Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

Obama looks stern....unlike trump who was intent on humping Putin's leg....and the Repubs see it also....

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Russia is a dictatorship that does not hold free and fair elections. You are embarrassing yourself.

What a dumb ass you are.....

Russia has elections just like you liberals..

Just ask Crazy bernie:5_1_12024:

Putin either kills or arrests his opponents....probably where the Orange King is going.....

No, we like to shoot them with paintballs that make snot run down to their knees. Which is sad and terrifying because you never know which Antifa boot licker is packing lead bullets.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Russia is a dictatorship that does not hold free and fair elections. You are embarrassing yourself.

What a dumb ass you are.....

Russia has elections just like you liberals..

Just ask Crazy bernie:5_1_12024:

Putin either kills or arrests his opponents....probably where the Orange King is going.....

No, we like to shoot them with paintballs that make snot run down to their knees. Which is sad and terrifying because you never know which Antifa boot licker is packing lead bullets.

Putin admitted he wanted trump. He IS PUTIN'S CHOICE! He is a Spy....and you boot lickers won't admit it.
View attachment 205385
View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

Obama looks stern....unlike trump who was intent on humping Putin's leg....and the Repubs see it also....

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office
Your white supremacist president will
always be loved by the white supremacists on this forum. You know you’ll never have another one so you’re holding on to this one for dear life.
View attachment 205385
View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

Obama looks stern....unlike trump who was intent on humping Putin's leg....and the Repubs see it also....

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office
Barack Obama is greatest president of our lifetime, 44% of Americans say in Pew survey

The truth hurts snowflake.

The Pew Research Center asked Americans who they thought did the best job as president in their lifetime. The top pick: former President Barack Obama.

Obama was the choice of 44 percent of the respondents in the poll, which was published Wednesday. Bill Clinton came in second with 33 percent and Ronald Reagan was third with 32 percent. Although not yet even halfway through his first term, President Donald Trump got 19 percent.

That has to sting.

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Your white supremacist president will
always be loved by the white supremacists on this forum. You know you’ll never have another one so you’re holding on to this one for dear life.[/QUOTE]
View attachment 205385
View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

Obama looks stern....unlike trump who was intent on humping Putin's leg....and the Repubs see it also....

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office
Barack Obama is greatest president of our lifetime, 44% of Americans say in Pew survey

The truth hurts snowflake.

And immigrants are breeding like rabbits....so in ten years....Congress and the WH will be brown. Gerrymandering is the only thing keeping them alive.
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.

You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.

You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.

You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.

You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Bottom feeder doesn’t know all the scientists have been eliminated in the EPA and replaced with fossil fuel CEO’s.

Idiot uses the same old tired talking points on Obama but refuses to admit his fuhrer lies over 5 times a day every day.
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.

You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.

You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Who said this?
“I’m going to provide healthcare, everyone will be covered and it will be affordable for all.”
How’s that working out?
You’re dumber than a box of rocks.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Russia is a dictatorship that does not hold free and fair elections. You are embarrassing yourself.

What a dumb ass you are.....

Russia has elections just like you liberals..

Just ask Crazy bernie:5_1_12024:

Putin either kills or arrests his opponents....probably where the Orange King is going.....

No, we like to shoot them with paintballs that make snot run down to their knees. Which is sad and terrifying because you never know which Antifa boot licker is packing lead bullets.

Putin admitted he wanted trump. He IS PUTIN'S CHOICE! He is a Spy....and you boot lickers won't admit it.

You are Full of Shit…

It was Crooked Hillary and obongo that were in bed with the Russians…

Who sold them Uranium?

Who took Millions of dollars from them for Bull Shit Speech’s?

Who told Russia he would have more FLEXIBILITY after the ELECTION?

I could go on but anyone with an active brain knows

All of you liberals are Full of Shit…
You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.

You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Bottom feeder doesn’t know all the scientists have been eliminated in the EPA and replaced with fossil fuel CEO’s.

Idiot uses the same old tired talking points on Obama but refuses to admit his fuhrer lies over 5 times a day every day.

This Dumb Ass libtard can't provide anything but Bull Shit...

You liberals are all full of Shit...
I will leave you left-tards to your jerking each other off..

There is no rational thought here. It is pure hate and fantasy with you idiots. You don't know what happened behind closed doors and your media thinks we should be throwing grenades on live TV rather than exercising diplomacy.... If brains were dynamite you all couldn't blow even one nose.. Its no wonder you were all giddy about Obama throwing away our sovereignty and our defenses.. bowing, sucking ass, showing weakness, and being a pussy towards the UN!

Your all a bunch of fucking idiot left-tards... Enjoy your circle jerk..
Idiot didn’t watch the Trump/ Putin press conference where our traitorous president chose Putin over America. Why are DEPLORABLES so fucking stupid. Every one of them.
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.

You are so very ignorant….

We have something like a 5 billion dollar trade deficit.

There will be winners and losers to balance it out.

Government health care is not the answer and anyone that

Really Understands healthcare Understands this…..

What about all the lies obongo told, like if you like your doctor you can keep him,

or the healthcare debate will be on C-Span? Did you complain about this?

Tell me Dumb Ass, where has the air and water gotten dirtier?

I guess you liberals would rather see WW3 with Russia than Trump succeed.

Your blind hate for Trump brings out the Stupid in you….
Bottom feeder doesn’t know all the scientists have been eliminated in the EPA and replaced with fossil fuel CEO’s.

Idiot uses the same old tired talking points on Obama but refuses to admit his fuhrer lies over 5 times a day every day.

This Dumb Ass libtard can't provide anything but Bull Shit...

You liberals are all full of Shit...
Bed wetter didn’t know all the scientists were kicked out of the EPA and replaced with fossil fuel CEO’s so he calls it “ bullshit.”
Ha ha ha

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