Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

It’s not just eating Trumps lunch....

It’s stealing his lunch money, giving him a wedgey, a Wet Willie, knukies and stealing his girlfriend
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
Idiot didn’t watch the Trump/ Putin press conference where our traitorous president chose Putin over America. Why are DEPLORABLES so fucking stupid. Every one of them.

It's you lefties that HATE America....

We see who burns the flag..

We see who calls for death to the pigs....

You are all Scum Bags...
lol. it is the right wing that got caught in their Patriot Act devices, "being unPatriotic." Get your story straight, right wingers.
Yeah He knows Putin can sink him any time he wants
You've been reading and listening to the wrong people for too long. President Trump knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it.

Unless you are among those who support the armies of invaders who believe it's perfectly okay to just walk into a country of choice and make yourself at home I suggest you just step aside and wait to see what Trump is preparing for. The Russians know how to deal with these invaders and they will show the brainwashed Americans how it's done. What we need is a little push and Putin knows how to do it.

Only lousy Capitalists lose money on public policies. We are supposed to Make money, like Good capitalists should.
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
We dont know what happened behind closed doors?
Top leaders of adversarial countries shouldnt even be having private meetings like that, especially considering their attack on our country.
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
We dont know what happened behind closed doors?
Top leaders of adversarial countries shouldnt even be having private meetings like that, especially considering their attack on our country.
Because the left will explode no matter what happens and twist everything until it is unrecognizable it is best not to give them but the bare minimum. Better, nothing at all.

This is what happens in a country preparing for civil war.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

saw this on Twitter:

Comey: Lying Obama: Lying Clinton: Lying Stormy: Lying Strozk: Lying Mueller: Lying Judges: Lying 19 Sexual assault accusers: Lying Climate change scientists: Lying 17 Intelligence agencies: Lying Putin: “He means it, I believe him”

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