Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Which is not to say, that was not Trump's finest hour.
Right, it was probably his worst, actually.

Well, when we have people like you constantly hoping to see him fail, any hour he walks on this earth is a failure on his part. Practically torture for you.

You'll understand if I don't take you seriously.
Thats nice.*pats templar's head

But that really was probably his worst moment as president.
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Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
All of our intelligence agencies:
“We’re totally certain Russia attacked our democracy in the 2016 election and in the process of doing it again.”

Traitorous president: I asked Putin if he meddled in our election and he firmly denied it.

That all he needed. To take the word of a former KGB agent over our American institutions.

Yet the DEPLORABLES think he’s a strong leader. Lol
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Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha
Which is not to say, that was not Trump's finest hour.
Right, it was probably his worst, actually.

Well, when we have people like you constantly hoping to see him fail, any hour he walks on this earth is a failure on his part. Practically torture for you.

You'll understand if I don't take you seriously.
Thats nice.*pats templar's head

But that really was probably his worst moment as president.

Oh? I thought it was his inauguration speech? For someone as extremely biased as you, I can only imagine how many other "worst moments" Trump has had since he became president.

Would it hurt for you to make up your mind?
The world is Laughing at you Butt Hurt liberals....
No, the world is laughing at Trump. He is literally the laughingstock of the world, with the Americans who support him coming in a close second place.

Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Which is not to say, that was not Trump's finest hour.
Right, it was probably his worst, actually.

Well, when we have people like you constantly hoping to see him fail, any hour he walks on this earth is a failure on his part. Practically torture for you.

You'll understand if I don't take you seriously.
Thats nice.*pats templar's head

But that really was probably his worst moment as president.

Oh? I thought it was his inauguration speech? For someone as extremely biased as you, I can only imagine how many other "worst moments" Trump has had since he became president.

Would it hurt for you to make up your mind?
That doesn't make sense. A man can do something bad, then do something worse, then do something worse than that. You are not making sense and should have a loved one screen you for stroke symptoms.
The world is Laughing at you Butt Hurt liberals....
No, the world is laughing at Trump. He is literally the laughingstock of the world, with the Americans who support him coming in a close second place.

Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...
We’ve seen that trump does not put America first. He puts himself first with EVERYTHING he does and says.

We’ve all seen countless times how fat boy will attack everyone in the world except Putin. It’s so obvious that Putin has something big on Raccoon Eyes.
If you see his body language on the stage with Putin and what he said, it’s beyond a scintilla of a doubt that Putin has the American President by the balls. You have to be deaf dumb and blind not to see it.

Even Trumpie Rick Santorum just said on Chris Cuomo’s show that “ Trump didn’t put America first. He put himself first. “
So Trump is 'treasonous' for refusing to defend the proven criminal Obama administration and his treasonous CIA, NIA, & FBI who conspired against him, plotted a post-election coup against him....who assisted Russia get Uranium One and TOP SECRET info off Hillary's illegal server....

Got it....
When our American traitor president returns home he’ll be greeted by many newspapers front pages like this one.
View attachment 205362
Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
So Trump is 'treasonous' for refusing to defend the proven criminal Obama administration and his treasonous CIA, NIA, & FBI who conspired against him, plotted a post-election coup against him....who assisted Russia get Uranium One and TOP SECRET info off Hillary's illegal server....

Got it....
How does Trump’s cock taste?
Hmmmmm hmmmmm good.
View attachment 205362
Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
Pussy Trump ran from London because he was afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting him.
What a snowflake. Yet you call him a “ strong leader” ROFLMAO
The world is Laughing at you Butt Hurt liberals....
No, the world is laughing at Trump. He is literally the laughingstock of the world, with the Americans who support him coming in a close second place.

Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...

I don't drink much.....

But when I do...

I still know you are a liar as I have proven before....
Big Trump supporter Newt Gingrich:
This is the low point of the Trump presidency.

Forum Trump whores: Obama, Hillary

View attachment 205362
Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
Pussy Trump ran from London because he was afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting him.
What a snowflake. Yet you call him a “ strong leader” ROFLMAO

You seem insane...

It's sad and funny all at the same time....
The world is Laughing at you Butt Hurt liberals....
No, the world is laughing at Trump. He is literally the laughingstock of the world, with the Americans who support him coming in a close second place.

Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...

I don't drink much.....

But when I do...

I still know you are a liar as I have proven before....
Don't post to me, you drunk old wife beater....

I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Forced To Choose Between Putin And His Own Government, Trump Picks Putin
Trump says that both countries are equally to blame for the tensions, rather than Russia’s invasion of Crimea or interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

Yet the Trump whores still insist he puts America first after clearly choosing Russia over America.

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