Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:

Deno is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Which of your sisters sucks a better dick, Deno? Just curious.

Looks like I hit a nerve with your ass...

The joke is on you....

I don't have any sisters...

Just ask your mother:banana:

Must have been your mom and you aunt, then. When people get to a certain age, they all start looking the same.
Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:

Deno is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Which of your sisters sucks a better dick, Deno? Just curious.

Looks like I hit a nerve with your ass...

The joke is on you....

I don't have any sisters...

Just ask your mother:banana:

Must have been your mom and you aunt, then. When people get to a certain age, they all start looking the same.

You are too stupid to play this game...

We both know it...
Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:

Deno is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Which of your sisters sucks a better dick, Deno? Just curious.

Looks like I hit a nerve with your ass...

The joke is on you....

I don't have any sisters...

Just ask your mother:banana:

Must have been your mom and you aunt, then. When people get to a certain age, they all start looking the same.

You are too stupid to play this game...

We both know it...

How many posts of ranting will Deno unleash this time?

Does anyone care? No, not really. It's still funny though.
This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:

Deno is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Which of your sisters sucks a better dick, Deno? Just curious.

Looks like I hit a nerve with your ass...

The joke is on you....

I don't have any sisters...

Just ask your mother:banana:

Must have been your mom and you aunt, then. When people get to a certain age, they all start looking the same.

You are too stupid to play this game...

We both know it...

How many posts of ranting will Deno unleash this time?

Does anyone care? No, not really. It's still funny though.

Better funny than stupid like your sorry ass...
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…
So just to be clear, you think it’s manly to have fake hair, have a fake tan, and throw tantrums on Twitter over stupid shit?
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…
So just to be clear, you think it’s manly to have fake hair, have a fake tan, and throw tantrums on Twitter over stupid shit?

Just to be clear…

Trump is a Bad Ass liberal Ass Kicking Machine..
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…
See the far left lets Putin run wild in the Obama years, then claims they do not like him because of an allegation that he ordered the DNC hacked.

Putin ran wild under Obama and the far left blames Trump!

Obama invites Putin to the white house and the far left is silent.

Trump invites Putin to the white house and the go nuts!
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…

Definitely points out how fricken stupid liberals are.
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…

Definitely points out how fricken stupid liberals are.

There are no true liberals on this board. Only far left drones, pushing the debunked far left religion.

True liberals should do all they can to take their party back from these far left thieves..
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…

Your leftie Bull Shit doesn't fly with the Sane.....

Trump just keeps SPANKING you mentally ill asses...……….
Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:
You need to relinquish your right to vote. You’re too dumb to have it.

That's just Butt Hurt from you...…

Is President Trump Kicking liberal ass or what?
Meh. He did at the election I guess. He definitely hasn’t since then. Why you’d think he still is is bizarre.
Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:
You need to relinquish your right to vote. You’re too dumb to have it.

That's just Butt Hurt from you...…

Is President Trump Kicking liberal ass or what?
Meh. He did at the election I guess. He definitely hasn’t since then. Why you’d think he still is is bizarre.

You talk funny...

Trump has rocked the liberal world.....

Trump's Supreme Court appointments will

Change the Direction of the Country for

The next 30 years…

Suck on that for a while..
Hey Deno, your crazy is showing. Might want to dial it back a bit.

This coming from a pussy hat wearing commie:dance:
You need to relinquish your right to vote. You’re too dumb to have it.

That's just Butt Hurt from you...…

Is President Trump Kicking liberal ass or what?
Meh. He did at the election I guess. He definitely hasn’t since then. Why you’d think he still is is bizarre.

You talk funny...

Trump has rocked the liberal world.....

Trump's Supreme Court appointments will

Change the Direction of the Country for

The next 30 years…

Suck on that for a while..

You honestly think the left won't just stack courts once they get back in power? It's getting more and more acceptable to "break the rules" in politics. Who says there need to be nine SCOTUS justices?

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