Puss President Blames Bush.. Still

What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

Why don't you quit whining while you are ahead. Bush is lucky he didn't have to face a firing squad with his sicophant Cheney....and the stupid traitor isn't out of the woods yet.

shut up killer
You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

You can't just up and leave? The best thing to do right now is give Iraq there country back, we do no good over in Iraq or afghanistan (which 30,000 more troops are being sent). We are putting Americans in more danger for another attack like 9/11 for being there. We do no good policing the world because all it causes is resentment, that's simple stuff man....

LOL so the answer of the right is to cut and run damn the consequences and besides that if we do that NOW and thiings get worse the right can blame obama anyway. LOL

You know I remember back under clinton when W used to preach against nation building and the ill's of the US policing the world and then I heard the right parrot these arguments.
Then W became president and it was as if those arguments never existed in the minds of the right as W did exactly what he used to claim to be against. The right as a whole followed along and made excuses for the flip flop.
So it's quite interesing that NOW that a dem is in office those same arguments that all but disappeared from the right for eight years are now resurfacing as the right tries to attack and criticize a democrat for the same actions they excused when a republican engaged in them.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

What are you talking about? The economy, wars, domestic policy, Bush did mismanage all of it.

Obama is still in his first year, he has time to fix at least some of the Bush failures.

You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Democrats went along with way too much during the Bush administration. The first example, of course, is the number of Democrats who voted for the Iraq war resolution.
He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

You can't just up and leave? The best thing to do right now is give Iraq there country back, we do no good over in Iraq or afghanistan (which 30,000 more troops are being sent). We are putting Americans in more danger for another attack like 9/11 for being there. We do no good policing the world because all it causes is resentment, that's simple stuff man....

LOL so the answer of the right is to cut and run damn the consequences and besides that if we do that NOW and thiings get worse the right can blame obama anyway. LOL

You know I remember back under clinton when W used to preach against nation building and the ill's of the US policing the world and then I heard the right parrot these arguments.
Then W became president and it was as if those arguments never existed in the minds of the right as W did exactly what he used to claim to be against. The right as a whole followed along and made excuses for the flip flop.
So it's quite interesing that NOW that a dem is in office those same arguments that all but disappeared from the right for eight years are now resurfacing as the right tries to attack and criticize a democrat for the same actions they excused when a republican engaged in them.

you sound like a bush supporter from a few years ago....all pro war and pro spending and giving money to big business....
You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

You find it so hard to be kind in the face of questions about an inane post? Keep your kindness. This is a political message board, it's where discussion takes place.

You responded with more questions, btw.

Well okay then lets call it a rant about Obama constantly blaming Bush.

When Bush took over from the Clinton recession I don't recall him pussing out and blaming Clinton, he took immediate responsibility and produced results.

The issue is Obama being a puss, so lets talk about that fact. You agree or not?

What was there to "puss" about? Bush had a fucking $500 billion surplus to spend!! And spend it he did.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

Why don't you quit whining while you are ahead. Bush is lucky he didn't have to face a firing squad with his sicophant Cheney....and the stupid traitor isn't out of the woods yet.

shut up killer

Did I kill someone you know? :lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

You can't just up and leave? The best thing to do right now is give Iraq there country back, we do no good over in Iraq or afghanistan (which 30,000 more troops are being sent). We are putting Americans in more danger for another attack like 9/11 for being there. We do no good policing the world because all it causes is resentment, that's simple stuff man....

LOL so the answer of the right is to cut and run damn the consequences and besides that if we do that NOW and thiings get worse the right can blame obama anyway. LOL

You know I remember back under clinton when W used to preach against nation building and the ill's of the US policing the world and then I heard the right parrot these arguments.
Then W became president and it was as if those arguments never existed in the minds of the right as W did exactly what he used to claim to be against. The right as a whole followed along and made excuses for the flip flop.
So it's quite interesing that NOW that a dem is in office those same arguments that all but disappeared from the right for eight years are now resurfacing as the right tries to attack and criticize a democrat for the same actions they excused when a republican engaged in them.

i have always been against the war, whether it be Bush or Obama.
Yes Bush actually ran a BRILLIANT campaign in 2000, on exactly what you just said... He did flip flop that whole campaign and his excuse was 9/11 happend... That's Bush for ya... And the Liberal left has been a sorry excuse for an opponent of the war!
We shouldn't "cut and run", that's different then giving Iraq their country back. The longer we stay there the more blowback (do you know what that is?) we cause on the American people. This war could go on for a hundred year! We will never understand political ideology in the Middle East. WE DO NO GOOD BANKRUPTING OURSELVES BY BEING IN THE MIDDLE EAST!
You know I would like to be kind to you, so I'll just ask 2 questions.

Has Obama affected a positive direction in any of the issues you stated?

