Putin bought $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016...Hillary spent $1.2 BILLION

I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....
His events were fun if you think his constant lying and racist babble was fun.
He’s a con artist and you were duped you sucker.
Speaking of FAKE NEWS, didnt many in the Press say that Trump is Hitler and would blow up the planet?

When is that going to happen, specifically?
That's kind of an embarrassing retort
Golf ?

Ok you got me there
You 1

Me 0

Obama care?

Did he not make an EO on his first day to repeal the mandate?


You 1

Me 1

Did he not try to pass two health care laws


You 1
Me 3

Did he not get rid of mandate


You 1

Me 4

The wall prototype has been built

You 1

Me 5

So the score is now

You : 1

Me: 5

Like I said he is trying to keep his campaign promises we could go on if you like give me more to prove you wrong

An EO isn't actual legislation. Real legislation goes through Congress, and hate to tell you but Obamacare is still in effect. No, you don't get that one.

TRYING to pass something but not getting it done is not the same as passing legislation on health care. No points for trying, only for actual stuff done and completed.

As far as the individual mandate? Well, it is going away in 2019, but for 2018, it is still in effect. Again you lose.

And no, his campaign promise was that he would immediately start building a wall, and Mexico would pay for it. It's a year later and no wall has been decided on, only the prototypes have been built. Yeah, it's headed that way, but nobody has been selected for building it, nor have they chosen the design yet. Just starting on thinking about doing a job isn't the same as doing it. Again, you lose.

I find it interesting that when Trump tells you what he's GOING to do, you guys think that he's already done it.

We are talking campaign promises Trump tried to keep here in case you didn't know we have 3 branches of government he is not a dictator..

We are comparing what promises Trump tried to do ...

View attachment 168229

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

To paraphrase Trump, I don't like presidents who can't get anything done. I prefer the ones that can.

And yeah, I know that there are 3 branches of government. Apparently Trump doesn't, because he bitches about when they stop him from doing something illegal. But, one of the things that Trump told everyone to get elected was that he would get things done because he's such a great dealmaker. Well, he's got a GOP Senate, a GOP House, and the presidency, and he STILL can't put any deals together with Congress.

If I promise to give you a brand new house, but fail to deliver, did I keep my promise? No. Trump has promised a lot, and a year later, none of it has been done.

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

I didnt move the goal post that's what we were talking about , you tried to move them.

About time you comprehend it so tell me what campaign promises have not Trump tried to do

Like I said

Some have been stalled by the courts or Congress , some our still in RnD , some he made by EOs , some our regulations being thrown out by the EPA, some have been changed doctrine of of policys like man made climate change

Some have been gone like the paris accord

Some are pissing off the Arabs like making our embassy in Jerusalem..

Like I asked lone laughter name the campaign policy's Trump tried not to keep?

Trying isn't the same as doing. Like I said, if I promise you that I will give you a house, but don't give you one, I didn't complete my promise. And just looking around and deciding that I don't have enough money, but coming to you and telling you why I didn't buy you a house even though I tried isn't keeping my promise.

When ghost reader's read this thread all they see is you spin and digging yourself in a hold you can't get out of

So once again is the president of the USA a dictator?

No he is not ..

Now once again let's compare Obama's promises of s transparent government?

Did he even try to do it no

Shovel ready jobs?


Keep your doctor


So once again who was the con man and who was not?
Damn. You really believe that anyone could have “outspent” the level of free media that the moron got? Please.

So you are saying Trump is a political genius with the media like LBJ was when he got the black vote

I agree

He was good at getting publicity from the liberal MSM

He knows how to troll them ..

Yes he does. We all know that. The part you don't seem to get is that what you just described isn't a positive attribute. It's the manipulation game of a con artist.

Rump really does think "it's all about ratings". That's how shallow his values are, and it's a product of his fatally flawed narcissism. Hence he knows how to get ratings. What he doesn't know is how to EARN them.

But a con artist doesn't keep his word ..

Everything Trump said on the campaign trail he tried to do even the little things..

Obama didn't ...and the big one was a transparent government

No that was a con job

So was keep your doctor ..con job

Shovel ready jobs..

Con job

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....
His events were fun if you think his constant lying and racist babble was fun.
He’s a con artist and you were duped you sucker.

