There Is No "White Privilege"

HThe resumes were identical. The only difference was the name. This was explained in the article. I wish you would have read it.
You just made that up.

That's what Democrats do.

Criminal history?
Financial history?
Fluency with English?
Medical history?
HR interview?
Other candidates?

Stop being afraid of the Democrat echo chamber.
Apply your God-given intellect.
I read the article to and it doesn't say anything like that at all!
Take off the rose colored glasses.

Here's this:

Little switch-a-roo from the title?

The Anti-Voting Bills Republicans Enacted This Legislative Season​

Since the start of this year, close to 400 anti-voting bills have been introduced in state legislatures throughout the country, many of which demonstrate the even more radical stance Republicans have taken on voting and elections in the past few years.

A quick check through the list shows the majority of bills enacted were done in blue states.
1. ....nor is there a racial basis for one more successful race over another

2. The first step in understanding racial dynamics is that one cannot be threatened away from criticizing an important Democrat election component: without the black race Democrats would never win a national election. Fact.

3. The simple and single element holding back that particular group is culture, and the elects pretending to celebrate that culture while never copying it themselves.

4. There is no white privilege......but there is "Two Parent Privilege."

5. Asians and Americans from the Indian subcontinent are far richer, more educated, less felonious than either Whites or blacks. Fact.

In the following, you will see an Indian mother telling her son to engage a cute young lady who is studying math!
I bet she is married and sending her son to meed a young lady not for sex, nor partying, nor drugs, but because the two of them would produce cultured, educated, law-abiding children.

Democrats don't want to see blacks succeed, just make them vote Democrat.

I'll be clear. This isn't me saying every single white person or every single black person. This is all about generalization and the average white or black person.

There is no such thing as white privilege. It is a myth, a lie, it's fake, it does not exist.

You know what so called "white privilege" really is? It's white people raising good people, it's white people being better parents. That's all it is.

You know why white people will get the job, get the loan, get a new car, live in a nice area, have people treat them better? I'll explain.

Because on the whole white parents get their kids swimming lessons, they let them play sports, they help them with homework and make sure it's done, they take them to band practice, they make them earn an allowance, they teach them doing chores is part of helping out, dads play ball, dads teach them how to fix things, they encourage them when they do good and make them understand when they do something wrong, they teach them manners, teach them to be polite, to be honest, to work hard, how to take care of the things you own, how to control their emotions, be responsible , be smart, have a strong will and so on.

So when the white kid from that family grows up and goes to get a job he will look them in the eye, speak clearly, have a good vocabulary, stand up straight, shake their hand, and thank them for their time. When they apply for a mortgage they have good employment history they have built up over time, they look and sound professional and so on.

There is no privilege to it. It's white people raising their kids the way their parents raised them and so on. It's good training is all it is, it's good preparation for life, it's parents helping their children mature and grow.

There are millions and millions of broke, dumb, poorly mannered white people in America because they came from a family that perpetuates that so their kids continue it on. They have no white privilege at all and just as bad off as a lot of these called disadvantaged blacks.

Thomas sowell is a well mannered, intelligent, well spoken black guy with a successful son. His son was successful because his family helped him become that way.

So the idea of white privilege is really only, the privilege of being raised by a good mother and father and being taught good morals, values and standards. It has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with decent people raising their children to be decent.

I am white and I am privileged. I am privileged that I grew up with my grandmother who was loving, sweet, hard working and a smart country woman that wanted me to be a good man. And I am privileged I was practically raised by my uncle that was a old school marine recon and us marshall, he was as hard as a coffin nail, taught me more about being a man than anyone else and loved me like his son. So I am privileged but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with my skin color.
You just made that up.

That's what Democrats do.

Criminal history?
Financial history?
Fluency with English?
Medical history?
HR interview?
Other candidates?

Stop being afraid of the Democrat echo chamber.
Apply your God-given intellect.
No, that's literally in the article you didn't read.

"The researchers sent out a series of identical resumes to analyze whether race and gender impacted callback rates of job applications at 97 U.S. employers. "
1. ....nor is there a racial basis for one more successful race over another

2. The first step in understanding racial dynamics is that one cannot be threatened away from criticizing an important Democrat election component: without the black race Democrats would never win a national election. Fact.

3. The simple and single element holding back that particular group is culture, and the elects pretending to celebrate that culture while never copying it themselves.

4. There is no white privilege......but there is "Two Parent Privilege."

5. Asians and Americans from the Indian subcontinent are far richer, more educated, less felonious than either Whites or blacks. Fact.

In the following, you will see an Indian mother telling her son to engage a cute young lady who is studying math!
I bet she is married and sending her son to meed a young lady not for sex, nor partying, nor drugs, but because the two of them would produce cultured, educated, law-abiding children.

Democrats don't want to see blacks succeed, just make them vote Democrat.

Democrats only exist because they're able to manipulate blacks. They keep them oppressed. Sadly, most blacks go along with this oppression and feel compelled to be led along by the nose. Democrats promise little trinkets and keep that boot on the neck.
Democrats only exist because they're able to manipulate blacks. They keep them oppressed. Sadly, most blacks go along with this oppression and feel compelled to be led along by the nose. Democrats promise little trinkets and keep that boot on the neck.
It's hard to blame the black constituents: all of us like being told things are not our fault.
No, that's literally in the article you didn't read.

"The researchers sent out a series of identical resumes to analyze whether race and gender impacted callback rates of job applications at 97 U.S. employers. "
Seems you want to remain afraid to seek the truth. Perhaps you will be "Democrat Supporter of the Month"

Best of luck.
I'll be clear. This isn't me saying every single white person or every single black person. This is all about generalization and the average white or black person.

There is no such thing as white privilege. It is a myth, a lie, it's fake, it does not exist.

You know what so called "white privilege" really is? It's white people raising good people, it's white people being better parents. That's all it is.

You know why white people will get the job, get the loan, get a new car, live in a nice area, have people treat them better? I'll explain.

Because on the whole white parents get their kids swimming lessons, they let them play sports, they help them with homework and make sure it's done, they take them to band practice, they make them earn an allowance, they teach them doing chores is part of helping out, dads play ball, dads teach them how to fix things, they encourage them when they do good and make them understand when they do something wrong, they teach them manners, teach them to be polite, to be honest, to work hard, how to take care of the things you own, how to control their emotions, be responsible , be smart, have a strong will and so on.

So when the white kid from that family grows up and goes to get a job he will look them in the eye, speak clearly, have a good vocabulary, stand up straight, shake their hand, and thank them for their time. When they apply for a mortgage they have good employment history they have built up over time, they look and sound professional and so on.

There is no privilege to it. It's white people raising their kids the way their parents raised them and so on. It's good training is all it is, it's good preparation for life, it's parents helping their children mature and grow.

There are millions and millions of broke, dumb, poorly mannered white people in America because they came from a family that perpetuates that so their kids continue it on. They have no white privilege at all and just as bad off as a lot of these called disadvantaged blacks.

Thomas sowell is a well mannered, intelligent, well spoken black guy with a successful son. His son was successful because his family helped him become that way.

So the idea of white privilege is really only, the privilege of being raised by a good mother and father and being taught good morals, values and standards. It has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with decent people raising their children to be decent.

I am white and I am privileged. I am privileged that I grew up with my grandmother who was loving, sweet, hard working and a smart country woman that wanted me to be a good man. And I am privileged I was practically raised by my uncle that was a old school marine recon and us marshall, he was as hard as a coffin nail, taught me more about being a man than anyone else and loved me like his son. So I am privileged but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with my skin color.
Excellent. Well written and well thought out.

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