He has only been in a year and for most of that year and even before he took office the right hasn't even given obama a chance.
Economy: The stock market has turned around but unfortunately jobs is a lagging indicator and will take a while to catch up but I would say that things are at least moving in the right direction.
Wars: You can't just up and leave. Even republicans know that or at least that is what they have been saying for years or is that just another of the positions that the right has changed out of political expediency? Afghanistan is the war we should have been fighting all a long and if W hadn't cut and run from it to invade Iraq under false pretences it is possible that it would be in a much better position than it is now. So yes that and iraq are messes left by W that obama hass to deal with.
domestic policy: ask the other poster becuase I don't know what he is referring to.

Who has controlled Congress for the past 3 years and was the party of no the previous 6 years?

Who is the party of No right now?? If you are going to complain at least be honest and fair in your complaints.

Furthermore, what bills did the democrats filibuster under W's watch?

Ah the Kool aide..

if you dislike the kool aide then stop drinking it. however, based on the kool aide based spin that you responded with it's plain to see that you like the kool aide. LOL

Why do you think the stock markets up..could it be all that money going to financial institutions, could it be the dollar value dropping like a rock, could it be employers squeezing every last drop out of their employees or do you have your very own explanation?

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the stock market a part of the economy and isn't it better than it was when obama took office? LOL when it continually pluimmeted on W's watch the right was blaming obama claiming the fear of him taking office is what is dragging it down and now you refuse to give him credit despite the fact that it's going UP on his watch. Imagine that

Why is Afghanistan the good war..

uh you mean you don't know? how about the fact that the people who attacked us on 9/11 were based out of there and how W cut and ran BEFORE the job was finished?

I've heard McChrystal wanted upwards of 60,000 troops and 1/2 fast Obama delivered 30,000. I say get the hell out unless your committed to win, Obama isn't.. so get the Hell out.

But I thought the right was all about surges and didn't W offer less in Iraq than was sked for from the get go?? And yet I don't remember anyone on the right demanding that we leave while W was in office. LOL
President Obama spoke before the UN General Assembly on Wednesday after making significant progress in two key areas of foreign policy: he secured concessions from Russia regarding sanctions on Iran and won support from both Moscow and Beijing for a resolution to curb nuclear proliferation. In his address, however, one could not help but notice how forcefully the president emphasized the demonstrable fact that he is not George W. Bush, and that the country he leads is not the same one that had run roughshod over the international community over the last eight years.

"During his address to the General Assembly," reported The New York Times on Thursday, "Mr. Obama sought to present a kinder, gentler America willing to make nice with the world. He suggested that the United States would no longer follow the go-it-alone policies that many United Nations members complained isolated the Bush administration from the organization. 'We have re-engaged the United Nations,' Mr. Obama said, to cheers from world leaders and delegates in the cavernous hall. 'We have paid our bills' - a direct reference to the former administration's practice of withholding some payment due the world body while it pressed for changes there."

The simple fact that an American president had to stand before that world body and apologize, to all intents and purposes, for the last American president is a stinging humiliation for this country, but the sad fact is that it had to be done. Resentments over what Mr. Bush and his minions did during their time continue to fester all over the world, but especially in and due to the two war-torn countries where fighting and dying continue even at this very moment - two countries Mr. Bush tore apart with the greedy opportunism of a spoiled child opening other people's Christmas presents.

t r u t h o u t | The Mess Left Behind

The state of this country is GWB's fault. And for conservatives not to recognize that is amazing. Or do they recognize it but are too embarrassed to admit it? It is not yet time to stop blaming him. He certainly deserves it.

Thanks to him, Obama has been left with the task of making other countries like us again. And to say that it doesn't matter is absolutely ridiculous. It's like telling your kids that they don't have to get along with the other kids at school. Or telling a grown child that it doesn't matter if they don't get along with their co-workers. That's just stupid. No man and no country is an island.
I admit. We know that Bush is the source of all our problems, but damn it Obama resolve an issue!!

A president doesn't MAKE policy, nor draft bills. He can lay out an outline of something he wants, but it's up to Congress to do the legwork. Democrats are traditionally more difficult because there are 3 factions making up the Democratic Party: The Liberals, the Blue Dogs (fiscal conservatives/cultural liberals), and moderates (such as Lieberman). Republicans are just now figuring out that they also have two distinct factions: Moderate conservatives and strict conservatives, whereas in years past Republicans could always be counted on to vote pretty much along whatever the platform dictated.
Sorry Sarah. Not my party. I don't have one. But if memory serves, didn't the Dems have control of the House and Senate for the last two years of Bush' presidencey??? I wonder if they drove the economy into the ground, or just assisted doncha know????