How did he con us please be specific ?

Is he and his family going to make money off this tax bill ?


Did he con us and say he won't take alot of vacation's ?


That's two

Name some more..
Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

That's kind of an embarrassing retort
Golf ?

Ok you got me there
You 1

Me 0

Obama care?

Did he not make an EO on his first day to repeal the mandate?


You 1

Me 1

Did he not try to pass two health care laws


You 1
Me 3

Did he not get rid of mandate


You 1

Me 4

The wall prototype has been built

You 1

Me 5

So the score is now

You : 1

Me: 5

Like I said he is trying to keep his campaign promises we could go on if you like give me more to prove you wrong

An EO isn't actual legislation. Real legislation goes through Congress, and hate to tell you but Obamacare is still in effect. No, you don't get that one.

TRYING to pass something but not getting it done is not the same as passing legislation on health care. No points for trying, only for actual stuff done and completed.

As far as the individual mandate? Well, it is going away in 2019, but for 2018, it is still in effect. Again you lose.

And no, his campaign promise was that he would immediately start building a wall, and Mexico would pay for it. It's a year later and no wall has been decided on, only the prototypes have been built. Yeah, it's headed that way, but nobody has been selected for building it, nor have they chosen the design yet. Just starting on thinking about doing a job isn't the same as doing it. Again, you lose.

I find it interesting that when Trump tells you what he's GOING to do, you guys think that he's already done it.

I got you upset what kind of person are you ?

You call your self a biker sailer

So do you think Harley Davidson can do the RnD build protypes build tooling manufacture a new motor cycle in a year?

Do you think the Navy can do the same on a new Aircraft carrier or destroyer ? In just a year?

Who are yo trying to fool it takes time to build a wall ..

And it's only been a year
Your hatred for Trump is noted but your common sense and logic is surly lacking..

You should be ashamed of that post ..

Actually, I call myself A Biker SAILOR, not "sailer". As far as can a motorcycle company do a redesign of their bikes in a short period of time? Ever heard of the Harley Davidson VRod? That was a serious departure from their normally air cooled engines. Happened back in 2001.

As far as how long does it take to build a carrier? About 5 years, but the keel would managed to be laid in the first year.

As far as "upsetting" me? Sorry dude..............you're not that important that I would allow you to live in my head rent free. All you currently are to me is an opinion posted by some anonymous user that forms on my computer screen as phosphor dots. The neighbors cat when they fight with my cats upset me more than you ever could. Please..............get over yourself.

So I brought you to reality good to hear now back to the topic you agree a damn 3,000 wall can't be built in a year

Check glad you agree.

No. I don't agree. The border is only 2,000 miles, not 3,000. And, he's had a year and there is still zero financing for the wall, and to tell you the truth, I'm kinda doubtful that those companies that built the prototypes are going to be paid in full. No, there isn't any wall, and there hasn't been any kind of construction started on the actual wall. Like I said, if this was a carrier, at the very least, the keel would be laid and the skin would be on the ship after the first year. Trump hasn't had foot one built yet.
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

At least, until Putin decides that Trump is no longer of use to him, then he's going to rig the election for someone else, and THEN Trump will start to fight.

Tell us exactly what could the Russians

have done to rig the election.....

You liberals continue to make fools of your self....

Tell us....

What did they do?

Did they follow the plan hillary used against crazy bernie?
Deplorables are the dumbest and most uninformed people on earth.
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election
So you are saying Trump is a political genius with the media like LBJ was when he got the black vote

I agree

He was good at getting publicity from the liberal MSM

He knows how to troll them ..

Yes he does. We all know that. The part you don't seem to get is that what you just described isn't a positive attribute. It's the manipulation game of a con artist.

Rump really does think "it's all about ratings". That's how shallow his values are, and it's a product of his fatally flawed narcissism. Hence he knows how to get ratings. What he doesn't know is how to EARN them.

But a con artist doesn't keep his word ..

Everything Trump said on the campaign trail he tried to do even the little things..

Obama didn't ...and the big one was a transparent government

No that was a con job

So was keep your doctor ..con job

Shovel ready jobs..

Con job

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.
That's kind of an embarrassing retort
Golf ?

Ok you got me there
You 1

Me 0

Obama care?

