Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

saw this on Twitter:

Comey: Lying Obama: Lying Clinton: Lying Stormy: Lying Strozk: Lying Mueller: Lying Judges: Lying 19 Sexual assault accusers: Lying Climate change scientists: Lying 17 Intelligence agencies: Lying Putin: “He means it, I believe him”

That is incredible! What a POS this so called man is.....What a POS...
Look at all this publicity for Fox News. Publicity provided by the left. The same left that wishes Fox was out of business.


When FOX stops acting like a state run web site.....yes....we read their news.
I'll bet none of you that watch Fox propaganda news knows that Putin kept Trump waiting for the meeting and then when heading out to the podium, Putin had to lead. It's obvious who is the lapdog here. You had to watch the REAL truthful news to get this info.

BTW, that rebuttal today was so lame, it was laughable. The only reason he read the script given to him is that even FOX news was shocked at what he said in front of the world stage. What a low-life idiot.

Just listen to the interview with Jeff Glore of CBS prior to the summit. You will not believe what a child Trump really is.
Hmm ... I see that the Trump supporters in here are also pro-Russian and pro-Putin.

No more calling people communists; y'all are the ones wearing red now.
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Even Russian citizens admit their elections are a fraud and designed to keep Putin in power.
But your Russian whore prez thanks you for carrying his water..

The elections are monitored.

Elections in Russia | OSCE
I’m not surprised you carry Putin’s water just like you carry our own dictator’s water

Russian election: a managed democracy is not a true democracy

You've been butthurt every single day since 2016. Just look at your avatar. You're like a lying little kid with crumbs around the mouth and an empty cookie jar, but you keep on lying anyway: "I didn't eat any cookies!". Grow up.
View attachment 205356
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

I cannot understand the psychology of cult's, and how people are drawn into them, but the unthinking rubes who support Trump will do so no matter how much he continues to betray the United States of America.

As awful and loathsome as Trump is, his servile, boot licking supporters are even worse.

I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?

One thing is she’s not being vilified by the entire planet like Putin’s puppet is.
Look. Shit for brains needs silly icons because he can’t debate himself out of a paper bag.

She ain't President either....

That's "cause" Trump kicked her ass..

Yea... I always thought the icons were silly to...

But guess what, it's like rubbing salt in the wound,

I just love adding to the liberal Butt Hurt...

It makes me feel alive...

Is life great or what?
Yeah Trump kicked her ass with her getting 3 million more votes and with the help of thousands of Russian bots on social media and inventing lies like “ Hillary has Parkinson’s and with the full power of the Russian government trying to get their guy elected because they knew they could control him. And we’re seeing that happen .... like today.
I bet you’re an Alex Jones lover. You really are that stupid.

Russian lies on social media?

You are so stupid....

By the way border jumper votes don't count...

We all know why you are against voter id's.
trump put a commission together to try to prove his lie that 3-6 million illegals voted.
The result: he lied.
But you’re too stupid to know that
Ha ha
I get a kick how you love to advertise how dumb you are.

You're the dumb ass....

Plain to see...

You liberals cheat at everything...

Just ask Crazy Bernie.....

The only reason you're against voter id's is because

you have to cheat to win....

Later Dick brain...
One thing is she’s not being vilified by the entire planet like Putin’s puppet is.
Look. Shit for brains needs silly icons because he can’t debate himself out of a paper bag.

She ain't President either....

That's "cause" Trump kicked her ass..

Yea... I always thought the icons were silly to...

But guess what, it's like rubbing salt in the wound,

I just love adding to the liberal Butt Hurt...

It makes me feel alive...

Is life great or what?
Yeah Trump kicked her ass with her getting 3 million more votes and with the help of thousands of Russian bots on social media and inventing lies like “ Hillary has Parkinson’s and with the full power of the Russian government trying to get their guy elected because they knew they could control him. And we’re seeing that happen .... like today.
I bet you’re an Alex Jones lover. You really are that stupid.

Russian lies on social media?

You are so stupid....

By the way border jumper votes don't count...

We all know why you are against voter id's.
trump put a commission together to try to prove his lie that 3-6 million illegals voted.
The result: he lied.
But you’re too stupid to know that
Ha ha
I get a kick how you love to advertise how dumb you are.

You're the dumb ass....

Plain to see...

You liberals cheat at everything...

Just ask Crazy Bernie.....

The only reason you're against voter id's is because

you have to cheat to win....

Later Dick brain...

Laaaame Deno.
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.

You are mentally ill..

You libtards are the whiny little Bitches..

Trump kicked the living shit out of your cheating lying asses

and all you can come up with is Russia Russia Russia….

You are a pathetic bunch of pussy’s.

Take your pussy hat off and grow a dick…
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
Idiot didn’t watch the Trump/ Putin press conference where our traitorous president chose Putin over America. Why are DEPLORABLES so fucking stupid. Every one of them.

It's you lefties that HATE America....

We see who burns the flag..

We see who calls for death to the pigs....

You are all Scum Bags...
lol. it is the right wing that got caught in their Patriot Act devices, "being unPatriotic." Get your story straight, right wingers.

You should try pulling your head out of your ass....

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