Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

View attachment 205405 Just think even Trump lovers Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Etc strongly called out our traitorous president yet the white supremacists here on this forum are still making excuses for Trump losing his manhood to Putin.


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?

One thing is she’s not being vilified by the entire planet like Putin’s puppet is.
Look. Shit for brains needs silly icons because he can’t debate himself out of a paper bag.

She ain't President either....

That's "cause" Trump kicked her ass..

Yea... I always thought the icons were silly to...

But guess what, it's like rubbing salt in the wound,

I just love adding to the liberal Butt Hurt...

It makes me feel alive...

Is life great or what?
Yeah Trump kicked her ass with her getting 3 million more votes and with the help of thousands of Russian bots on social media and inventing lies like “ Hillary has Parkinson’s and with the full power of the Russian government trying to get their guy elected because they knew they could control him. And we’re seeing that happen .... like today.
I bet you’re an Alex Jones lover. You really are that stupid.
You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Who said this?
“I’m going to provide healthcare, everyone will be covered and it will be affordable for all.”
How’s that working out?
You’re dumber than a box of rocks.

In the real world you are the dumb ass...
Afraid to answer my question I see.
Why are you such a coward?
Is it a prerequisite for being a deplorable?

I have already proven you wrong....

You are just too stupid to get it...
Where? You’re so delusional you think you’ve proven me wrong about anything.
You don’t know what’s happening with the anti environment EPA. You won’t hold your Liar in Chief accountable for his failed promises.
You won’t even touch how Raccoon Eyes is the laughing stock of the world today.


More Butt Hurt....

I am having a blast with your dumb ass...
Even the people that work for him past and present call the idiot in Chief a moron.

View attachment 205408

Your little cartoons are funny.....

But you know what's funnier?

In the real world Trump is beating your libtard asses to a pulp.....
He’s the most hated man in the world because everyone has seen how fucking stupid he is yet you still think he’s kicking “ lib ass.”


You really are a simpleton. Trump saw tools like you coming from a mile away.
View attachment 205405 Just think even Trump lovers Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Etc strongly called out our traitorous president yet the white supremacists here on this forum are still making excuses for Trump losing his manhood to Putin.


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?

One thing is she’s not being vilified by the entire planet like Putin’s puppet is.
Look. Shit for brains needs silly icons because he can’t debate himself out of a paper bag.

She ain't President either....

That's "cause" Trump kicked her ass..

Yea... I always thought the icons were silly to...

But guess what, it's like rubbing salt in the wound,

I just love adding to the liberal Butt Hurt...

It makes me feel alive...

Is life great or what?
Yeah Trump kicked her ass with her getting 3 million more votes and with the help of thousands of Russian bots on social media and inventing lies like “ Hillary has Parkinson’s and with the full power of the Russian government trying to get their guy elected because they knew they could control him. And we’re seeing that happen .... like today.
I bet you’re an Alex Jones lover. You really are that stupid.

Russian lies on social media?

You are so stupid....

By the way border jumper votes don't count...

We all know why you are against voter id's.
Even the people that work for him past and present call the idiot in Chief a moron.

View attachment 205408

Your little cartoons are funny.....

But you know what's funnier?

In the real world Trump is beating your libtard asses to a pulp.....
He’s the most hated man in the world because everyone has seen how fucking stupid he is yet you still think he’s kicking “ lib ass.”


You really are a simpleton. Trump saw tools like you coming from a mile away.

He's my President and I love him.....

Bite that..
trump proves himself to be a traitor
Yet DEPLORABLES still think they’re winning.
View attachment 205405 Just think even Trump lovers Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Etc strongly called out our traitorous president yet the white supremacists here on this forum are still making excuses for Trump losing his manhood to Putin.


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?

One thing is she’s not being vilified by the entire planet like Putin’s puppet is.
Look. Shit for brains needs silly icons because he can’t debate himself out of a paper bag.