And how did they do that, Claudette? Ironically, before the financial crash, the Democrats had re-instituted PAYGO, eliminated by the Bush administration in 2002. The ultimate goal in reducing the deficit is to put PAYGO back into action.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(
It shows great insecurity and only appeals to his most harcore supporters and the dysfunctional who think of themselves as underdogs. It's ingrained in him from his earliest experiences. He's always fallen back on whining to win support from his family and now his minions.

Do you guys lay awake nights making this shit up?
How in the world do you people think Obamacorn is going to save the economy when he is doing exactly the opposite of what he needs to do? The only "saving of an economy" in my lifetime was when Ronald Reagan saved us from the Carter flop. Everything since has been a liberal failure. Bush senior said "no new taxes" but he did. Clinton benefited from the Reagan policies and would have completely trashed the economy if the Republicans had not taken over congress. He still managed to force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give loans to people who could not afford them, starting the current economy. Bush Jr didn't do much better. Now you have Obamacorn turning hard left and spending like there is no tomorrow. It's time for a revolution! Real Americans need to get pissed off and take it to the street.
Puss President Blames Bush.. Still

Good, he and Cheney deserve it.

Not to mention the Republicans in Congress.

How many years have the Rs been screaming Carter and Clinton were to blame for everything?

but we were promised change....we were promised that the dems are better than the pubs....are you telling me obama is just as bad as bush and the dems are just as bad as the pubs.....i feel so deceived by you.....

One of the hoped for changes was to end this absurd partisan bickering which has led to gridlock. Obama learned early on that there was fat chance of that happening. The Republicans talked with mealy mouths about welcoming new ideas and being part of the process in a civil manner, and within one month, they were all grandstanding on television how they would never vote for this, that, the other, and everything else before the ink was even dry on some of the draft bills.
Yup only one year in and they're already out of excuses. Time to dredge up the ole stand by...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOOOOOZ. Yea i think most common sense thinking people are pretty sick of that tired stuff. I don't think that's gonna be enough for them in 2010 & 2012. It worked for them last time but i don't think people are going to fall for that stuff next time around. Unfortunately we are experiencing a terrible Socialist Malaise that's going to last at least three more years. Lets hope the people do rise up and give these inept Socialists the boot in 2010 & 2012. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

You never seem to learn anything from one day to another; one week to another. Ever.

Definition of pure socialism:
a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
an economic system based on state ownership of capital


The US goverment does NOT "own" industries; nor does it "own" private capital.
but we were promised change....we were promised that the dems are better than the pubs....are you telling me obama is just as bad as bush and the dems are just as bad as the pubs.....i feel so deceived by you.....

How so?

What exactly do you feel decieved about?

No broad bullshit please , real issues

we are still at war same as bush....we are escalting a war same as bush....we are spending at the same rate as bush and passing out money to big business and special intrests same as bush....

Such a simplistic response. So Obama should have just called the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan on January 23, 2009? And in case you still just can't grasp this, even George W. Bush realized that the overall economy was doomed unless a huge infusion of cash was provided to the financial institutions (regardless who was to "blame" at the time). But according to your logic, just to be "different" from Bush, Obama should have reversed the bank bailouts to that end. Gotcha.

I do often wonder if some of the people who post here have a knowledge of how this country is run by measuring not even the last presidential cycle, but in mere months. If you're going to intelligently debate something, you need to at least do some quick Google research. And some common sense thrown in helps tremendously too.
How many years did you blame the mild recession Bush had at the begining of his term on Clintoon?

The real question is how many years did you blame it on Bush. You guys were still blaming Bush for it when the economy had recovered and he was running for reelection against Kerry.

Bush didnt blame it on Clinton. He didnt play the blame game. He simply went to work to fixing the problem. And he did that by doing what he could to get the government out of the way of the working people and letting them earn profits and thereby create jobs.

By 2004, Bush had spent the surplus, given enormous tax cuts AND gotten us involved in two major wars, all of which began another cycle of out-of-control climbing debt, with less revenue coming in. (The war supplements, in the billions every year by the way, were cleverly never included in the total deficit figure for those years.)

"Working people" saw their wages either flatlined or reduced, their benefits diminished or removed. Bush personally may not have blamed Clinton, but The Dick certainly tried to lay the attacks of 911 directly at Clinton's door, and we all know he was calling all the shots anyway.

Finally, technically, Obama has never said "I blame President Bush for the mess I inherited." He blames the drunk-with-power Republicans in general, who, at the time were in true "neocon" mode, the starve-the-beast mentality on the domestic front to justify the cost of war. There was a concerted effort, led by Karl Rove, to keep Republicans in power forever. And to do that, of course, the neocons needed a "plan" to keep the serfs thinking they hadn't been forgotten. To that end, along came the unfunded but mandated Medicare Precription Drug Plan, costing even more billions. A program that would make Karl Marx blush, but the Republicans Forever needed the seniors' votes to stay that way.

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