Putin admits directing aid to Trump campaign!

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.
Thanks Uncle Vlad!!!

He saved the American Republic from the Progressive Jihad! After the damage wrought by Bush and Obama, Hillary would have ended us

Thank you, Uncle Vlad!

'collusion' is not a crime, despite what snowflakes claim.

Meeting with someone to get dirt on someone else is not a crime, despite what emotionally manipulated snowflakes say.

while ignoring real evidence of crimes committed by democrats...

yeah you are :rolleyes:

now let's see you link to ONE claim that "collusion IS A CRIME" :eusa_liar:

and let's see you link to ONE claim that "getting dirt IS A CRIME" :eusa_liar:

Again, 'collusion' is not a crime.

Again, meeting to get opposition research on someone is not a crime.

Paying foreign spies and Russians for data and using it in a US election IS a crime.

Educate yourself, dear, then come back to talk.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

Meeting with a foreign agent is not a crime for Trump but it is a crime for Clinton to do it.

Educate yourself then come back to talk.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Did you really think Trump was going to bitch slap Putin in fucking public? How insane are you?

Cripes you idiots really need electric shock therapy. At a very high voltage.

Trump constantly criticized our allies with tweets and in some instances publicly. Yet with Putin, Trump did none of this. Trump essentially bowed to Putin.
Local Trumpster dimwits.

And Cliton DID NOT meddle, all she did was put out anti-Putin staments. Which is perfectly LEGAL.

That's what Putin did, retard...

No retard, he did not do that. Putin ordered an ILLEGAL hacking and electioneering operation in Unted States.

Show us where it is illegal in Russia??

What kind of doufus are you, since when does US law apply in Russia?

...it's illegal in the United Stated dummy.

Not illegal in Russia and that's where they live dummy .

And once again since when do liberals obey US law?


It is illegal in the US. You are subject to the laws of a foreign country if you break them. Take your shit and shove it.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.

Who said Russia was favoring Hillary it's been well known for over a year and a half Putin hated Hillary for meddiling in Russia's election.

Local Trumpster dimwits.

And Cliton DID NOT meddle, all she did was put out anti-Putin staments. Which is perfectly LEGAL.

That's what Putin did, retard...

No dummy, that not what he did.

Putin ordered an ILLEGAL hacking and electioneering operation in Unted States.

Prove it.

It has been proven by US intelligence. Mike Pompeo and DNI Dan Coats agrees it happened. You clearly are another foreign agent.
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Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Us weaken Trump?

NO. Trump is weakening Trump by giving Putin public blowjobs instead of holding him accountable.

Did you really think Trump was going to bitch slap Putin in fucking public? How insane are you?

Cripes you idiots really need electric shock therapy. At a very high voltage.

...ummm Trump in "fucking public" gave Putin a blowjob and bitch slapped American Intelligence and justice system.

Considering the "intelligence" agencies didn't even examine the DNC's servers and the DOJ and the FBI didn't protect the latest servers involved with the Pakistani IT debacle that are apparently stolen, Trump went easy on them.

If you had any clue, you would know examining the hardware would mean very little. The digital signature is what counts. Go back to your mother Russia.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.

Yes, and Merkel wanted Trump to lose very badly.

Instead he won and then bitch slapped her in front of her girl friend.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.
Thanks Uncle Vlad!!!

Putin has killed people and you thank that trash. You are a monstrous pig.
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.

Bullshit. He invested a lot of time and money in Trump. There is no such thing as a Russian election. Putin is a dictator not a democratically elected leader.
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.

Bullshit. He invested a lot of time and money in Trump. There is no such thing as a Russian election. Putin is a dictator not a democratically elected leader.

Their is no such thing as a DNC nomination either if it can be rigged...

Ask Bernie donars who sued because of it

You have no clue what you are talking about. Meeting with a foreign agent is not a crime for Trump but it is a crime for Clinton to do it. Educate yourself then come back to talk.
Thank you for demonstrating that your name should be 'DIZZYbee', not 'BUSYbee'.

Let me take you to school, Dizzy:

An agreement between two or more parties, sometimes illegal–but always secretive–to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair market advantage.

US AG Jeff Sessions met with Russians in the capacity of his job as a US Politician. When asked if he had met with Russians, he answered 'no', reading into the question and assuming it was meant as had he met with Russians as a member of Trump's team, the answer which was 'No'. Mueller eliminated the USAG , demanding he recuse himself from the investigation based on the fact that as a US politician Mueller had come into contact with Russians.
- His actions did not constitute 'ILLEGAL Collusion'.

Kushner met with a Russian Lawyer, who was banned by Obama's Immigration Agency from entering the US right before Obama stepped in to override them and let her in the country. Obama had the room tapped, and his very own ex-FBI Russian interpreter was there in the room for the meeting. (Can you say 'set-up'?) Democrats frothed at the mouth about how the meeting was to get 'dirt' on Hillary. Snowflakes and the Liberal media railed about how the meeting was 'treasonous' and 'illegal'. Silly snowflakes.

