Putin admits directing aid to Trump campaign!

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021
So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

What a load of horseshit.
Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

What a load of horseshit.
Inane Equine Excrement I tell you!!!:banana::banana::banana:
Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

What a load of horseshit.
Inane Equine Excrement I tell you!!!:banana::banana::banana:

Well I do own a horse and I know what horse shit looks and smells like.

Believe me, you stink.
Last edited:
She was the alternative to Trump. To judge him, you have to consider the alternative.

ANd she was utter shit.

Clinton is just a special place your mind wanders to rationalize Trump embarrassment.

She has ZERO actual consequence at this point.

1. Nope. Try again.

2. She is completely relevant in my contexts. She was the last person selected by you losers to represent you. That reflects on you, and what you would do, if you could.

For one example.

No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple question?

Are you retarded or just a complete asshole?

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Please supply a photo of this public blow job. Thanks!

Libs just say shit. THey don't like it when you call them on it.
So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Did you really think Trump was going to bitch slap Putin in fucking public? How insane are you?

Cripes you idiots really need electric shock therapy. At a very high voltage.

Trump constantly criticized our allies with tweets and in some instances publicly. Yet with Putin, Trump did none of this. Trump essentially bowed to Putin.

Our allies have been shit allies. They deserve criticism.

Russia is not an ally. They are if anything an unfriendly power. They get judged by different standards.
Participation trophies do not teach you about life. They do help you avoid life
Lib 101
There is the strongest man in the planet for good and another strongest man for bad
The good one thinks endless battles with the bad one is not good for anyone so he seeks to get along with the bad one . Libbies feel that is treason
Clinton is just a special place your mind wanders to rationalize Trump embarrassment.

She has ZERO actual consequence at this point.

1. Nope. Try again.

2. She is completely relevant in my contexts. She was the last person selected by you losers to represent you. That reflects on you, and what you would do, if you could.

For one example.

No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple question?

Are you retarded or just a complete asshole?

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.

Idiot if you have a point to make just make it, I've got zero interest in your beat-around-bush bullshit.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Then you are a fool.

What will happen is that you just told the Working Poor and the Middle Class of this country that there interests will never be represented , and that elections don't work in this country any more, at least not for them.

You will have revealed peaceful change to be impossible.

THAT, will be the end of this county as you know it.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.
Wow, you are fucking stupid beyond belief.

Putin sees the headlines and the possibility that the left may get this shit to stick. Being no friend of America, what could possibly be better for Russia than to make Trump out to be some kind of criminal. He can already count the Deutschmarks in energy sales to Germany.

This is, of course, assuming this is even true. You progressives lie like most people breathe.
So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

His immigration and trade policies will work. The economy will boom. It is you libs that are making fools of yourself with your hysterics,

and Trump is going to win re-election.
1. Nope. Try again.

2. She is completely relevant in my contexts. She was the last person selected by you losers to represent you. That reflects on you, and what you would do, if you could.

For one example.

No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple question?

Are you retarded or just a complete asshole?

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.

Idiot if you have a point to make just make it, I've got zero interest in your beat-around-bush bullshit.

Asking a simple question about history, should not have been an issue. If you had just answered it.

But, perhaps you are so ignorant you don't know.

The Soviet Union occupied half of Europe and positioned enough forces to threaten the OTHER half, while supporting 5th column communists in those nations, including Greece where there was an actual civil war going on.

AND they had an Ideology that not only called for World Conquest, but their very legitimacy to rule, by their own rules, was based on them conquering the world,

AND, by their definitions, the Western nations, were defined as Evil.

THAT was the cause of the Cold War. ANd we have nothing like that today.

Try to be less of a warmonger.
No it does not dummy.

Clinton lost, Trump won and nothing will change that, not even Trump doing the right thing and holding Putin responsible for breaking our laws and interfering in our elections, even if it favored Trump candidacy.

