Putin bought $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016...Hillary spent $1.2 BILLION

Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.
If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

Hey Dumb Ass...

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

No, but apparently you have a math and number problem. Currently, there is a couple of more days of 2017. The mandate isn't going to be repealed until 2019. In 2018, if you don't have insurance, you will still have to pay the fine.

But, like I said, if Trump and the GOP keep pissing people off, there very well may be a Democrat takeover of both houses, and if that happens, expect the mandate to stay.

And yeah, Obamacare is going to still be in effect for the next year. That's hardly a repeal.

You and your liberal pals are lost balls in high weeds.
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?


Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..

We have quite a double standard, huh?

Is that American Exceptionalism that Obama was displaying in England?
Why does Trump deny that Putin helped?
And what is Trump doing about preventing the Russians from hacking next year’s elections?
Absolutely nothing.
Putin won’t let him.

Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.

The world is laughing at your dumb liberal ass's.

We have quite a double standard, huh?

Is that American Exceptionalism that Obama was displaying in England?
Why does Trump deny that Putin helped?

What did Putin do.....

Just tell us...
If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

If you compare Trump to Obama, Trump tried to keep his word Obama didn't

Really? Wanna talk about his promise that he wouldn't play golf because he would be too busy making great deals and getting this country great again?

How much golf has he played?

Wanna talk about repealing Obamacare? Its still in effect.

How about the wall? Have they decided who gets the contract and has building started on the real wall and not just the prototypes?

Hey dumb ass...

Trump killed the mandate...

obama care is as good as dead...

Hey stupid..................

The mandate doesn't go away until 2019. There is an election that happens in 2018. And, Obamacare is still in effect.

Hey Dumb Ass...

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

No, but apparently you have a math and number problem. Currently, there is a couple of more days of 2017. The mandate isn't going to be repealed until 2019. In 2018, if you don't have insurance, you will still have to pay the fine.

But, like I said, if Trump and the GOP keep pissing people off, there very well may be a Democrat takeover of both houses, and if that happens, expect the mandate to stay.

And yeah, Obamacare is going to still be in effect for the next year. That's hardly a repeal.

How? you stupid shit eliminating the mandate tax is in the fucking tax bill Trump signed into law

God damn you are stupid..

Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

They didn't cover Hillary because every speech sounded just like the one before.

You're right. Hillary focused on boring crap like telling us exactly how she was going to run the economy and what her political positions were, as well as what her foreign policy would be. Pretty boring stuff actually.

Trump, one the other hand appealed to emotions and threw out gossip and insults. Everything that your basic American viewer of reality TV is used to.

Of course the news was going to run Trump more. Like I said, gossip and insults are more interesting than the boring policy stuff.

Hillary's speeches were chock full of lies and her socialist ideology for how to make more Americans miserable. That's why no one cared.

"Lies" don't result in disinterest.. If they did, Rump would never have gotten any splash for his "thousands of people dancing on rooftops" or the General Pershing story or Ted Cruz' father involved in the JFK assassination or endless bogus tweet and retweets, etc etc etc.

Emotion-mining is what generates interest. You stand and talk about dry policy stuff, whether it consists of "lies" or not, if it's not mining the emotions the Gullibles are not swooning over it, and neither is the media. But you stand there and suggest your rival's father shot Kennedy, and you got yet more free splash. Media have known for millennia how this works, which is exactly why it sensationalizes everything and leads with what bleeds.

The problem with that is the Gullibles who line up to buy it and never get that it's all a waste product of the man behind the curtain. And can't be bothered to look behind that curtain because they're so drunk on their own friggin' gullibiity. "Mexico will pay for the wall! Drool drool!"
Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.

Hey dumb ass...

Tell us just one thing the Russians did...

Just one...

Bet you can't do it...
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.

The world is laughing at your dumb liberal ass's.

At this moment it's laughing at your pseudopunctuation.

"Ass is"? Really? Ever seen the inside of a school?
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.

Hey dumb ass...

Tell us just one thing the Russians did...

Just one...

Bet you can't do it...

