Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

After the conquest of the Ukraine, will Vlad Putin continue East to Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia, or will he go West and demand the return of Alaska to Russia?

I'm sure Biden would accept a $7.2 million check for Alaska. That's what we paid for it, and Hunter is running out of crack cocaine.
If what you claim is the case, why is it that only under the leadership of weak Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie presidents like Obama and now Biden has Putin acted to invade the Ukraine successfully?

JimH52 doesn't understand the concept of "This never would have happened under Trump."
If you had a thief, that peacefully broke into your house, and stole something every day while you were away at work, but then, one day, you had the day off, and went to the store and came home to find him taking something and decided to lay into him. . .

Someone saying that you are not taking "legitimate action," is just a POV.

As to your analogy...

Apparently, I never lock my doors and allow thieves to take everything I own. Who's more at fault, the thief for stealing my goods or me for leaving the doors unlocked?

The preemptive measure would have been to lock my doors and secure my goods. Am I silencing the thieves? Yes, rightfully so. I would be deterring the thief and future thieves from stealing from me in the first place. If they tried, have them arrested and punished.

The fact that I may have committed thievery myself should not absolve the thieves of their behavior. It does not absolve me of doing what I can within the law to take them off the streets.

No, it is parasitic scum like you whom are the "Russian" assets here in our nation seeking to tear us down and reduce our power and position in the world.

I'd suggests you pack your bags and move to some other failed folly of socialism nation(s) that better suits your worthless skin. We'll gladly exchange your useless scum for some others whom wish to come here and help build up America/USA.

The only Russian asset in our nation is the Democratic Party and it's parasitic blood suckers like the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's, etc.

We don't need such and will gladly exchange you and your worthless scum kind for others in the world whom want to come here and work here and build upon the founding principles of this Nation.

Don't let the door hit your arse on your way out to where you better belong!
JimH52 doesn't understand the concept of "This never would have happened under Trump."

I don't think that is correct statement. It could've happen regardless of who is the president.

But the fact is, that it didn't happen under Trump, and it did happened while Obama and Biden were in office.

Obama sent blankets and helmets to Ukraine, while Trump sent them Javelins.

So, who exactly is Putin's agent here???

As to your analogy...

Apparently, I never lock my doors and allow thieves to take everything I own. Who's more at fault, the thief for stealing my goods or me for leaving the doors unlocked?

The preemptive measure would have been to lock my doors and secure my goods. Am I silencing the thieves? Yes, rightfully so. I would be deterring the thief and future thieves from stealing from me in the first place. If they tried, have them arrested and punished.

The fact that I may have committed thievery myself should not absolve the thieves of their behavior. It does not absolve me of doing what I can within the law to take them off the streets.
So you are saying thieves have a "right" to take what they can, if Citizens don't thwart them. ??? !!!

What a pile of elitist and Leftist CRAP!

A thief is a thief regardless if the victim allows such or doesn't via neglect, trust, or otherwise.

The principle of this nation is that Citizens should not have to exercise extraordinary efforts to protect themselves from crime. Rather that crime should not be allowed or tolerated and should be expunged where and when it occurs!
Putin has upper hand, but I don't think it's gonna last that long.

Ukraine is not small country, it has 250K active, and 250K reserve personnel. You can't just like that capture country of 45 million people.

Putin will quickly grab what he can, and hold on to it and use it as bargaining chips, like he did with Crimea.

Russian has the second most powerful military in the world.

2022 Military Strength Ranking

For 2022, Russia is ranked 2 of 140 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.0501 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect'). This entry last updated on 01/12/2022.


Available Manpower 69,737,187

Russia active personnel is 850,000 Reserve is 250,000 Paramilitary 250,000


Available manpower 22,310,276

Ukraine active Personnel is 200,000 Reserve is 250,000 Paramilitary 50,000

Russia is #1 in 4 of the 5 and #3 of the 5th Land forces categories they have the largest ground force in the world.

Russia has a significant military advantage over Ukraine who is ranked 22nd.
Russian has the second most powerful military in the world.

2022 Military Strength Ranking

For 2022, Russia is ranked 2 of 140 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.0501 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect'). This entry last updated on 01/12/2022.