She ain't President either....

That's "cause" Trump kicked her ass..

Yea... I always thought the icons were silly to...

But guess what, it's like rubbing salt in the wound,

I just love adding to the liberal Butt Hurt...

It makes me feel alive...

Is life great or what?
Yeah Trump kicked her ass with her getting 3 million more votes and with the help of thousands of Russian bots on social media and inventing lies like “ Hillary has Parkinson’s and with the full power of the Russian government trying to get their guy elected because they knew they could control him. And we’re seeing that happen .... like today.
I bet you’re an Alex Jones lover. You really are that stupid.

Russian lies on social media?

You are so stupid....

By the way border jumper votes don't count...

We all know why you are against voter id's.
trump put a commission together to try to prove his lie that 3-6 million illegals voted.
The result: he lied.
But you’re too stupid to know that
Ha ha
I get a kick how you love to advertise how dumb you are.
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.
trump proves himself to be a traitor
Yet DEPLORABLES still think they’re winning.

I didn’t read your stupid link…

I know it’s probably FAKE NEWS anyway…

Hey, I would love to keep this up but I have to go to work tomorrow…

I don’t know what time you have to pick up your welfare check but

I have to get some sleep…

Winning Baby......

Later libtard…
One must appreciate that Trump is likely having a meltdown in response to how republicans in office and Fox News are reacting to this lol. He’s so damn insecure that this stress will give him a stroke one day soon.

Yea, that's right libtard….

You can tell it's just killing him:banana:
Oh yeah for sure. Why else would he have fake hair and a fake orange tan? It’s because he’s a whiny little bitch.
You mentioned his hair? Or lack of it.
Yeah He knows Putin can sink him any time he wants
You've been reading and listening to the wrong people for too long. President Trump knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it.

Unless you are among those who support the armies of invaders who believe it's perfectly okay to just walk into a country of choice and make yourself at home I suggest you just step aside and wait to see what Trump is preparing for. The Russians know how to deal with these invaders and they will show the brainwashed Americans how it's done. What we need is a little push and Putin knows how to do it.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

Douglas Schoen
Douglas E. Schoen is a Fox News contributor. He has more than 30 years experience as a pollster and political consultant. His new book is "Putin's Master Plan".. Follow him on Twitter @DouglasESchoen.Read More

Fox News' token liberal

op ed
I didn’t read your stupid link…

I know it’s probably FAKE NEWS anyway…

Fake news that’s on every news site on the web and every newspaper on the planet.
You’re not going to be able to wish his treason away by calling it fake news
You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.

Yes, you haven't been this happy since the homophobe Muslim shot up the Pulse nightclub
Not happy at all liar. Your orange menace just dropped his drawers in front of the whole world showing hesPutin’s bitch.
Today will live in infamy and is one of the low points in American history. While traitors like you side with this Russian whore President.

Look man. Be a man. You hate every fiber of Trump's being. Stop lying and pretending it's something it's not. You'd laugh if Trump tripped. You'd trip him. You're cheering right now.

And wow. Trump is mine and I didn't even vote for him. What does that make you with Hillary? That makes you just flat out going down on the old broad.

Leftists are so stupid. You only have the brain capacity to memorize one set of talking points, and Republicans are it. So if someone isn't a leftist, they're a Republican!

Republicans do grasp I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. They're flat out smarter than you are
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.

Yes, you haven't been this happy since the homophobe Muslim shot up the Pulse nightclub
Not happy at all liar. Your orange menace just dropped his drawers in front of the whole world showing hesPutin’s bitch.
Today will live in infamy and is one of the low points in American history. While traitors like you side with this Russian whore President.
Kaz is Trumps bitch Listen to him squeal with joy

edward37. I'll be honest, kaz. I have nothing, so I'm going to repeat back to you what you just said

And wow, I didn't vote for Trump and I'm his bitch. That just makes you Hillary's sex toy

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