Did he not make an EO on his first day to repeal the mandate?


You 1

Me 1

Did he not try to pass two health care laws


You 1
Me 3

Did he not get rid of mandate


You 1

Me 4

The wall prototype has been built

You 1

Me 5

So the score is now

You : 1

Me: 5

Like I said he is trying to keep his campaign promises we could go on if you like give me more to prove you wrong

An EO isn't actual legislation. Real legislation goes through Congress, and hate to tell you but Obamacare is still in effect. No, you don't get that one.

TRYING to pass something but not getting it done is not the same as passing legislation on health care. No points for trying, only for actual stuff done and completed.

As far as the individual mandate? Well, it is going away in 2019, but for 2018, it is still in effect. Again you lose.

And no, his campaign promise was that he would immediately start building a wall, and Mexico would pay for it. It's a year later and no wall has been decided on, only the prototypes have been built. Yeah, it's headed that way, but nobody has been selected for building it, nor have they chosen the design yet. Just starting on thinking about doing a job isn't the same as doing it. Again, you lose.

I find it interesting that when Trump tells you what he's GOING to do, you guys think that he's already done it.

We are talking campaign promises Trump tried to keep here in case you didn't know we have 3 branches of government he is not a dictator..

We are comparing what promises Trump tried to do ...

View attachment 168229

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

To paraphrase Trump, I don't like presidents who can't get anything done. I prefer the ones that can.

And yeah, I know that there are 3 branches of government. Apparently Trump doesn't, because he bitches about when they stop him from doing something illegal. But, one of the things that Trump told everyone to get elected was that he would get things done because he's such a great dealmaker. Well, he's got a GOP Senate, a GOP House, and the presidency, and he STILL can't put any deals together with Congress.

If I promise to give you a brand new house, but fail to deliver, did I keep my promise? No. Trump has promised a lot, and a year later, none of it has been done.

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

I didnt move the goal post that's what we were talking about , you tried to move them.

About time you comprehend it so tell me what campaign promises have not Trump tried to do

Like I said

Some have been stalled by the courts or Congress , some our still in RnD , some he made by EOs , some our regulations being thrown out by the EPA, some have been changed doctrine of of policys like man made climate change

Some have been gone like the paris accord

Some are pissing off the Arabs like making our embassy in Jerusalem..

Like I asked lone laughter name the campaign policy's Trump tried not to keep?
So you’re now giving the fat man points for trying and failing?
You would.

He PROMISED to repeal and replace OBAMACARE on DAY ONE with something g better.
How’s that working out?
Is it past day one yet?

Where’s his healthcare law after 11 months?
He’s been a miserable failure which is why only 36% of Americans approve of his presidency.
64% disapprove.

What failures ?

He still has 4 years and maybe 8 years to keep them

God you little kids are so damn impatient...
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.
Yes he does. We all know that. The part you don't seem to get is that what you just described isn't a positive attribute. It's the manipulation game of a con artist.

Rump really does think "it's all about ratings". That's how shallow his values are, and it's a product of his fatally flawed narcissism. Hence he knows how to get ratings. What he doesn't know is how to EARN them.

But a con artist doesn't keep his word ..

Everything Trump said on the campaign trail he tried to do even the little things..

Obama didn't ...and the big one was a transparent government

No that was a con job

So was keep your doctor ..con job

Shovel ready jobs..

Con job

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

The 2018 elections has nothing to do with the tax bill...it's done over ..

The mandate is gone and Obama care will die a slow death unless a democrat wins in 2020 and both houses are democrat ..

That's reality stop being emotional, deal with logic and facts

An EO isn't actual legislation. Real legislation goes through Congress, and hate to tell you but Obamacare is still in effect. No, you don't get that one.

TRYING to pass something but not getting it done is not the same as passing legislation on health care. No points for trying, only for actual stuff done and completed.

As far as the individual mandate? Well, it is going away in 2019, but for 2018, it is still in effect. Again you lose.

And no, his campaign promise was that he would immediately start building a wall, and Mexico would pay for it. It's a year later and no wall has been decided on, only the prototypes have been built. Yeah, it's headed that way, but nobody has been selected for building it, nor have they chosen the design yet. Just starting on thinking about doing a job isn't the same as doing it. Again, you lose.

