Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Translated from russian.

War. Objectively, American imperialism plays the first fiddle in the events unfolding in Ukraine now. It is American imperialism that is currently benefiting from the war in the region for many reasons.

But we should also thank the "native" domestic bourgeoisie for this war. The situation in the post-Soviet space deteriorated after the destruction of the USSR so much that Ukrainian (with the political support of the West) and Russian oligarchs began to sort out relations with each other with the help of weapons.

Blood has been pouring in Ukraine for 8 years. And now, very likely, we will see a full-scale military conflict with the mass death of Russian and Ukrainian citizens, the outcome of which is not clear. Although it is already possible to foresee that the impoverishment of ordinary workers in both countries will accelerate in the near future.

In addition, the war is an excellent reason to tighten the screws, strengthen the repressive apparatus, justify further "belt tightening" for workers. A lot can be attributed to the war.

The other day, President Putin, according to tradition, once again accused the Bolsheviks and Lenin of destroying "historical Russia." But the Soviet Union, under anti-Soviet nationalist slogans, promising "spiritual revival" and an increase in living standards, was destroyed not by communists, but by nationalists. The goal of these traitors and counter-revolutionaries who broke into the highest echelons of power was the same - the restoration of capitalism and personal enrichment.

Among them, by the way, was Boris Yeltsin, beloved by the Russian oligarchy. Recall the words he uttered in the US Congress in the summer of 1992:

"Our states represented two poles, two extreme opposites. They wanted to make us irreconcilable enemies, and this had the most tragic effect on the fate of humanity. The world was shaken by storms of confrontation, it was close to exploding, dying and not being resurrected. Now this diabolical scenario is a thing of the past. Reason prevails in the fight against insanity. The period when America and Russia held each other at gunpoint and were ready to pull the trigger at any moment has ended."

"The world can breathe easy: the communist idol, which sowed social discord, hostility and unprecedented cruelty everywhere on earth, which inspired fear in the human community, has collapsed. Collapsed forever. And I am here to assure you: on our earth we will not let him rise again!"

"I am proud that the Russian people found the strength and managed to throw off the heavy weight of the totalitarian system. I am proud to speak here on behalf of a great nation that is regaining its dignity. I bow down to a simple Russian who saved his soul in the most difficult trials and is going to incredible hardships today in the name of the revival of his homeland. Russia has finally made a choice in favor of civilization, common sense, and universal human experience. I am convinced that our people will surely master this difficult path."

Well, how? What are the results of 30 years of capitalism in Russia? you did not want "Soviet totalitarianism", the Warsaw Pact and an economy with public ownership of the means of production? Get NATO at the borders, a "market" with deindustrialization, degradation of everything and everything, unprecedented extinction in peacetime (a million people a year), and now a war of fraternal peoples.

There is only one way to stop all wars on the planet. A revolutionary change of economic formation. There are no other ways.

"Wars with all their disasters are generated by capitalism, which enslaves millions of workers, intensifies the struggle between nations and turns the slaves of capital into cannon fodder. Only the world socialist army of the revolutionary proletariat is able to put an end to this oppression and enslavement of the masses, these slaughterhouses of slaves for the sake of the interests of slave owners." V.I. Lenin.
Sure. Gas prices, weather outages, stock prices, all sorts of shit...IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Not some war over on the other side of the planet caused by a madman. Absolutely absurd to blame America for this

Get onboard with America or go to Russia!

Can you honestly say that if the other guy were in office that most people (at least most people on this board) wouldnt have a polar opposite take on the exact events that are currently unfolding?

There would be an infinite number of threads about how Trump was in cahoots with Putin and they were going to split the spoils of this war, and Putin only did this because he knew his buddy in the WH wouldn't do anything about it. blah blah etc. etc.

Bottom line unless this drags us into a hot or cold war with Russia (which would make no sense frankly) the Russian war with Ukraine doesn't have much effect on US citizens regardless of who's in office.
It's not my fault you did not read books warning of Hillary Clinton's love affair with Communism and how to take a free country and turn it into another Communist hellhole built on arm-twisting, secret meetings to fool the public, non-communists in the Press not at her beck and call, and submission to the government by decimating the credibility of Jesus Christs' teachings that require no lies, no evil, no murders, no false testimony in court, respect for family elders, no theft nor acceptance of stolen riches, teaching God's ways to children, accountability for deeds done, respect for others, kindness, patience, and pity on the poor, food for the hungry, equality, and rejection of chronic evil-doers including leaders who hate the majority of people in the country.
One is whacko and it isn't me. I am an atheist. In the holy book are incest, genocide and taking of women that who have not known a man. There is were many Jesus in the first century.
Putin isn't just going to invade the Ukraine. He claims he is just gonna take away a few small satellites like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Ukraine because they were once a part of the Russian empire under Stalin.

He is NOT TELLING YOU he knows Europe and England will fight back. PUTIN IS NOT TELLING YOU HIS REAL GOAL. i WILL TELL YOU. When he's done with the Baltic countries and western Europe, he's going after the Allies to the last country in Europe. He will have to go after Europe, because the Europeans in Britain, France, and Germany will not go down without a massive sacrifice of the heart and soul of America's allies. When he's done mopping up with an unprepared European Continent including Islands in the Atlantic, He will go after South and North America because China is backing him with money they stole from Americans by producing Mr. Coffee coffeepots that leak the hell all over the floor when a sleepyhead tries to pour her first cuppa of the day. <muffled chuckle> And when he pockets all that cash, China will have little to go on to feed their current overblown military with, and Putin may play the waiting game with China until they incorporate their ancient satellite countries that are currently USA allies, and following the expropriation of all Northern Europe, he will use their worldwide goodiwll to smother China and kill off more Chinese than Mao did (only 100 million scalps under Mao's belt)

IOW, Putin is willing to kill all nonRussians in the USA, Canada, Mexico, he wants the world, baby, and if we don't stop him soon, he will blitz his old satellites with his Terminator Tanks who they've only admitted will level targets 325 miles away. Big Lie. He's working on his own eye in the sky and will level any country that doesn't say "yowsa, massa." He will kill anyone who has dark skin and anyone who doesn't have blue eyes. I can't exactly say "wait and see," because most of us will not be around to see if you let Putin get away with murder Stalin already murdered 20-60 million Ukrainian. In fact, Kiev has a mass population withdrawal going on right now. Nobody wants to get ripped to shreds by quasi-nukes comming out of those guns that can trigger a lot further than what the specs say. Putin is another Hitler, but he has the Terminator at his disposal and ours.


And away we go!
Not even close.

Russian expansion is a core tenet in their defense strategy dating back centuries. The crux of the strategy is to make enemies bleed for every inch on the way to the motherland. At some point the assault will stall and winter will set in.

As to China, they fully expect that the One China agreement will be honored. In their eyes Taiwan is rightfully theirs. According to Mao it could wait 100 years, so long as they never declared independence. When that was said China was a third world nation will little or no real capability to take it. Times have changed and leaving Taiwan is more an albatross around their neck if they want continue to expand their influence in the region.
I never said he was. But for days on here, we’ve seen people downplay the threat, and then explain that Putin wouldn’t invade, he was already getting what he wanted, or he was setting up to defend from the warmongers, or the industrialists, or whatever shadowy cabal was there.

My opinion has been consistent. We must resist it. We must take the initiative, and stand up. We must stop the aggression here. The costs today would not be nothing, but the costs tomorrow, when Putin continues heading west, and gobbling up more nations, with similarly weak and idiotic excuses, would be much higher.
Uh, no. It was the Lefturds calling Biden a genius for forcing Putin to back down
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