Conducting Opposition Research is NOT illegal. Meeting with the Russian Lawyer was not / is not illegal.

"Meeting with allegedly supportive Russians does not a criminal case make, as Yoda might say."
-- Meeting Russians for dirt on Clinton? It may be immoral but it's not illegal (Opinion) - CNN

There are several key US Election Laws, however, that Hillary broke regarding the Trump Dossier:
1. 'The Campaign Legal Center Filed A Complaint On October 25, 2017, With The Federal Election Commission Accusing The DNC And The Clinton Campaign Of Violating Campaign Finance Law By Failing To Accurately Disclose Money Spent On The Dossier.'
-- Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments

2. It is a violation of Election Law to use Opposition research material from foreign entities that have been PAID FOR in a US election. Hillary did / it was used.

The Trump administration adhered to the law while Hillary, in almost every aspect the facts showed, chose to bend and break every law possible to become President.

Finally, Democrats have accused President Trump of 'ILLEGAL Collusion'...for 3 years now...and have not been able to produce the 1st bit of evidence to support their claims. Democrats declared the Russians 'hacked the election', but even when Deputy Director of the DOJ Rod Rosenstein indicted 12 Russians for that crime he made it in no uncertain terms clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED and THE CRIME DID NOT AFFECT THE ELECTION RESULTS IN ANY WAY.
- The Deputy Director of the DOJ just announced there was NO COLLUSION between ANY American and the Russians who were responsible for the crime of 'hacking our election'.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.

Yes, and Merkel wanted Trump to lose very badly.

What the fuck does Merkel have to do with any of this?
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.

Bullshit. He invested a lot of time and money in Trump. There is no such thing as a Russian election. Putin is a dictator not a democratically elected leader.

Nope. He invested time and money in making sure Hitlery, who he hates, didn't win.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed Hitlery.

Oh and he is elected every year. He is also very popular with the Russian people.
That's what Putin did, retard...

No retard, he did not do that. Putin ordered an ILLEGAL hacking and electioneering operation in Unted States.

Show us where it is illegal in Russia??

What kind of doufus are you, since when does US law apply in Russia?

...it's illegal in the United Stated dummy.

Not illegal in Russia and that's where they live dummy .

And once again since when do liberals obey US law?


It is illegal in the US. You are subject to the laws of a foreign country if you break them. Take your shit and shove it.

They weren't on US soil dummy...

And remind us again since when does liberals follow Federal law????

You guys love to cherry pick like Obama what laws you want enforced .

Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.

Bullshit. He invested a lot of time and money in Trump. There is no such thing as a Russian election. Putin is a dictator not a democratically elected leader.

Nope. He invested time and money in making sure Hitlery, who he hates, didn't win.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed Hitlery.

Oh and he is elected every year. He is also very popular with the Russian people.

He wasn't president in 2011 dmitry was.

Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”
‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has revealed that he actually wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 US presidential election. Russia, however, did not contribute to Trump’s win by any means, he insisted.
I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)

Of course he wanted Trump to win.

He hates Hitlery as he feels she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed HItlery.

Bullshit. He invested a lot of time and money in Trump. There is no such thing as a Russian election. Putin is a dictator not a democratically elected leader.

Nope. He invested time and money in making sure Hitlery, who he hates, didn't win.

He would have done the same for anyone who opposed Hitlery.

Oh and he is elected every year. He is also very popular with the Russian people.

He wasn't president in 2011 dmitry was.


I know but he is very popular with the voting Russians.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.
"i will have more flexibility after i win the election".

if that didn't bother you, this shouldn't either. it only does cause you have TDS.

That was in 2012, pre-Ukranian mis-adventures.

I got no problem with trying to periodically trying to improve relations with Russia - every president does this. Clinton did, Bush did, Obama did.

What they never did is reject American intelligence findings of Russian wrong doing while promoting Russian regime's denials.

When Putin got out of line in 2014, Obama's response was firm and decisive in instituting crippling international sanctions on Russia. When he found out Putin was meddling he confronted him as well, though did not take it public:

Excellent photo.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? Thats means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring CLintont and was behind dossier are totally bust.

So, now you trust the KGB?

Geezus, you idiots just don't know when to quit.

It was in Putin's direct interest to deny favoring or helping Trump - there was only one reason to admit this...IT'S BLATANTLY TRUE, especially in Russia where Clinton was elevated to public enemy #1 spot during elections by state media.

Oh, you don't think that he might have an interest in helping you guys weaken the President of the United States with your hysteria?

Here's a hint: What do you think happens if you get your way and impeach?

Mike Pence becomes President.

Trump is no longer able to fuck up world trade, NATO, and the budget.

That’s what we think will happen.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference

Did you hear that Trump-tools? That means your retard theories about how Russia was favoring Clinton and was behind dossier are totally bust.

First of all retard, no one is saying Russia was behind the dossier, HIllary and an ex British spy were. Second, even Putin thought HIllary would win.

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