Basically propaganda. Russia had troll farms that were sending fake stories about things like Pizzagate and all the people that Hillary had executed for crossing her. The rubes believed it because it was juicy gossip. Hell.......even Flynn passed on the tweet about Pizzagate and said it was the gospel truth.

St Petersburg 'troll farm' had 90 dedicated staff working to influence US election campaign

Few Russian addresses have received as much attention as 55 Savushkina Street. The grey, four-storey office block in St Petersburg's northwestern suburbs seems almost undeserving of the interest. But the souls inside, busy with pro-Kremlin internet manipulation since 2011, have ensured their building will stay in the headlines for some time to come.

An investigation has revealed more intimate details about the office, known colloquially as “the troll farm.” The report, published on Tuesday by the business portal RBC, suggests that the organisation played a role in the US election campaign and its aftermath, organising as many as 40 US rallies and protests.

The report identifies 120 different groups and social media accounts used by trolls over 2016-2017. “The farm,” it suggests, concentrated on divisive social issues for the US, particularly civil rights.
Whelp ---- I guess we never will get that "link" from the OP.

Not that anyone actually expected it....
Tell us all what Trump needs to do ole Great one.
It’s obvious as the point on your pin head.
First ADMIT Russia hacked the election like our intelligence agencies have stated.
2nd... get together a commission to study how to prevent it from happening again.
But there’s golf to be played and people to beat up on Twitter.
It’s a dereliction of his duty NOT to prepare for Russia hacking the next election.

Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.

No when it comes to politics and Washington I am probably in the top 5 here that know's how it works ..

Why would I bother reading your link the Russians didn't change no votes just hacked into DNC computers like podesta ..

Got information , gave it to wiki and they told the truth about Hillary and the DNC

And that clown Comey is the one who really screwed over Hillary if he would of shut the fuck up and not tell the public he reopened the investigation because of dumb ass Loretta Lynch and bill Clinton tarmac meeting ..

Hillary would of been president

If you have any one to blame it was God damn Comey
Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.

Hey dumb ass...

Tell us just one thing the Russians did...

Just one...

Bet you can't do it...

Basically propaganda. Russia had troll farms that were sending fake stories about things like Pizzagate and all the people that Hillary had executed for crossing her. The rubes believed it because it was juicy gossip. Hell.......even Flynn passed on the tweet about Pizzagate and said it was the gospel truth.

St Petersburg 'troll farm' had 90 dedicated staff working to influence US election campaign

Few Russian addresses have received as much attention as 55 Savushkina Street. The grey, four-storey office block in St Petersburg's northwestern suburbs seems almost undeserving of the interest. But the souls inside, busy with pro-Kremlin internet manipulation since 2011, have ensured their building will stay in the headlines for some time to come.

An investigation has revealed more intimate details about the office, known colloquially as “the troll farm.” The report, published on Tuesday by the business portal RBC, suggests that the organisation played a role in the US election campaign and its aftermath, organising as many as 40 US rallies and protests.

The report identifies 120 different groups and social media accounts used by trolls over 2016-2017. “The farm,” it suggests, concentrated on divisive social issues for the US, particularly civil rights.

What a bunch of total bull shit.....
Ok tell us how did they hack our elections in your own words to change it?

Because all I see is this

Once again

View attachment 168235
Every time I debate a deplorable they ask for answers that have been available for many many months as if they’ve been living in a cave.
Our intelligence agencies unequivocally stated Russians hacked our election in order to get Trump elected.
A real president would have enacted a commission to prevent this from happening again HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.
Instead he was too intent about lying about the size of the inaugural crowd.

He’s had 11 months to do something and the stupid fuck can’t even admit Russia hacked the election.

Educate yourself:
Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

They hacked our elections for what this ?

View attachment 168238

Yes all those agencies agree that Russia hacked our elections gave wiki the information that the DNC and Hillary was corrupt

Nothing more nothing less no votes was changed moron ..

Accept telling the Americans the truth ..
You really are as dumb as a rock.
So much information available that can’t get thru your thick skull. I even gave you a link explaining it to you but as most members of the cult you refuse to learn.

Hey dumb ass...

Tell us just one thing the Russians did...

Just one...