I find it interesting that when Trump tells you what he's GOING to do, you guys think that he's already done it.

We are talking campaign promises Trump tried to keep here in case you didn't know we have 3 branches of government he is not a dictator..

We are comparing what promises Trump tried to do ...

View attachment 168229

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

To paraphrase Trump, I don't like presidents who can't get anything done. I prefer the ones that can.

And yeah, I know that there are 3 branches of government. Apparently Trump doesn't, because he bitches about when they stop him from doing something illegal. But, one of the things that Trump told everyone to get elected was that he would get things done because he's such a great dealmaker. Well, he's got a GOP Senate, a GOP House, and the presidency, and he STILL can't put any deals together with Congress.

If I promise to give you a brand new house, but fail to deliver, did I keep my promise? No. Trump has promised a lot, and a year later, none of it has been done.

Oh.............so now you are moving the goalposts from promises kept to promises tried.

I didnt move the goal post that's what we were talking about , you tried to move them.

About time you comprehend it so tell me what campaign promises have not Trump tried to do

Like I said

Some have been stalled by the courts or Congress , some our still in RnD , some he made by EOs , some our regulations being thrown out by the EPA, some have been changed doctrine of of policys like man made climate change

Some have been gone like the paris accord

Some are pissing off the Arabs like making our embassy in Jerusalem..

Like I asked lone laughter name the campaign policy's Trump tried not to keep?
So you’re now giving the fat man points for trying and failing?
You would.

He PROMISED to repeal and replace OBAMACARE on DAY ONE with something g better.
How’s that working out?
Is it past day one yet?

Where’s his healthcare law after 11 months?
He’s been a miserable failure which is why only 36% of Americans approve of his presidency.
64% disapprove.

What failures ?

He still has 4 years and maybe 8 years to keep them

God you little kids are so damn impatient...
What failures? Another cult member living under a rock.
Instead of improving Obamacare the failure is hell bent in making sure Americans can’t get insurance.
The failure is hurting public health with giving CEO’s the power to control the EPA.
The failure is bringing us closer to nuclear war with his inflammatory rhetoric.
The failure is permitting Big Coal to pollute our streams and rivers.
I can give about 20 other examples but dwell on those for now.
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

So you posting Hillary out spent Trump?

Glad you finally know the facts


Damn. You really believe that anyone could have “outspent” the level of free media that the moron got? Please.

Hey dipshit....

90% of that free media was hell-bent

on destroying Trump...

In spite of all that Trump still Bitch slapped your ass....

Nope. They simply broadcast his every word for a year and a half.
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

But a con artist doesn't keep his word ..

Everything Trump said on the campaign trail he tried to do even the little things..

Obama didn't ...and the big one was a transparent government

No that was a con job

So was keep your doctor ..con job

Shovel ready jobs..

Con job

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

The 2018 elections has nothing to do with the tax bill...it's done over ..

The mandate is gone and Obama care will die a slow death unless a democrat wins in 2020 and both houses are democrat ..

That's reality stop being emotional, deal with logic and facts

9 million people signed up for Obamacare this year despite Trump cutting the sign up period by 90% and doing everything in his power to prevent people from getting health insurance.
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

They didn't cover Hillary because every speech sounded just like the one before.
But a con artist doesn't keep his word ..

Everything Trump said on the campaign trail he tried to do even the little things..

Obama didn't ...and the big one was a transparent government

No that was a con job

So was keep your doctor ..con job

Shovel ready jobs..

Con job

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

The 2018 elections has nothing to do with the tax bill...it's done over ..

The mandate is gone and Obama care will die a slow death unless a democrat wins in 2020 and both houses are democrat ..

That's reality stop being emotional, deal with logic and facts


If Trump and the GOP keep pissing off the people, there could be a bloodbath in 2018, resulting in the Dems taking back both houses. If that happens, expect the mandate to go back into effect.
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....
His events were fun if you think his constant lying and racist babble was fun.
He’s a con artist and you were duped you sucker.

Trumps events were a fricking Blast...

He made fools of you and your lying media...

Against all odds he stuck it up your ass sideways..

Give me an example of his racist statements...

I am sure any example you provide will be lame

just like all your pathetic excesses....

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