Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

After the conquest of the Ukraine, will Vlad Putin continue East to Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia, or will he go West and demand the return of Alaska to Russia?
Idiot! Poland is a member of NATO...if he tries to go there, it will be WW III....unless his asset trump is in office. Then trump will hand him all of east europe.
No dispute that Putin is a liar.

So, Obama let Putin take Crimea, and Biden let him take Donetsk and Luhansk, but somehow Trump is Putin's agent.

Please explain, what did Putin captured under Trump?
He captured trump's heart. "Putin is a genius."
Idiot! Poland is a member of NATO...if he tries to go there, it will be WW III....unless his asset trump is in office. Then trump will hand him all of east europe.
Yeah just look what happened the last time that guy was in office. Russia invaded... oh wait...

Putin is a mad man. He won't stop with Ukraine. He has allies in the US. They are called MAGA.


Where was this guy when Obama was bombing Libya?

Where was this guy when Bush II invaded Iraq unprovoked?

Where was this guy when Obama was arming folks in Syria?


Remember that video I posted last night? Yeah, I've reconsidered my position.
That video was several years old, here is one, same guy, just published yesterday. . . linked from MoA.

Disarming Ukraine - Day 1​

"I recommend to watch it in full.

Like me and many other analysts Mearsheimer did not expect that a Russian move into the Ukraine would happen. Why the Russian government finally decided to take that step is not clear to me. I believe that Zelensky's lose talk about acquiring nuclear weapons for the Ukraine was one of the decisive factors. Who told Zelensky to come up with that?

The Russian operation started with a volley of cruise missiles that destroyed air defense radars and missiles, military airports, ammunition depots and some military harbor. The followed ground attacks by armored forces from Belarus southward, form Russia westward and from Crimea northward. These progressed well though some tanks got destroyed by anti-tank missile fire. The ground moves have air cover and heavy artillery moving up behind them.

This map does not show the progress of the operation but a likely operational plan the Russian military might have.. . . "



Feb 21, 2022

"Professor John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1982. He graduated from West Point in 1970 and then served five years as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He has published six immensely influential books on international relations theory. In 2020, he won the James Madison Award, which is given once every three years by the American Political Science Association to “an American political scientist who has made a distinguished scholarly contribution to political science.”
That video was several years old, here is one, same guy, just published yesterday. . . linked from MoA.

Disarming Ukraine - Day 1​

"I recommend to watch it in full.

Like me and many other analysts Mearsheimer did not expect that a Russian move into the Ukraine would happen. Why the Russian government finally decided to take that step is not clear to me. I believe that Zelensky's lose talk about acquiring nuclear weapons for the Ukraine was one of the decisive factors. Who told Zelensky to come up with that?

The Russian operation started with a volley of cruise missiles that destroyed air defense radars and missiles, military airports, ammunition depots and some military harbor. The followed ground attacks by armored forces from Belarus southward, form Russia westward and from Crimea northward. These progressed well though some tanks got destroyed by anti-tank missile fire. The ground moves have air cover and heavy artillery moving up behind them.

This map does not show the progress of the operation but a likely operational plan the Russian military might have.. . . "



Feb 21, 2022

"Professor John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1982. He graduated from West Point in 1970 and then served five years as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He has published six immensely influential books on international relations theory. In 2020, he won the James Madison Award, which is given once every three years by the American Political Science Association to “an American political scientist who has made a distinguished scholarly contribution to political science.”

Watching it now.
JimH52 doesn't understand the concept of "This never would have happened under Trump."

I completely understand why Jim is so upset.

Of course this invasion is Trump's fault.

Shit, if Trump hadn't let the establishment trick him into letting them steal his presidency, then Putin could never have invaded. . . .

What a fool. First he let's the Deep State steal his presidency, then he let's Putin invade. What's not to be angry about?

Idiot! Poland is a member of NATO...if he tries to go there, it will be WW III....

Like in yer dreams.

unless his asset trump is in office.
Can't argue with that. NONE of these actors in China, Russia, N. Korea or Iran dared make a move so long as Trump was in office because Trump was an effective LEADER. Even his own general feared that pushed too far, Trump could go all nuclear on Jinping's ass.

Biden couldn't make a plateful of oysters nervous.

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