Bet you can't do it...

Basically propaganda. Russia had troll farms that were sending fake stories about things like Pizzagate and all the people that Hillary had executed for crossing her. The rubes believed it because it was juicy gossip. Hell.......even Flynn passed on the tweet about Pizzagate and said it was the gospel truth.

St Petersburg 'troll farm' had 90 dedicated staff working to influence US election campaign

Few Russian addresses have received as much attention as 55 Savushkina Street. The grey, four-storey office block in St Petersburg's northwestern suburbs seems almost undeserving of the interest. But the souls inside, busy with pro-Kremlin internet manipulation since 2011, have ensured their building will stay in the headlines for some time to come.

An investigation has revealed more intimate details about the office, known colloquially as “the troll farm.” The report, published on Tuesday by the business portal RBC, suggests that the organisation played a role in the US election campaign and its aftermath, organising as many as 40 US rallies and protests.

The report identifies 120 different groups and social media accounts used by trolls over 2016-2017. “The farm,” it suggests, concentrated on divisive social issues for the US, particularly civil rights.

Like I posted before in in this thread all you have is pizza gate ?

That was fynn's kid and once again I posted on this thread I am a political and news junkie .

I kept hearing this pizza gate crap for a week and I didn't have a clue what any one was talking about ...it was these idiots on here that went to fringe alt left and alt right sites..

Pizza gate wasn't from Russia or wiki ...

And all the people Hillary supposed to have killed those rumors have been in the mill since the 1990s with Vince Foster..

Nothing to do with Russia or Wiki.

Give me some other fake news that Russia spread that wasn't already in the rumors mill for decades

Because you can't .
Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.

The world is laughing at your dumb liberal ass's.

At this moment it's laughing at your pseudopunctuation.

"Ass is"? Really? Ever seen the inside of a school?
Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.

The world is laughing at your dumb liberal ass's.

At this moment it's laughing at your pseudopunctuation.

"Ass is"? Really? Ever seen the inside of a school?

You got it pseudosmart ...

Your Ass is dumber than a box of bricks.....

Your liberalism proves it...
Hillary's $1.2 billion couldn't defeat $100,000 in Facebook ads? :badgrin:

How did we expect her to influence foreign leaders when she can't even influence US voters with $1.2 billion more than Russia did with $100,000 in Facebook ads in the summer of 2016?

Good Lord

Let's add another fact or two to your post:
Here's How Much of His Own Money Donald Trump Spent on His Campaign
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."

You don't have to spend as much money if the media is giving you boatloads of free press.

You know, there were times that Hillary was giving a speech, but the media didn't cover it. I can't remember any speeches that Trump gave that didn't get at least a few min. of coverage.

Trump's events were a lot more fun...

Crooked hillary's were like watching paint dry....

You may have just summed up the entire fuckup in a nutshell.

You see son --- presidential campaigns are not supposed to be TV entertainment. If that's what Rumpbots voted for --- and I have no doubt that it is --- that's where the whole deal went down the tubes. That's why we're stuck now where we are, and why the whole world is laughing at us.

Of course it's entertainment.. like when Donna gave Hillary the question's before hand you do remember that right?

Political News and Analysis About Congress, the President and Federal Government

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign
by Eddie Scarry | Mar 17, 2017, 3:32 PM

Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.
I love it. Our USMB nutbags are so desperate to defend their shitbag moron that they are judging the actions of a hostile Russia with more slack than those of fellow Americans.

Are those the Russians that gave malicious gossip to Hillary's campaign so she could use it to smear him?

We have quite a double standard, huh?

Is that American Exceptionalism that Obama was displaying in England?
You're angry because she spent more.

Don't worry. Putin "won". He got his boy Trump elected.

Imagine how much the children could have been helped with that $1.2 billion.

What about the children?!

Republicans caring about children.

As if.

So funny. Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
they ain't killing children in a planned parenthood factory. Who's doing that?

American: Trump May have obstructed Justice.

Nutbag: Abortion!! Abortion!!

"Snowflake nutbuger, not "American."

But, but, but Trump lied about repealing Obamacare! Tax cuts for the rich!

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