Available Manpower 69,737,187

Russia active personnel is 850,000 Reserve is 250,000 Paramilitary 250,000


Available manpower 22,310,276

Ukraine active Personnel is 200,000 Reserve is 250,000 Paramilitary 50,000

Russia is #1 in 4 of the 5 and #3 of the 5th Land forces categories they have the largest ground force in the world.

Russia has a significant military advantage over Ukraine who is ranked 22nd.

Russia has significant military advantage. Agree.

Russian manpower of 69M. Not gonna happen.

Ukrainians are defending their homes.
I don't think that is correct statement. It could've happen regardless of who is the president.

But the fact is, that it didn't happen under Trump, and it did happened while Obama and Biden were in office.

Obama sent blankets and helmets to Ukraine, while Trump sent them Javelins.

So, who exactly is Putin's agent here???

You omitted the packages of MRE's also sent by Obama.
You might not be able to stop a tank with blankets, MRE's and helmets, but Javelin ATM's can certainly put a crimp in the day of tank crews.
So you are saying thieves have a "right" to take what they can, if Citizens don't thwart them. ??? !!!

Beale and AI are concerned with the double standards in play if the UN kicked Russia out and stopped China from intentionally deadlocking UNSC actions via Resolution 377 in order to allow the other members of the P5 to help Ukraine via UNSC resolutions.

I am more concerned with the punitive aspect regarding Russia's behavior and China's future complicity in the matter. They both make valid points about America's and the rest of the P5's destabilizing behavior throughout the world in the past and insist that it would be hypocritical and therefore wrong to enact any punitive or preemptive measures.
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Beale and AI are concerned with the double standards in play if the UN kicked Russia out and stopped China from intentionally deadlocking UNSC actions via Resolution 377.

I am more concerned with the punitive aspect of Russia's behavior and China's future complicity in the matter.

You still have no real resolutions/solutions to the current situation/crisis's nor means to undo such.
Does anyone believe that Russia is going to leave Ukraine (now that he has it) willfully in other words without being expelled by force militarily. That seems unlikely. They knew the sanctions were coming since we told them that the repercussion for invading was sanctions. You have to assume that the sanctions were baked into the decision to go forward, and they think that their goal of taking Ukraine is worth whatever economic sanctions will cost them. Unless we have put some sort of sanctions on them, they didn't see coming I doubt (at least in the short term) that they will do much to get Russia to stop their invasion or to pull back from Ukraine.

So, the question becomes if Russia takes Ukraine (which it looks certain to do now) what happens next? As long as they stop in Ukraine is the west prepared to enter a hot war with Russia over the annexation of Ukraine? Is the west even capable of waging that type of warfare at this point having just fought a 20-year COIN operation which is completely different than a war we would fight against Russia. And even if we are can we win? If Russia and China ally together does their combined strength, make them a foe we (the west) can't defeat? And is that what Putin and Xi are thinking?
Does anyone know if it was a true report that the leaders of the Donbass area requested Putin‘s assistance? I do not trust any domestic source, Russian source, nor Ukrainian government source on the matter. I am looking for an independent source for confirmation.

I tried finding news sources from the immediate area of Donbas/Donbass (the 2 breakaway provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk collectively) but to no avail. I have found 2 out of Kyiv, but one currently, Kyiv Post, is unaccessible due to overload (I assume) on the server or disruption. From the little I know but have been reading to catch up, I don’t know if the media sources would be pro-Russian or anti-Russian in sentiment.

I didn’t realize that for years, in order to visit the breakaway territories, Ukrainians must have a relative who lives there in order to visit, and they also have to first go to Russia and pay $100 to make the visit. The area also speaks Russian and has many Russian residents who came from Russia to work. On the flipside, reports mention torture cellars throughout the breakaway territories that continue to place the people who live there in fear for speaking against breakaway status.

Trusting any one news source is like placing trust in 10 outlets that all claim the same report due to political strategy. The power of the message is amplified during wartime while abuses of the power of the message are also amplified. It seems that looking for the truth would require being there and knowing Russian.
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