Putin Declares War on the Ukraine



And away we go! But this time around, everybody’s got nukes.
Yeah, nukes and no Eisenhower, strategist extraordinaire. Hopefully, the Military has a clone of Eisenhower with a 200+infinity iq. Meanwhile, I'm going to remember what the Lord told Joshua after Moses died.

❄️ ✝️ ❄️
May our American Generals know that with God, we can beat up bullies,

trick the Terminators, discourage evil-doers, discipline evil-doers,

and transform evil-doers into persons of strict belief in the goodness of God and his spirit of good winning over evil,

as the pilgrims did, as George Washington did, and as Christian America did and is still doing.

May God be on our side and gather together believers against those who never knew what the power of God is.
God is the hope and strength of his people who believe in him.

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Trump may have been a complete ass as a man, but at least his strategy of peace through strength was very effective.

Not to be outdone, though, the Xiden strategy of pieces through weakness is proving just as effective.

He was installed by the globalists for a purpose - to weaken us internally and remove us as a power on the world stage. I'd say that the dotard has exceeded expections in that regard.
We are partly dependent on Russia for our energy. As always, enemy democrats preen, we pay the price.

The air strikes have started. Russia is shelling missiles. I have heard idiotic, stupid people say the situation has spiraled out of control. Not true. Putin has it firmly in control.

Putin has upper hand, but I don't think it's gonna last that long.

Ukraine is not small country, it has 250K active, and 250K reserve personnel. You can't just like that capture country of 45 million people.

Putin will quickly grab what he can, and hold on to it and use it as bargaining chips, like he did with Crimea.
They’re in place. Did you honestly expect them to have an immediate

They’re in place. Did you honestly expect them to have an immediate effect?
No, of course not. But not the most devastating have been put into place as yet, nor have they clearly been defined. See today's headline below. Maybe he will be specific in his speech today.

Biden plans to announce 'severe sanctions' against Russia today

President Biden plans to impose sanctions against Russia Thursday during a public address on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. | The New York Times
Putin has upper hand, but I don't think it's gonna last that long.

Ukraine is not small country, it has 250K active, and 250K reserve personnel. You can't just like that capture country of 45 million people.

Putin will quickly grab what he can, and hold on to it and use it as bargaining chips, like he did with Crimea.
Plus, what will the Russian people do when their stock market totally collapses and they start looking to the SU as the “good old days”? Actually, that may be Putin’s master plan.
Biden still hasn't taken the podium. He's probably busy shitting himself.

And what he's gonna say? Sanctions?

Russia lives under sanctions for so long, probably they wouldn't even feel it.

Biden removed sanctions from them, Russian got just stronger. In a way moron Biden caused this war, maybe even gave OK to Putin to start it, while publicly being "tough on Russia".

He learned that from another literal moron...

Putin has upper hand, but I don't think it's gonna last that long.

Ukraine is not small country, it has 250K active, and 250K reserve personnel. You can't just like that capture country of 45 million people.

Putin will quickly grab what he can, and hold on to it and use it as bargaining chips, like he did with Crimea.
I just saw a telecast of people congregating to protest Putin's little warmongering effort in the Ukraine. Maybe they can get accross to their ambitious head-of-state that since Stalin already killed between 20-60 million Ukrainians, it would be a travesty to take out the Ukrainians with such horrible weaponry as the Terminators that can shoot bombs well over 300 miles from weapon to target, with the respect that information can be minimalized or heightened to suit the narrative du jour. I hope the ones daring enough to put their lives on the line for acts that amount to crime that blesses or helps no one. On the other hand, it's hard to get someone to listen who has the earplugs tightened by arrogance into the eardrum cavities on either side of the medulla oblongata..
A quick way to end this thing is to whack Putin. He's off the rails and I'm not sure he has a big contingent behind him. knowwhatimsayin?
You just don't really have any other thoughts, do ya? Can you give it a rest for 5 minutes and stay on topic?

Hint: outrageous, aggressive violation of international law
A quick way to end this thing is to whack Putin. He's off the rails and I'm not sure he has a big contingent behind him. knowwhatimsayin?
I'd settle for a wrist slap if he stops an hour ago.
He cannot feel secure with the threat from the Ukraine. He is declaring a military operation against Ukraine...war...

Ukraine should surrender right now. Mess Putin up royally, lol. (They're going to lose anyways, so why get all bombed up and dead?)

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