put an end to “unwarranted” tax breaks to big oil and gas companies

Simple = fair.

Lets move to a tax on consumption. 7 + 7 on 3.

I go for a simple personal income tax. Pure flat % on ALL personal income with no deductions.

Tax should not promote any lifestyle, etc.

I would prefer a progressive tax.

The rich can afford to pay a little bit more.

Thats just so wrong its not funny!!

A consumption tax or a flat across the board tax is the only fair way,I like a flat tax over consumption.
A flat tax hits everyone on equal ground,consumption tax is in reality a voluntary tax,people can avoid it to some extent. They both have merits,and could be a combination of the two?
I go for a simple personal income tax. Pure flat % on ALL personal income with no deductions.

Tax should not promote any lifestyle, etc.

I would prefer a progressive tax.

The rich can afford to pay a little bit more.

Thats just so wrong its not funny!!

A consumption tax or a flat across the board tax is the only fair way,I like a flat tax over consumption.

A flat tax isn't a fair tax at all. Some people use "the commons" more than others and should be taxed accordingly.
A flat tax hits everyone on equal ground,consumption tax is in reality a voluntary tax,people can avoid it to some extent. They both have merits,and could be a combination of the two?

7 + 7 on 3.
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A flat tax hits everyone on equal ground,consumption tax is in reality a voluntary tax,people can avoid it to some extent. They both have merits,and could be a combination of the two?

7 + 7 on 3.

Just a point here,one or the other would be the simplest,if we make it so it can be manipulated,like we have now it can grow into the balck hole just like we have now.
just saying keep it simple stupid KISS

A flat tax is the fairest as to income,usage of public places and being taxed on that is hardly fair,and alot of places charge for usage already.
I think everyone agrees what we have now sucks and is broken.

I think a flat tax would be the easiest to run,the most simple,you pay the same % as the guy making 20k or 200k,just simple math.1 page tax filing,but then what to do with all the tax lawyers LOL
A flat tax isn't a fair tax at all. Some people use "the commons" more than others and should be taxed accordingly.

Welfare isn't "the commons." Progressive taxation goes almost entirely to pay for welfare.

Taxes that support infrastructure are levied almost exactly in proportion to how heavily that infrastructure is used. The excise tax on gasoline is a perfect example.

There simply is no moral justification for progressive taxation.

The "commons" argument is bogus.
I think everyone agrees what we have now sucks and is broken.

I think a flat tax would be the easiest to run,the most simple,you pay the same % as the guy making 20k or 200k,just simple math.1 page tax filing,but then what to do with all the tax lawyers LOL

A national sales tax would be the simplest, fairest and most economically efficient. Leaving the income tax in place means politicians will continue to tinker with it. the only way to prevent that is to abolish the income tax. That goes for corporate income taxes as well. That would also almost entirely eliminate the IRS.
I think everyone agrees what we have now sucks and is broken.

I think a flat tax would be the easiest to run,the most simple,you pay the same % as the guy making 20k or 200k,just simple math.1 page tax filing,but then what to do with all the tax lawyers LOL

A national sales tax would be the simplest, fairest and most economically efficient. Leaving the income tax in place means politicians will continue to tinker with it. the only way to prevent that is to abolish the income tax. That goes for corporate income taxes as well. That would also almost entirely eliminate the IRS.

Well in reality they will with what ever is in place,sales tax collection would be somewhat more complicated than a flat tax,and has room for cheating,cash sales?? think about the FED's chasing you around for simple cash sales,could get ugly,flat tax on income,while having problems of its own would be less paper work.
Well in reality they will with what ever is in place,sales tax collection would be somewhat more complicated than a flat tax,and has room for cheating,cash sales?? think about the FED's chasing you around for simple cash sales,could get ugly,flat tax on income,while having problems of its own would be less paper work.

So long as the income tax exists, politicians will not resist the urge to tinker with it. How are they going to tinker with a sales tax? Are they going to have business owners determine your income and charge you accordingly? The possibility of tinkering with a sales tax is several orders of magnitude less for a sales tax. All one has to do to know that is look at how sales taxes are currently implemented.

Almost every state and local municipality in the country has a sales tax, and none of them have anything resembling the IRS. the idea that a sales tax would be more complicated than the income simply doesn't pass the laugh test.

Will some sales escape taxation? Sure, but a lot smaller perventage than currently escape paying income taxes. How much business is done in cash? Most legitimate businesses wouldn't even consider not collecting sales taxes.
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Well in reality they will with what ever is in place,sales tax collection would be somewhat more complicated than a flat tax,and has room for cheating,cash sales?? think about the FED's chasing you around for simple cash sales,could get ugly,flat tax on income,while having problems of its own would be less paper work.

So long as the income tax exists, politicians will not resist the urge to tinker with it. How are they going to tinker with a sales tax? Are they going to have business owners determine your income and charge you accordingly? The possibility of tinkering with a sales tax is several orders of magnitude less for a sales tax. All one has to do to know that is look at how sales taxes are currently implemented.

Almost every state and local municipality in the country has a sales tax, and none of them have anything resembling the IRS. the idea that a sales tax would be more complicated than the income simply doesn't pass the laugh test.

Will some sales escape taxation? Sure, but a lot smaller perventage than currently escape paying income taxes. How much business is done in cash? Most legitimate businesses wouldn't even consider not collecting sales taxes.

You have never been audited by a state sales tax dept.have you,its a big bureaucracy.

They will tinker with what ever we have rest assured on that,its their income stream.a sales tax could and I am sre would encourage a black market in goods. are ether perfect no!! And I would be willing to except ether,just think a falt tax would e the best.
You have never been audited by a state sales tax dept.have you,its a big bureaucracy.

They will tinker with what ever we have rest assured on that,its their income stream.a sales tax could and I am sre would encourage a black market in goods. are ether perfect no!! And I would be willing to except ether,just think a falt tax would e the best.

all you have to do is look at existing sales taxes to understand that there is less room for tinkering than with an income tax.

As long as the income tax exists, politicians will not resist the urge to get campaign donations by carving out exemptions and deductions for special interests.
The OP is about unwarranted tax breaks to oil companies. Flat tax, consumption tax, etc. is for another thread.

Today the government pays refiners 45 cents a gallon through a tax credit to refine corn-based ethanol. An additional 54 cents a gallon tarirff blocks imports of less expensive and more energy efficient sugar-based ethanol from Brazil. Corn-based ethanol is mandated by federal law benefitting the farm belt.

Big oil, big agra benefit and we the people lose.
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All we need to do is repeal the Bush tax cuts and raise the top rate by 3%.

Bush the Lesser created this mess, and Congress and Obama continued it in December.


I disagree. We need to take this opportunity to rebuild our tax code and the philosophy that drives it from the ground up. No entrepreneurial endeavor or organization should EVER get special treatment under the tax code - it's the surest pathway to corruption.

7% general sales tax on every retail purchase + 7% income tax on yearly earnings in excess of $3 million.

No corporate income tax, no bullshit loopholes, no special treatment, no IRS retail level bureaucracy to pay for.

I rep you if i could.

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