Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Not only have the left-tards become unhinged they are broken...


The left has nothing left except to incite violence... not one of those people have functioning brain cells. They all refuse to think things through and look at what facts they ACTUALLY HAVE!

This is nothing but a hate filled rage based on lies and emotions..

So Trump *didnt* side with Putin over our intel community on international television? He *didnt* call th EU a foe?

I’m just trying to figure out what “lie” you are referring to.
your a fucking moron....

Trump was doing exactly as every president who knows how to deal and work diplomacy has done.. He was firm behind closed doors and forgiving to the public in an effort to allow one to save face... When your making deals you have to be diplomatic.... Something Obama didn't have a fucking clue about, kissing ass and bowing..

Your hate has you so blind you all have STOPPED THINKING RATIONALLY....
Don't post to me, you drunk old wife beater....

I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.

You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
Actually, Putin is extremely popular in his country, and has an 87% approval rating by the Russian citizens. ... :thup:
100% of Iraqis loved Saddam Hussein, too.

And only 40% of Americans love Trump.
60% hate his guts with a passion and are sick what he’s doing to this country.
After the NATO disaster and today’s debacle watch Raccoon Eyes approval ratings to head back down into the 30’s.


That's why you got your ass kicked:dance:
We have a national security emergency now and need a president to lead us The scumbag in our WH now is not the man
It was your limp wrist-ed pick in Obama who created this mess and now a real man in Trump has to clean up the fucking disaster you all made...
A real man ? Get off the fn drugs ,,,this pos is a coward a liar and a traitor trying to get away with shit no one can believe ,,,in the pocket of putin ,,a disgrace ,,he should be horse whipped and i'm being kind
Hey... Trump has only told 3900 lies since becoming president.
He has thousands more to go that bed sores like Tiny Dick and Queasy lap up.
So far....the great negotiator has been made to look like a fool by first Rocket Man Kim and now Putin the murderer....trump is such a weiner....or was it suppose to be winner....
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
Of course you wouldn’t want the truth to be reported.
You actually believe the world’s two biggest liars to tell you what happened.

That is sheer idiocy to expect the press to be invited into meetings between world leaders. Put down the bong. You look like a fucking idiot.

Especially when Putin is giving trump his next orders to dismantle the Free world....
I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.

You don't have a clue.....

I could buy and sell your dumb ass.....
You’re a deplorable which means you’re part of the dumbest most insane group of people on earth.
Your posts prove it too.

Rave on you idiot…..

I love the deplorable thing…..

It cost that Crooked Stupid Bitch the Election….

Is life good or what?
To the Midwest farmers whose losing their shirts due to the asshole’s tariff policies life is not good.
To people who thought trump would have a healthcare policy, life sucks.
To those who don’t like their president lying to them 5 plus times per day, they’re pissed
To those who like to breath clean air and drink clean water, people are demoralized what Trump’s EPA is doing.
Now we see Trump values Putin over America and the whole country is appalled.
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
Of course you wouldn’t want the truth to be reported.
You actually believe the world’s two biggest liars to tell you what happened.

That is sheer idiocy to expect the press to be invited into meetings between world leaders. Put down the bong. You look like a fucking idiot.
You love your shadow government of Trump’s. You also love the facts to live in darkness.
No sane person was happy with the fact only the world’s two biggest liars had this meeting alone and reported on what went down.

Btw.... how much do you earn as a Russian troll?
Does Vladdy pay well?

Grow up. Give your head a really really good shake. Those that keep pushing this narrative that Hillary lost because of Russia do a grave disservice to the D party and voters. If you cannot accept the fact that Hillary was a horrid candidate that ran a shitty campaign you'll keep losing elections.

I may be conservative now, but I've always been of the belief that in any country you need minimum two very strong political parties . D's are in trouble.
View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

Obama looks stern....unlike trump who was intent on humping Putin's leg....and the Repubs see it also....

To think....a Russian Agent in the Oval Office

obongo is gay and moo shell is a man.....
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
Of course you wouldn’t want the truth to be reported.
You actually believe the world’s two biggest liars to tell you what happened.

That is sheer idiocy to expect the press to be invited into meetings between world leaders. Put down the bong. You look like a fucking idiot.

Especially when Putin is giving trump his next orders to dismantle the Free world....

Beano Deno has believed every one of Trump’s 3900 documented lies yet he still thinks he’s winning debates.
Ha ha
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
Of course you wouldn’t want the truth to be reported.
You actually believe the world’s two biggest liars to tell you what happened.

That is sheer idiocy to expect the press to be invited into meetings between world leaders. Put down the bong. You look like a fucking idiot.

Especially when Putin is giving trump his next orders to dismantle the Free world....


Everyone....including Repubs now know trump is a Treasonous DICK....
Cause Republicans HATE America.....
...says the ass-clown defending a President who gave 20% of US Uranium to Russians, who protected a traitor who compromised national security, and who allowed Russians to keep hacking the US after he found out about it in 2014...

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