for being there. We do no good policing the world because all it causes is resentment, that's simple stuff man....
I admit. We know that Bush is the source of all our problems, but damn it Obama resolve an issue!!

I'm sorry, this thread is about blame.. Where did you miss that??

Bush is the blame and Obama rightly blames him!! I seriously don't understand this desire to control spending from rebuttlicans when they didn't nothing to curb it on their watch.. They ran up HUGE deficits and dug us into a HUGE hole.. Now they are worried when democrats want to spend a little more to help out the people of this nation.. And they still bitch piss, moan and groan about tax cuts..

Trickle down economics is a complete failure.. How bout trying trickle up now??
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

What are you talking about? The economy, wars, domestic policy, Bush did mismanage all of it.

Obama is still in his first year, he has time to fix at least some of the Bush failures.

yeah....i guess as senator obama did jack squat, so we can't really hold him responsible for anything :lol:
How many years have the Rs been screaming Carter and Clinton were to blame for everything?

but we were promised change....we were promised that the dems are better than the pubs....are you telling me obama is just as bad as bush and the dems are just as bad as the pubs.....i feel so deceived by you.....

and to show that change is occuring you have to show where you began.

Furthermore, the dems are better than the republcians based on the fact that the dems are not calling the republcans traitors for their dissent. The dems are not proclaiming that the right is providing aid and comfort to the enemy when they criticize obama. Which is something I heard many times from the right as they directed that at any whoe dared criticize W.
I still beleive, as many others on the left still do, that dissent is patriotic. However, the right didn't beleive that when W was president and now that a democrat is president and the right is in the minority, the right has flip flopped and dishonestly tried to hide their partisan attacks in the cloak of a belief that they once refused to recognize.

There are many things the left could do that the right did when they were in power and yet the left is not that shallow, wishy washy, dishonest and hypocrtiical.
Hopes springs eternal in Barryland.

Afterall, you never have to own up to a mistake as long as you can keep blaming the last guy.

its true, gwb was the only person running the country....obama, biden, reid, pelosi weren't doing anything, nope, bush was the sole person working those 8 years....
What are you talking about? The economy, wars, domestic policy, Bush did mismanage all of it.

Obama is still in his first year, he has time to fix at least some of the Bush failures.

You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

Ah the Kool aide..

Why do you think the stock markets up..could it be all that money going to financial institutions, could it be the dollar value dropping like a rock, could it be employers squeezing every last drop out of their employees or do you have your very own explanation?

Why is Afghanistan the good war.. I've heard McChrystal wanted upwards of 60,000 troops and 1/2 fast Obama delivered 30,000. I say get the hell out unless your committed to win, Obama isn't.. so get the Hell out.
Once you step into the White House you own every last bit of crap that comes out.

It is all yours.

Wrong. If you buy a used car and it falls apart because the previous owner didn't maintain it, sure, you still OWN the car, but the CAR is broken because of someone else.
I completely understand the desire to criticize President Obama for refusing to take responsibility for his actions. The fact is he needs man up and do whats right for the nation. Blaming others is a sign of immaturity and inability.

With that said, I think it's completely inappropriate to call him a puss. The idea that he should be associated with one is an insult to women. He simply isnt that good.

LOL I do find it quite hilarious that the right is trying to preach personal responsibility even as they try to hold obama accountable for things that bush started and left undone as he left the WH. That's like blaming the chicken who entered the china shop after the bull had smashed everything and ran out the door.

It's nice that you preach personal responsibility but how about applying it to those who actually deserve it in thsi instance?
LOL I do find it quite hilarious that the right is trying to preach personal responsibility even as they try to hold obama accountable for things that bush started and left undone as he left the WH. That's like blaming the chicken who entered the china shop after the bull had smashed everything and ran out the door.

It's nice that you preach personal responsibility but how about applying it to those who actually deserve it in thsi instance?

Is there someone else in the Presidency that should be accountable? Im all ears if there is someone else who needs to be responsible for the office.

You act as though Bush had unlimited time to finish everything. He didnt. You act as if he didnt have even more obstructionists than Obama. He did. He didnt try to pass the buck. He did what he could. He made some bad choices (no one wont make bad choices) but he was making a geniune effort.

Doing things for the sake of looking good was foreign to President Bush. It's routine for President Obama.

President Obama is the President. No one else is. Bush isnt in office anymore. Its pointless to play the blame game.
Hopes springs eternal in Barryland.

Afterall, you never have to own up to a mistake as long as you can keep blaming the last guy.

So obama made the mistake of invading iraq under false pretences and leaving the job unfinished and poorly managed??

I guess obama also made the mistake of basically abandoning afghanistan in order to invade Iraq??

What mistakes are you talking about that you claim obama made because form where I sit, the belief of personal responsibility, which is incessantly preached by the right but rarely applied to their own, would require you, IF you were honest, to apply blame to bush for his mistakes instead of dishonestly trying to blame obama for them.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

Why don't you quit whining while you are ahead. Bush is lucky he didn't have to face a firing squad with his sicophant Cheney....and the stupid traitor isn't out of the woods yet.

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