Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

The president clearly sides with Putin. He is wrong. He is wrong on the facts, and most importantly, he is weak. This is cowardly.

Nicholas Burns, former U.S. ambassador to NATO under President George W. Bush

Who cares what Butt Hurt Rinos or Butt Hurt liberals say.....

Trump is just going to keep SPANKING liberal and Rino ass...
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

Yeah but it's Sheppard Hour. He's never liked Trump, he's more of an oligarchy kind of guy.

He's fucking Canada. You're Canadian. You and bripat should be happy!
Germany chooses to hand over energy independence to Russia instead of trading / dealing with allies.. But wants the US to bail them out if Russia becomes aggressive....even though Germany refuses to pay its fair share in NATO...

Sounds like an Obama Treaty....
Most people can see right through the Liberals position on Russia. I don't trust or put any faith in anything I hear a liberal say because it is just their way of trying to demean Trump because they can't stand that their hollier than thou mentality is getting questioned. I woiuld like to find one person whose vote was influenced by the Russians but to hear the liberals talk it is the reason they lost the election. The liberals always refer to the politicians on their side and the Clinton News Network to obstruct and try to keep the people from knowing the truth. Their main go to is John McCain and Bob Corker who are Republican Trump haters. McCain hasn't ever been right in 40 years on foreign policy and is a Trump hater along with Corker.(Rino's) If Trump would have slapped Putin in the face as it seems the liberals wanted then they would have said that Trump was violent and needed to be impeached so Trump can't ever win in the Liberals eyes. The Liberals go out of their way to hurt Trump and the country, case and point is releasing the 12 names of the indicitied Russians one week before the Summit with Putin. I am sure Putin had a good laugh about it but all it amounts to is just a way for the Libs to fire up their base and keep them overheated.. If the Republicans preached gloom and doom 24 hrs/day like the Libs then I might succumb to the propaganga and become just like them and become a puppet for the party who pull their strings and give them wisdom.
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?
You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
Pussy Trump ran from London because he was afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting him.
What a snowflake. Yet you call him a “ strong leader” ROFLMAO

You seem insane...

It's sad and funny all at the same time....
Yes it was sad and funny Trump was afraid to go to London where he’d be vilified for his many corrupt policies.
The snowflake president.[/QUOT


You can play make believe all you want....

In the Real World Trump is a Bad Ass

that has destroyed you and your lying media..
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:

I'm amazed at the number of people who don't realize that Russia's elections are monitored. Putin isn't a dictator despite all the lies said about him. Independent monitors said there wasn't a lot of choice for Russian voters, but cripes there's a lot of American voters who feel the same way when they are stuck voting for an R or D incumbent.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Most people can see right through the Liberals position on Russia. I don't trust or put any faith in anything I hear a liberal say because it is just their way of trying to demean Trump because they can't stand that their hollier than thou mentality is getting questioned. I woiuld like to find one person whose vote was influenced by the Russians but to hear the liberals talk it is the reason they lost the election. The liberals always refer to the politicians on their side and the Clinton News Network to obstruct and try to keep the people from knowing the truth. Their main go to is John McCain and Bob Corker who are Republican Trump haters. McCain hasn't ever been right in 40 years on foreign policy and is a Trump hater along with Corker.(Rino's) If Trump would have slapped Putin in the face as it seems the liberals wanted then they would have said that Trump was violent and needed to be impeached so Trump can't ever win in the Liberals eyes. The Liberals go out of their way to hurt Trump and the country, case and point is releasing the 12 names of the indicitied Russians one week before the Summit with Putin. I am sure Putin had a good laugh about it but all it amounts to is just a way for the Libs to fire up their base and keep them overheated.. If the Republicans preached gloom and doom 24 hrs/day like the Libs then I might succumb to the propaganga and become just like them and become a puppet for the party who pull their strings and give them wisdom.
Trump couldn’t have hurt America anymore than he did today you stupid SOB.
I see you’re a true believer despite all the evidence your fuhrer is a vile totally corrupt, weak narcissistic whiny little bitch.
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Even Russian citizens admit their elections are a fraud and designed to keep Putin in power.
But your Russian whore prez thanks you for carrying his water..

The elections are monitored.

Elections in Russia | OSCE
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:

I'm amazed at the number of people who don't realize that Russia's elections are monitored. Putin isn't a dictator despite all the lies said about him. Independent monitors said there wasn't a lot of choice for Russian voters, but cripes there's a lot of American voters who feel the same way when they are stuck voting for an R or D incumbent.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Your record of always being wrong remains intact.

Opinion | How Vladimir Putin became the world’s favorite dictator
Most people can see right through the Liberals position on Russia. I don't trust or put any faith in anything I hear a liberal say because it is just their way of trying to demean Trump because they can't stand that their hollier than thou mentality is getting questioned. I woiuld like to find one person whose vote was influenced by the Russians but to hear the liberals talk it is the reason they lost the election. The liberals always refer to the politicians on their side and the Clinton News Network to obstruct and try to keep the people from knowing the truth. Their main go to is John McCain and Bob Corker who are Republican Trump haters. McCain hasn't ever been right in 40 years on foreign policy and is a Trump hater along with Corker.(Rino's) If Trump would have slapped Putin in the face as it seems the liberals wanted then they would have said that Trump was violent and needed to be impeached so Trump can't ever win in the Liberals eyes. The Liberals go out of their way to hurt Trump and the country, case and point is releasing the 12 names of the indicitied Russians one week before the Summit with Putin. I am sure Putin had a good laugh about it but all it amounts to is just a way for the Libs to fire up their base and keep them overheated.. If the Republicans preached gloom and doom 24 hrs/day like the Libs then I might succumb to the propaganga and become just like them and become a puppet for the party who pull their strings and give them wisdom.
Trump couldn’t have hurt America anymore than he did today you stupid SOB.
I see you’re a true believer despite all the evidence your fuhrer is a vile totally corrupt, weak narcissistic whiny little bitch.
Fuck off you whiney little bitch lol.
If this is what we heard at the news conference what the hell was discussed in private between a real dictator and our dictator in training?

I bet Putin reiterated all the dirt he has on Trump and instructed him what to do and say.

Werent you Trump whores at least a little suspicious why only interpreters were allowed in the meeting?

WTF? You expected the press to be invited in? Are you freaking nuts?
They didn't say press should be allowed in. Do you know how to read?
Trump could suck Putin's dick on live TV, and be lauded as GOD by his scarecrow following...~S~
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Even Russian citizens admit their elections are a fraud and designed to keep Putin in power.
But your Russian whore prez thanks you for carrying his water..

The elections are monitored.

Elections in Russia | OSCE
I’m not surprised you carry Putin’s water just like you carry our own dictator’s water

Russian election: a managed democracy is not a true democracy
Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...

I don't drink much.....

But when I do...

I still know you are a liar as I have proven before....
Don't post to me, you drunk old wife beater....

I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.

You are an ignorant lying Bigot....

You and yours are the embarrassment....
Not only have the left-tards become unhinged they are broken...


The left has nothing left except to incite violence... not one of those people have functioning brain cells. They all refuse to think things through and look at what facts they ACTUALLY HAVE!

This is nothing but a hate filled rage based on lies and emotions..
We have a national security emergency now and need a president to lead us The scumbag in our WH now is not the man
Brilliant conference. I was wondering how long it would take for the unAmerican dumbasses to start moaning. It has taken surprisingly long for them to carry out the usual temper tantrums, pussy fits and other demonstrations of Trump derangement.
What the fuck was brilliant? Can you even answer that?

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