Putin admits directing aid to Trump campaign!

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.


Putin is the modern Lafayette and saved the Republic!!

The Good Lord would not allow that evil witch Hillary in the White House.

Bless you, Uncle Vlad!!
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

We know Putin was telling the truth when he said he said he wanted Trump to win and lying when he said they did not interfere in our elections.
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

We know Putin was telling the truth when he said he said he wanted Trump to win and lying when he said they did not interfere in our elections.

And we know you guys just can't get over your butthurt.

You really are unwilling to acknowledge that we fuck around in other countries elections with no remorse at all.
Do you think she will live to the end of Trump's second term? SHe looks like hell.

Who gives a shit? None of this is about Clinton and her health.

She was the alternative to Trump. To judge him, you have to consider the alternative.

ANd she was utter shit.

Clinton is just a special place your mind wanders to rationalize Trump embarrassment.

She has ZERO actual consequence at this point.

1. Nope. Try again.

2. She is completely relevant in my contexts. She was the last person selected by you losers to represent you. That reflects on you, and what you would do, if you could.

For one example.

No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Ah, so when Trump says Putin said "I didn't collude" you believe, when Putin says I wanted Trump to win and helped him, Putin isn't trustworthy.

Talk about cherry picking.

You seem confused, very confused. Are you aware of other factors involved besides "Trust" in deciding if someone is telling the truth?

What am I saying. YOu don't know anything other than HATE THE OTHER.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.
So you believe everything Putin says? You, sir, is dumfuk.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.

You so totally don't even understand the Russian discussion.

1) We are the ones who distrust Russia and always did. You're new to the party after blaming the world's problems on us for all our lives

2) You're conflating Russia with Trump. We aren't disagreeing that Russia is a threat. We're disagreeing with your conflating anything Russia did with that Trump was personally responsible for it.

3) You're playing a word parsing game here where there were two questions and he answered the first one and you applied his answer to the second. He may have done that, but that isn't what he said if you had a critical mind.

If you actually want to go after the Russians instead of Trump, let us know, we're in. You're the Russian suck up, Anton tutu
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.
"i will have more flexibility after i win the election".

if that didn't bother you, this shouldn't either. it only does cause you have TDS.
Who gives a shit? None of this is about Clinton and her health.

She was the alternative to Trump. To judge him, you have to consider the alternative.

ANd she was utter shit.

Clinton is just a special place your mind wanders to rationalize Trump embarrassment.

She has ZERO actual consequence at this point.

1. Nope. Try again.

2. She is completely relevant in my contexts. She was the last person selected by you losers to represent you. That reflects on you, and what you would do, if you could.

For one example.

No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.
Last edited:
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.
"i will have more flexibility after i win the election".

if that didn't bother you, this shouldn't either. it only does cause you have TDS.

That was in 2012, pre-Ukranian mis-adventures.

I got no problem with trying to periodically trying to improve relations with Russia - every president does this. Clinton did, Bush did, Obama did.

What they never did is reject American intelligence findings of Russian wrong doing while promoting Russian regime's denials.

When Putin got out of line in 2014, Obama's response was firm and decisive in instituting crippling international sanctions on Russia. When he found out Putin was meddling he confronted him as well, though did not take it public:

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.


Putin is the modern Lafayette and saved the Republic!!

The Good Lord would not allow that evil witch Hillary in the White House.

Bless you, Uncle Vlad!!

Exhibit A - Rightwingers losing their goddam fucking mind.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.
Thanks Uncle Vlad!!!
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Please supply a photo of this public blow job. Thanks!
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Please supply a photo of this public blow job. Thanks!


Bonus footage, Trump taking it up the ass:

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Ah, so when Trump says Putin said "I didn't collude" you believe, when Putin says I wanted Trump to win and helped him, Putin isn't trustworthy.

Talk about cherry picking.

The same can be said for the other side. In another thread they’re all, “You believe what PUTIN says? How stupid are you?” And now in this thread, they believe Putin.
So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Please supply a photo of this public blow job. Thanks!


Bonus footage, Trump taking it up the ass:


Not sure where you got your sexual education, but neither of those suffice to provide what you say they do.
Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Please supply a photo of this public blow job. Thanks!


Bonus footage, Trump taking it up the ass:


Not sure where you got your sexual education, but neither of those suffice to provide what you say they do.

Not sure if you are retarded or just stupid.
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.


Putin is the modern Lafayette and saved the Republic!!

The Good Lord would not allow that evil witch Hillary in the White House.

Bless you, Uncle Vlad!!

Exhibit A - Rightwingers losing their goddam fucking mind.

The reporter asked a non-English speaker a 2 part question, how fucking dishonest must you be to pull that kind of crap? Putin is a friend and saved America from the Progressive Jihad

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