He will not do the right thing and I'm pretty sure it's because Putin got him by his little shriveled balls.

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple question?

Are you retarded or just a complete asshole?

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.

Idiot if you have a point to make just make it, I've got zero interest in your beat-around-bush bullshit.

Asking a simple question about history, should not have been an issue. If you had just answered it.

But, perhaps you are so ignorant you don't know.

The Soviet Union occupied half of Europe and positioned enough forces to threaten the OTHER half, while supporting 5th column communists in those nations, including Greece where there was an actual civil war going on.

AND they had an Ideology that not only called for World Conquest, but their very legitimacy to rule, by their own rules, was based on them conquering the world,

AND, by their definitions, the Western nations, were defined as Evil.

THAT was the cause of the Cold War. ANd we have nothing like that today.

Try to be less of a warmonger.

... WTF does ANY of this have to do Trump holding Putin’s regime responsible for the illegal interference into our elections???
Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

His immigration and trade policies will work. The economy will boom. It is you libs that are making fools of yourself with your hysterics,

and Trump is going to win re-election.
Because you say so? We'll see Bubba.....We'll see:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Ah, so when Trump says Putin said "I didn't collude" you believe, when Putin says I wanted Trump to win and helped him, Putin isn't trustworthy.

Talk about cherry picking.

The same can be said for the other side. In another thread they’re all, “You believe what PUTIN says? How stupid are you?” And now in this thread, they believe Putin.

Yes, it can. Welcome to partisan politics where "winning" is more important than running the country.
Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.


Cold war is over, America won...and it wasn't won so Trump can go over to Finland to fondle Putin and shit on America.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple question?

Are you retarded or just a complete asshole?

Do you even know what led to the original Cold War? Hint: It was a lot more than possible email leaks and a few trolls.

Idiot if you have a point to make just make it, I've got zero interest in your beat-around-bush bullshit.

Asking a simple question about history, should not have been an issue. If you had just answered it.

But, perhaps you are so ignorant you don't know.

The Soviet Union occupied half of Europe and positioned enough forces to threaten the OTHER half, while supporting 5th column communists in those nations, including Greece where there was an actual civil war going on.

AND they had an Ideology that not only called for World Conquest, but their very legitimacy to rule, by their own rules, was based on them conquering the world,

AND, by their definitions, the Western nations, were defined as Evil.

THAT was the cause of the Cold War. ANd we have nothing like that today.

Try to be less of a warmonger.

... WTF does ANY of this have to do Trump holding Putin’s regime responsible for the illegal interference into our elections???

It shows that the possible provocation that has you lefties in such a tizzy, is NOTHING worthy of starting a Cold War over.

That I had to explain that to you, makes you look really stupid.
Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.

Well we are already getting screwed on trade and the US has paid the lions share of costs for NATO.

Oh and you are pissing up a rope if you think Trump will be impeached.

Piss away idiot.
He deserves to be impeached and I would love to see him pushed the rest of the way over the edge at his trial. However, like many Democrats that's not what I want because we would just have he religious right wing freak Pence in the oval office. Pence give the appearance of being sane but in some ways is more dangerous- for that very reason.

I am predicting that the Republicans will deny him the nomination for 2020, but I'm not hoping for that either. It could still give Pence a shot at the white house- or someone worse

What I do want and hope for, is for him to continue to embarrass the country, allies our allies, drag down the economy, kiss the asses of every dictator that pays attention to him and weaken national defense to the point where only the stupidest Trumpanzies will still support him. Yes let him run in 2020, and Corey Booker will be president in 2021

His immigration and trade policies will work. The economy will boom. It is you libs that are making fools of yourself with your hysterics,

and Trump is going to win re-election.
Because you say so? We'll see Bubba.....We'll see:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

And your post was based on what? Insider information from a time traveler?

What kind of fucktard speculates about the future, and then ridicules someone else about speculating about the future?

Hint: It is you, you drooling retard.

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