Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

The EU has half a billion population.

Russia has 144 million.

Why would you choose Russia over the EU?
View attachment 205362 Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
Pussy Trump ran from London because he was afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting him.
What a snowflake. Yet you call him a “ strong leader” ROFLMAO

You seem insane...

It's sad and funny all at the same time....
Yes it was sad and funny Trump was afraid to go to London where he’d be vilified for his many corrupt policies.
The snowflake president.
No, the world is laughing at Trump. He is literally the laughingstock of the world, with the Americans who support him coming in a close second place.

Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...

I don't drink much.....

But when I do...

I still know you are a liar as I have proven before....
Don't post to me, you drunk old wife beater....

I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

The EU has half a billion population.

Russia has 144 million.

Why would you choose Russia over the EU?
Is, Shia man more honest than Sunni man?
But they aren't, because we have to sanction them for invading other countries and hacking our institutions. Blame Putin ya goof.
That's rich, considering America sends its military around the world invading countries willy nilly. ... :cool:
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives. I guess the rest of the world recognizes the difference, even if one of mohammed's children doesn't.
Rave on you lying libtard….

You liberals are all making fools of yourselves...

You are extra good at making a fool of yourself...
Welp, looks like Crybaby Deno is all drunk again...

I don't drink much.....

But when I do...

I still know you are a liar as I have proven before....
Don't post to me, you drunk old wife beater....

I knew you would have something stupid to say....

Later liar....
Bye deno! Let us know if you ever see your dick again! :D

I kid...I like you, Deno. You remind me of my hillbilly Klan uncles.

But the stuff you say about liberals is embarrassing.
Deno’s IQ is 80 tops. He’s the quintessential Trump supporter that the Donald knew he could con and believe all of his lies.

Of which is now closing in on 4,000 documented lies since becoming president.
Trump admires Putin because he’s killed dozens of the press. He wishes he could do that.
He hates it when they call him out on all of his lies.
The president clearly sides with Putin. He is wrong. He is wrong on the facts, and most importantly, he is weak. This is cowardly.

Nicholas Burns, former U.S. ambassador to NATO under President George W. Bush
View attachment 205362
Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

You Butt Hurt liberals are a sick bunch no matter where you live....
The entire world outside of Russia sees Trump as Putin’s useful idiot and a total buffoon.
So instead of addressing the facts, you cry about “ butt hurt liberals.”
Ha ha ha

I'm not crying about it....

I am laughing at your ignorant pathetic asses

with your pussy hats and balloons....
Pussy Trump ran from London because he was afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting him.
What a snowflake. Yet you call him a “ strong leader” ROFLMAO

Trump is Kicking the living Shit out of all you libtards….

I'm good with that...
...invading other countries and hacking our institutions.

Are we still talking about Russia or OBAMA?

He illegally invaded Syria, helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over our ally Egypt, helped Am Qaeda take over Libya, tried to overthrow Netanyahu, tried to help ISIS take over Syria, tried to hack US state election processes, weaponized our Intel agencies and FBI and used them against Trump to try to control the outcome of the 2016 election...
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

The EU has half a billion population.

Russia has 144 million.

Why would you choose Russia over the EU?

Why not both? Why should one have to choose one over the other. Oh and btw countries in the EU still trade with Russia for crying out loud.
With coalitions of allies, too! Putin's only Allie are the people living under his dictatorship, fearing for their lives.
Russia is a democracy that holds free and fair elections. .... :cool:
Even Russian citizens admit their elections are a fraud and designed to keep Putin in power.
But your Russian whore prez thanks you for carrying his water..

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