Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Putin thought of everything except a 45% crash of the Moscow Stock Market and big Russian companies losing half their market value;

Putin Thought of Everything – Except a Crash of 45 Percent on the Moscow Stock Exchange and Big Russian Companies Losing Half their Market Value

"The stock market pain spread across the largest publicly traded companies in Russia. Gazprom, one of the largest natural gas companies in the world, lost 54 percent during the worst part of morning trading.

"Rosneft, another large Russian energy company, slumped by as much as 59 percent.

"Novatek, Russia’s second largest natural gas producer lost 48 percent while one of the largest banks in Russia, Sberbank, plunged by as much as 47 percent.

"The plunge in the stock market, together with Russia’s currency, the Ruble, hitting record lows against the Euro and the U.S. Dollar, brought in the Russian central bank, the Bank of Russia, to support the market and the currency.

"The Bank of Russia announced that it was banning short selling and was initiating 'interventions in the foreign exchange market, extend the Lombard List [acceptable collateral for loans], and provide the banking sector with extra liquidity today.'"
A fatal weakness. Ukraine should be in NATO.
No. It should remain a neutral buffer state. I'm fully convinced of it now. As humiliating as this sounds, NATO should accede to Russia's demands.

NATO expanded twice in '99 and '04, and tried to admit Georgia and Ukraine in the Bucharest Summit in 2008.

We are expanding too close to their borders, Russia is well within its rights to make these demands.
Russia needs to be removed from the UN Security Council immediately. They currently chair the UN Security Council. That is a global embarrassment, and they should be kicked off immediately.
Other than Resolution 377, I don't see how that can be accomplished. China would veto, and Russia naturally.
Just an attempt to exploit a technicality, from what I read.

Russia never went through the formal process of being admitted to the UN or added to the Security Council.They basically slid into both positions by edict and took the USSR's spots

Possibly they could revoke the edict and force a vote by the remaining members, veto-proof.
Russia needs to be removed from the UN Security Council immediately. They currently chair the UN Security Council. That is a global embarrassment, and they should be kicked off immediately.
Did you make the same demand when Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Putin's blunder occurred in response to US/NATO attempts to extend a hostile military alliance to his western border.

FWIW, some are speculating Putin's invasion may have encouraged Sweden and Finland to reconsider joining NATO?
Putin's blunder occurred in response to US/NATO attempts to extend a hostile military alliance to his western border.
Nah, that's horseshit. Putin wants the influence and resources in former Soviet republics.

Notice all the NATO forces are still where they have been for a long time.

Putin does not believe these ONLY 12,000 forces in bordering countries are anything but defensive. If you believe him when he says otherwise, you are very gullible.
It seems more likely that NATO expansion post 1991 explains a great deal about why Putin committed this blatant War of aggression.
Bullshit apologism.

More countries entered NATO precisely because of Russian aggression.

You put the cart before the horse, there.

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